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r-alzaabi99-10b-blog · 11 years
Article about reputation
Reputation of schools and universities are very important because you can see if they have high reputation about there education and activities provided.So as much as students liked a university or school in an educational way , the reputation of it will rise and it will be famous between people.One of the most famous universities in the world is the Harvard university , I think most of the students knows how good it is because they know that they graduate only well-educational students .Finally if you want to increase your reputation or something you own you have to introduce it in a good way so people can like it. This is the link of the article: http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/college-rankings-blog/2013/02/28/which-universities-are-ranked-highest-by-college-officials
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hblousi10b · 11 years
“You know, the courts may not be working any more, but as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done." MARGE SIMPSON, The Simpsons
I think this is the best quotes that Shows a good example about justice. It says that court may not see what you did so they can be fair with you or not as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else then when something happens the court can see the videotape and they can be fair with everyone.
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3abood10b · 11 years
“Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
This quote is true, because most people who are guilty deserves death but still they live and most people who die deserves life but still they die and still they don’t get justice!!!
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tarekalsati10b-blog · 11 years
Article about reputation
Owens can’t outrun his past By Bob Glauber and Bob Glauber,NEWSDAY | July 11, 2004 PHILADELPHIA - It is a few minutes after practice, and Terrell Owens is sitting on a black leather couch, telling a visitor why he thinks it’s too late to change his image as one of the NFL’s most controversial players. Speaking barely above a whisper, he seems nothing like the trash-talker he was labeled during his days with the San Francisco 49ers. Now with the Philadelphia Eagles after rejecting an offseason trade to the Ravens, he leans back on the couch in an office at their training complex and shakes his head. Reputation is a very important thing in our life if we don't make our reputation good the people will judge us on the things they see on is so they can't change there opinion till a long time and some people don't change there reputation so some people will think that they are bad and not good to talk with so every one should begin with a good reputation so everyone will likes him.
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istunnero10b · 11 years
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This quote shows exactly my point of view on justice. It shows that people could not have justice by looking from one side of the story rather by looking at from both sides. That's why we have lawyers to show the judge both sides of the story rayher than one side.
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fifa-star-10b · 11 years
The crucible pic....
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noxisblack10b · 11 years
Reputation article
"The Department of Veterans Affairs’s reputation for providing good health care can’t stand many more thrashings like the one it took at a congressional hearing this week. The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs met in Pittsburgh on Monday to hear testimony about problems with health care at agency facilities in that city and others." This article shows how good the health care's reputation is with the way of treating sick people.
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Article on Reputation
(Reuters) - Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere faced a dressing down from his manager on Friday with Arsene Wenger saying the player had damaged his reputation by being photographed smoking on a night out.
"When you are a football player, you are an example and ... you don't do what damages your health," the Frenchman told a news conference when asked about the newspaper picture.
"The fact that you can damage your health at all, you can smoke at home and you can drink at home where nobody sees it but when you go out socially you damage your reputation as an example as well."
Wilshere responded by posting a picture on his Twitter feed of France's 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000 winner Zinedine Zidane having a cigarette, adding: "But for the record.... I don't smoke!"
Wenger said he had not had a chance to speak to the England international yet but said he would be doing so as attitudes towards smoking had changed so much since his own playing days.
"I've travelled as a football player on coaches after games in France where you didn't see each other -- there was so much smoke on the coach, everybody smoked," he added.
"But times have changed ... English society is very sensitive to smoking ... so it's a bit more shocking here than it is somewhere else."
This article is about a famous football player who had rumours going around about him being caught smoking in public. The player's coach said that if he is smoking he is damaging his reputation as he is an example that everybody looks up to. Also these rumours are ruining the clubs high reputation of discipline. 
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mmm10b · 11 years
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” 
- Elie Wiesel
  This quote by Elie Wiesel tells us that we should never give up on justice even if sometimes it was hard for us to protest it, we should try.
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r-alzaabi99-10b-blog · 11 years
Justice quote
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King, Jr. I chose this quote because it tells us that if there is an injustice in a specific place then it may spread everywhere and it may cause damage and threaten to the justice around it.
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If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us. --FRANCIS BACON
I think that this quote describes my opinion on justice because , it shows us that if we do not pursue righteousness, we allow injustice onto others and thus we are not maintaining safety or balance in society. 
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tarekalsati10b-blog · 11 years
"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope" Winston Churchill I choose this quote because it shows that justice is about having equal rights like the other people.
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fifa-star-10b · 11 years
Armstrong lies and fails.....
Lance  Armstrong has coughed up the bronze he took home from the Sydney Games in 2000, returning the tainted medal to the U.S. Olympic  Committee days after a top Olympic official complained the disgraced cyclist  still had it.
“The IOC and the USOC had previously requested that the medal be returned,”  said USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky, confirming the organization had received  the medal. “The USOC has made arrangements to return the medal to the IOC.”
Stripped of his titles last year, Armstrong is a pariah in the global sports  world, and the coming months promise to be a rough ride for him; accustomed to  steering the narrative with both fists, he has lost his grip on the  handlebars.
In October comes the publication of “Wheelmen,” an investigative book  outlining the conspiracy Armstrong led to defraud his sport for more than a  decade. Then in November comes the theatrical release of a long-awaited  documentary by acclaimed director Alex Gibney entitled “The Armstrong Lie.”
Countering these unflattering portraits will be difficult for Armstrong, who  remains in a legal fetal position while plaintiffs try to claw back the millions he took from them under false pretenses, adamantly swearing that he  never doped during his Tour de France reign. Among those suing him is the  Justice Department.
Armstrong’s career was as legitimate as a Zimbabwe election. His dominance was an illusion  generated by banned drugs, secret blood transfusions and a brutal campaign to  silence and marginalize his enemies — anyone who knew the truth.
But Armstrong did receive one piece of good news this week. On Monday,  federal judge Morrison England all but dismissed a $5 million lawsuit against  Armstrong, his cronies and his publishers regarding a pair of best-selling books  Armstrong authored at the peak of his lucrative deceptions.
RICARDO MAZALAN/AP Lance Armstrong returns the bronze  medal won at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
The five people behind that complaint claimed that the books Armstrong wrote  with Washington Post columnist Sally Jenkins, “It’s Not About the Bike” and  “Every Second Counts,” misled buyers. In a 39-page memorandum and order, England  summarized the plaintiff’s suit as claiming that the books masqueraded as  “truthful works of nonfiction biography, when in fact these books were works of  fiction containing false and misleading statements.”
The judge’s order cloaks Armstrong in the protection of an important  California statute meant to protect defendants from lawsuits “aimed at chilling  expression through costly, time-consuming litigation.” This is ironic, given  that this was a favorite technique of Armstrong himself, who used courts at home and abroad to intimidate accusers. The most famous example was his effort to  suppress the English translation of the 2004 French book, “L.A. Confidentiel,”  which exposed some of his corruption. Its writers have been vindicated, and  Armstrong’s wallet got a little lighter from a settlement.
Many people in the cycling community are trying to clean up the Tour de  France, but the sport continues to suffer from the lack of moral leadership that  allowed Armstrong to prevail for so long. On Monday, the cycling site  Velonews.com published a fascinating document that suggests deep-seated  corruption within cycling’s international governing body, the UCI.
The president of the UCI, Pat McQuaid, denies the allegations that Velonews  outlined in the document. He and his predecessor, Hein Verbruggen, were ardent  supporters of Armstrong when he was cycling’s cash cow.
The Gibney film was shown a few days ago at the Toronto International Film  Festival, and a clip posted online shows Armstrong using an epithet for those who accuse him of doping. The film  got a rave review from one of its subjects, Betsy Andreu, who attended the  premiere and was one of the first witnesses to go public with accusations that  Armstrong doped.
“There were these audible gasps from the audience,” Andreu says. “People are  just aghast at his arrogance.”
There still remains a chance that Armstrong could one day come clean about  what cycling’s leaders knew about his doping, but he better hurry; by the time  all the books, films and lawsuits are finished, people might not want to hear  much more about the man.
——- Reputation is very important to people. For they look at your reputation before looking at you face or you words. You must have a good reputation to get supporters, friends, and even a good family. Reputation must be caressed if you wish to land on a good job with grace, or even n a good school. Reputation is your past, present and future.
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fifa-star-10b · 11 years
Justice quote
Justice  cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.
If we want the world to be fair, then all must be treated with justice and fairness. For even if you tried to be just to yourself, then injustice will reflect back to you as another makes injustice towards you. Justice is not a privilege but rather a right to all. We must treat it with care, and distribute it endlessly; to all.
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7amood-10b · 11 years
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My own cover of The Crucible
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