#. ˚ ◞ ♡ THOR / A ballet of seduction and denial with no conclusion.
lamiaviridis · 4 months
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Similar to how Amora grew a disdainful jealousy towards humanity and Midgard as a whole because of her failed attempts to win Thor's heart and feeling she lost not only to Jane, but to the entirety of Midgard, as Thor swore an oath to be its sole protector, Amora carries a lot of jealousy and hatred towards the multiverse. Her love for Loki not only going unspoken, unnoticed, and interrupted by the TVA with their capturing of them and not allowing them to return to Asgard (back to her), learning that Loki sacrificed themself for the entirety of the multiverse and is now its sole protector just makes Amora feel as though she lost to the multiverse. In a very childish jealousy, spawned by centuries of being made to feel like she wasn't good enough by everyone but Loki, the only one who accepted her as she was, not for what she could be or how much of herself she could give, Amora greatly envies the multiverse and is determined to destroy Yggdrasil not only to free Loki, but to defeat her competition once and for all. She doesn't mind being the villain again in the name of love.
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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Amora can sense people's lust and love. She can amplify one's desires and attractions as well as one's heartbreak in a fight to gain an upper hand (i.e. casting an illusion of the enemy's subject of desire, changing her appearance to that of the enemy's lover, projecting her pain of heartbreak onto them to emotionally stun them, ect.).
In terms of using her own powers on herself, she will sometimes project all of her heartbreak onto a (well-deserving) enemy and either leave them to fall into a pit of depression or mercy kill them to put them out of their emotional turmoil, thus in a way getting rid of her own pain. She also can completely erase her ability to love if she stares at herself in a reflection and hypnotizes herself to forget about the subject of her heartache. Much like her kiss, this only works for about a week or less. She's done this on numerous occasions, normally when she feels herself falling in love too easily at the slightest bit of affection or attention.
This usually works, and it even worked with Thor when she started doing it more frequently, like a weekly cleansing. It almost never worked when it came to Loki, though. The week of her feeling nothing for them was over, and she was right back to feeling her love for them building up from an unknown crevice the next time they ran into each other. This is my personal headcanon as to why their on-and-off relationship has lasted for so long in the comics. (85 years to be exact)
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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