#. ˚ ◞ ♡ ENCHANTRICKS / If you hold me without hurting me you'd be the first who ever did.
lamiaviridis · 4 months
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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❛  Is this all we are ? A mere jest of fornication and bypassing our true feelings by dawn ?  ❜ 
❛  Oh ? The God of Mischief doesn't fancy a little game ? The best homes are the ones we can leave. Because we both know homes can be broken, Loki.  ❜ 
❛  And if I've found a home in you ?  ❜ 
❛  Now, who's jesting ? Broken foundation cannot suffice for shelter, and you know that.  ❜ 
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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Amora really loves to play with Loki's hair. She knows how they are with illusions, so she brushes her hands through their hair to make sure they're real and not just casting an illusion to try and ease her loneliness. It's also due to the fact that she needs to assure herself that this is real, that Loki's love is real, that them wanting her this close is real, that this closeness is real and that it's okay for her to feel safe in the moment. Plus she just really likes cuddling Loki when they're completely alone.
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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Amora can sense people's lust and love. She can amplify one's desires and attractions as well as one's heartbreak in a fight to gain an upper hand (i.e. casting an illusion of the enemy's subject of desire, changing her appearance to that of the enemy's lover, projecting her pain of heartbreak onto them to emotionally stun them, ect.).
In terms of using her own powers on herself, she will sometimes project all of her heartbreak onto a (well-deserving) enemy and either leave them to fall into a pit of depression or mercy kill them to put them out of their emotional turmoil, thus in a way getting rid of her own pain. She also can completely erase her ability to love if she stares at herself in a reflection and hypnotizes herself to forget about the subject of her heartache. Much like her kiss, this only works for about a week or less. She's done this on numerous occasions, normally when she feels herself falling in love too easily at the slightest bit of affection or attention.
This usually works, and it even worked with Thor when she started doing it more frequently, like a weekly cleansing. It almost never worked when it came to Loki, though. The week of her feeling nothing for them was over, and she was right back to feeling her love for them building up from an unknown crevice the next time they ran into each other. This is my personal headcanon as to why their on-and-off relationship has lasted for so long in the comics. (85 years to be exact)
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lamiaviridis · 4 months
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