#01 ; a cavalcade of anger & fear.
spiritdreamt · 1 year
@angelsweeps said: ‘ i am being perfectly fucking civil. ’
"you're being an asshole." she looks up from her notebook, eyes about to spill over with frustrated tears. she's used to not having solitude in her room—it may be her sanctuary from her stepmother, but not from the dead—but most of the ghosts who flit in and out of her life are the quiet, caring sort. not connor. connor's... touchy. and she gets it; she's used to touchy people. he's not as bad as janice, though maybe that's just because she can't stand up to janice. she can stand up to him.
she shoves her pencil between the pages to hold her place and slams it down onto the bed, her jaw set. "i'd really appreciate it if you could cut me some slack, okay? because it's not my fault you're here, and i get enough shit from janice. i'm sure you heard how she was screaming her head off earlier."
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
@wildkissed said: ❛ you stepped on my foot! ❜
' SHHH ! ' the girl hisses, pressing her palm over his mouth as her heart thunders in her ear. with the other hand, she grabs his shoulder and corrals him further into the arcade. ' beep beep, richie— ' she keeps her voice as quiet as she can without going completely unheard as she comes to a stop in the corner by hangman, which she doesn't think she's ever seen anyone actually play. ' i'll make it up to you later, i promise, but bowers is out for my blood right now. ' percy'd taken a sharp left to avoid greta keene and instead run straight into bowers, a collision that had left her unscathed but him covered in chocolate ice cream.
she removes her hand from his mouth, turning on her best puppy-dog eyes. ' hang out with me until he's gone, please ? besides, if he can't find me, he'll probably decide you're the next-best thing, so-o . . . '
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
@jonbyers​ said: “Hey, tell me what’s wrong?”  
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         FROZEN AS SHE IS WITH TERROR, it takes percy a long moment to register that she’s being spoken to at all, and an even longer moment to tear her gaze away from the horror before her ( invisible to all eyes but her own ) and focus instead on jonathan. as she tries to will her lungs to fill with air, her mind still finds a moment to plague her with guilt: his brother’s missing, and he’s asking what’s wrong with you.   ‘ i’m, um— ’   she manages not to glance to her left, but even still she can see the source of her panic in her peripheral: barb. or rather, barb’s ghost, a far more gruesome sight than anything percy’s ever seen. every ghost she’s seen before hasn’t show the signs of their death, but barb’s covered in grime, her ribs splayed open. percy half-laughs, a high and almost hysterical sound.  ‘ you wouldn’t believe me if i told you. ’
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
@pagesfrayed​ said: [ SHARE ] sender, seeing that receiver is cold, wraps their jacket around them
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         WINTER IS BRUTAL; PERCY SHOULD really know this by now.  but this morning, her father had insisted it wouldn’t get below fifty degrees—and now it’s nearly down to thirty, the sky a flat gray which promises snow before the night is through.  she’s shivering as she tries to shove her key into the door of the falcon, but the lock is sticky at the best of times & it’s much worse when her hands are trembling from the chill.  ‘ s-sorry, ’  she says to helena, embarrassment & the wind working in tandem to color her cheeks pink as her teeth chatter.   ‘ guess i’ll n-never be able to be a surgeon huh ? ’
          she swears under her breath as the key slips over the lock again, but it dissolves into a surprised oh! when she feels a warm weight suddenly settle around her shoulders. with a glance away from her car, she understands: helena’s removed her jacket and wrapped it around percy, instead.  ‘ oh, but—now you’ll be cold ! ’
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
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         ‘ did you ,  um ,  did you need something ? ’  she looks up at him from her seat in the library ,  marking her place in her book with her finger.   ‘ like a pencil ?  or . . .  ’   she’s not sure why else steve would be here.  
@seazns​  liked for a starter
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
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             ‘ so . . .  that was easier than i expected. ’   especially since science has never been her strong subject.  she puts a finishing touch on their lab worksheet & tosses down her pencil.   ‘ what do we do now ?  just . . .  talk ? ’
@ourpaladin​  liked for a starter
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
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        ‘ hey ,  sorry—sorry to bother you, but do you, uh, d’you have a hair tie i can borrow ? ’   she holds up her own ,  which just snapped in half.   ‘ i’ve got home ec next period and mine... broke. ’
@cheerflayed​ liked for a starter
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
@ourpaladin​​ said: ' when did you realize you could see ghosts? ' after everything he'd been through, mike had no reason not to believe percy. and now that their friends, he imagined she wouldn't lie to him. sitting at the bleachers, mike watches football practice with little interest. he just wanted somewhere to sit, and happened to find percy lingering there, too. ' how'd you know you were crazy? '
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            ‘ I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY.  ’   she scuffs her foot along the gym floor, slow enough to not make a noise.  ‘ i mean ,  i was like ,  nine by the time i realized ?  it freaked me the fuck out. ’  she’d sat in her room for nights on end ,  paralyzed with fear. she hadn’t known what to do ; whether or not to tell anyone. in the end ,  she hadn’t—ever. not until she let the secret slip to mike in the biggest show of trust she’s ever granted another person.  ‘ the only thing that made me realize i wasn’t was ,  like ,  an encyclopedia of medicine i found in the library. i didn’t have any of the other symptoms of anything ,  so . . . ’   she shrugs.   ‘ they’re usually not too bad.  just . . .  sad.  lonely . ’
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
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         ‘ dude ,  i think i know what betty ripsom looks like , ’  she retorts ,  equally hushed—but heated.  she needs someone to believe her.  ‘ and i think we’d all know if she had some kinda fucking. . . identical twin running around. ’  she can’t get the sight out of her head: the blood. how scared betty had seemed. the way she hadn’t been able to stop crying ,  not even long enough to explain to percy what was going on.   ‘ and it wasn’t just her.  i’ve seen the others ,  too.  all of ‘em injured.  like ,  really injured.  too injured to still be . . . ’  voice drops even lower   ‘ alive. ’
@gazeboed​ // con’t from here
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spiritdreamt · 2 years
tag dump!
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