#001: π‡π„π“π€π‹πˆπ€ β—ž ✧ nos sumus una familia οΉ• βͺ β € β € in character β € β € ❫
frestoniia Β· 5 months
@seborga || x
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Craig gave Carlino as tight a hug as his smaller frame would allow. Of course, he wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't at least a little miffed at Carlino for suddenly disappearing like that. But more than anything, he was just happy he was back.
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" Hmmm, maybe. " the other's question provokes a somewhat wry response. " I'll think about it. "
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frestoniia Β· 4 months
Who would you consider your best friend? (ic)
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" My best friend...? " he taps his chin thoughtfully.
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" Fannar, probably. We haven't known each other a very long time, relatively speaking, but I feel like we just have a... Connection. As cheesy as that sounds. "
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frestoniia Β· 1 year
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' Ugh, my head is killing me... I need some ibuprofen. '
This was Craig's first thought when he woke up that morning, only to be met with a splitting headache. Now, this wasn't necessarily anything new to him, but this instance was especially uncomfortable. Of course, it was easy to chock it up to dehydration or humidity, or any number of potential causes. So he didn't think much of it at first.
Despite his headache, however, it didn't take long for him to notice something wasn't quite right. As he dragged himself out of bed, he found himself realizing something: this wasn't his bed. Nor was this his bedroom, or his house.
This was Fannar's place. He'd spent enough time here to recognize it immediately. But why was he here? He hadn't visited Fannar recently... Had he? Oh hell, he sure hoped he wasn't having any weird lapses in his memory. Arthur warned him that might happen. Quickly, he got up and headed into Fannar's bathroom, turning on the sink to splash some cold water in his face.
That's when he noticed something else. Looking at his hands, he couldn't help but notice that they were a lot... Paler than usual. Not that he had the rosiest complexion normally or anything, but they were ghost white. It was only then that his eyes travelled up to the mirror in front of him.
If there was any color in his face to begin with, it was completely gone now.
Not only was this not his bedroom, or his bathroom, or his house... This wasn't even his face. And when he yelled out in surprise, the voice that came out wasn't his either.
Not his face. Not his voice. Not his body.
This was all Fannar.
" Oh my god. Ohhhh my god, you're kidding me. There's no way. "
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frestoniia Β· 11 months
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned || accepting
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" Unconditional. "
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
β€œ Oh, would you look at that. It’s Father’s Day. ”
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β€œ Anyway-- ”
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
@islandiis​ || x
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Β  Β Truthfully, Craig didn’t intend to give Fannar such a fright. He wasn’t exactly the breaking-and-entering sort, normally. Part of his visit was just to make sure Fannar was still, you know, alive. Since he wasn’t answering any of his texts or calls. Knowing him, his phone had probably been dead for weeks, and he just never bothered charging it. Another thing to nag him about.Β 
Β  Β But whatever his original reasons for visiting were, they fell to the wayside rather quickly once MjΓ‘si came to greet him. It was easy to lose track of time when you’ve got a purring cat laying on your chest.Β 
β€œ I did send you a text. ” he replied, as he gave the cat some more loving chin scritches.Β β€œ And I called. Several times. Mostly I just wanted to stop by and make sure you weren’t murdered or something. ”
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β€œΒ I was worried about you. Jerk. ”
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frestoniia Β· 1 year
 ✘ get his ass Craig
Send me ✘ and my muse will tell you what they hate the most about yours || accepting
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" Hm, well... I guess there is one thing. "
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" I hate how you'll just... Disappear sometimes. Obviously, you're an adult, and you can do whatever you want, it's just... I worry about you, you know? When you drop off the face of the earth for weeks, months at a time, without a word, I just get so worried. I don't want to inhibit your freedom, but it's hard not to feel a little scared. Pushing people away like that isn't healthy. "
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
β€œ It baffles me how pigeons are seen as pests rather than pets. ”
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β€œ They’re not only the oldest domesticated bird, but they also come in hundreds of different breeds and colors, and they aren’t loud or destructive like parrots. They’re also super intelligent, and can be trained to do all sorts of things! The pigeons you see in cities are just like feral cats and dogs-- they were brought here and then abandoned. Be nice to pigeons. ”
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
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Craig is known for kindness to strangers, especially to mothers. This includes opening doors, secretly paying restaurant bills, helping with bags, etc.
He fears harming others with his emotions, and thus is self-repressive.
In his passions, he is very secretive; they are personal and pure, and he wants them to remain his own form of serenity.
He enjoys an incredibly diverse spectrum of musical artists and does not discriminate based on genre, style, etc
He smiles to hide his discomfort
He is grateful for friendship, kindness, and love, and he does all he can to express it.
He finds negativity, arguing, and animosity simply exhausting.
Bugs that bite-- be it mosquitoes or spiders-- inevitably find him; if there is a biting bug nearby, it will bite him.
He has zero heat tolerance.
He gets extremely seasick.
He simultaneously wears his heart on his sleeve and suppresses emotions.
He disconnects himself from modern topics (i.e. the world economy, world crises, international disputes, etc.) because they incite an intense anger and grief. He is no longer a part of this world.
He is a severe escapist though all means (i.e. books, music, games, etc).
His room is disorganized and cluttered, filled with strewn clothing, soda bottles, papers, blankets, books, movies, etc.
He has clandestine breakdowns.
He gnaws his nails to the quick. He also picks at dead skin and callouses.
He is incredibly ticklish.
He loves fairy lights.
He is intuitive and perceptive: when he sees, he knows.
Beyond anything else, he is emotionally exhausted.
He struggles to let go of people and events.
He has never experienced a time period where he believed he belonged.
He often feels he is β€œon the outside, looking in.”
He touches as though the world is made of thin sheets of glass.
Others rarely irritate him; he simply accepts every facet of others as an integral part to who they are.
He is filled with roiling emotions, but suppresses the majority.
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
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Craig never throws anything away. All things hold emotional value to him, and he often treasures what may seem tedious or useless to others.
He is deeply frustrated and distressed by his inability to cook because he believes that warm, delicious meals are a sign of love and care, and he yearns to give that love to people.
There exists an inexplicable, harrowing, and infuriating emptiness inside him because he cannot understand or control his existence.Β Years of internalized anger have transformed into depression.Β 
He never hesitates to stop in the streets and appreciate something, be it flowers or murals or a musician.
Nothing is more important to him than his family; there is no length he would not go to for them.
Craig enjoys tedious, physical activities such as sewing, practicing instruments, and woodworking.Β He finds solace in tasks that allow him to seclude himself.
He loves learning and often takes classes at local colleges. There, he is reclusive and quiet, escaping in studies.
He adores art and art history, classical literature, and architecture.
He is fascinated by topics such as chemistry, engineering, and astronomy because he finds them fascinating and interactive enough to engage his mind.
Craig has lived through much loss, family and friends alike. He feels much separation anxiety as a result, always fearing that loved ones will never return every time they depart.
Casual gestures of physical affection make him feel loved: tussling hair, shoulder pats, etc.
He is not a strong fighter, but he has grit. He can scrape his way through torture, nails breaking on rock and dirt to survive ( he might not win a war, but he would excel in apocalyptic survival ).
He feels his pain gently, something stirring inside him like a breeze, quiet and subtle. It is simply part of his life and he moves through it-- but that does not mean it doesn’t hurt or influence his actions.
In the face of real and severe danger, Craig can be stronger than even Scotland as his determination to protect loved ones is unmatched.
He can be rather vindictive under the right conditions.
He gravitates towards those with paternal instincts.Β 
His brother has damaged his self-confidence more than he will ever admit to himself.
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
JoΓ£o: No, I’m not joining your dance club. That’s stupid. Craig: :) JoΓ£o: .... Okay, maybe it’s not that stupid--
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
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β€œ Happy Pride to all the straight guys I kissed before I transitioned. ” 
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
β„’ omg...
Character Impressions || selectively accepting
Β  Β  Β Hm... This one might be a bit difficult, actually. Fannar was so mild-mannered, it was hard to think of what he could do an impression of. But he would try anyway!
Β  Β  Β First, he's gotta get into character-- and this means putting on a big lopapeysa that is almost definitely a few sizes too big for him. Which is really the only proper way to wear any kind of jumper, right? What's the point if it's not at least a little too big?
" Hm? Oh, the fridge is empty? I didn't even notice... Don't worry about it, I'll go shopping later. Are you comfortable? Here, sit down, you're probably tired after your trip. I'll make you some tea. Oh, and here's another lopapeysa I knitted for you. Please, take it, I have too many already. I can't stop. I have a problem. "
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frestoniia Β· 2 years
Character Impressions || selectively accepting
Β  Β  Β Oh boy. This was gonna be an interesting one for sure.
Β  Β  Β He picks up a water bottle and proceeds to take a nice, long sip of water first. His voice is gonna need all the help it can get for this one. Afterwards, he sets the bottle of water down and clears his throat. Then he takes a deep breath, and--
" KEHEHE! The awesome me has arrived! Hey hey Craig, look, it's your favorite person in the world-- No, not Spain! Me! Hey, you got any beer? I'm sooo thirsty, I might die. Again. Hey, who's in this picture? Are you seeing someone? NO HAND-HOLDING BEFORE MARRIAGE, BABYCHEN-- "
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frestoniia Β· 5 months
πŸ’‹ Mwah, mwah! (Mistletoe!)
Festive Scenarios || accepting
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" Hey, you. "
Craig gave a cheeky, yet warm smile. Knowing Eduard, his presence under the mistletoe likely wasn't a total coincidence. But Craig wasn't about to go and spoil the magic.
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" You didn't have to lure me under the mistletoe if you wanted a kiss, you know. " he says, before standing on the balls of his feet to close the gap between their lips. It's short and sweet-- and not just because of the lingering taste of eggnog.
" How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in Estonian? "
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frestoniia Β· 11 months
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned || accepting
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" Unit. "
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