#-that was like A Thing until someone called him that in the tags when rbing my artwork
lanshappycorner · 2 years
Convinced that some of u guys from t*st fandom live in another universe bc every now and then I will see some fandom PSA post on tmblr/twt/insta that will be like "Okay. I think we've gone a bit too far. We [insert situation that is not applicable anywhere else besides like one acc]." And I will be like WE?? WHO IS WE ....
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oceanmonsters · 3 years
I guess this is technically a callout post but none of this is new stuff, it’s stuff that’s already featured on my blog that I’m just collating together and explaining. I am not doing this to try and stir up drama or expose this person or bring them down or whatever. I’m just tired of myself and other poc getting told we’re overreacting or deluded or reaching when we call someone out on their shit and so I wanted to make an actual record of the reasons why I am against this person that I & others can can direct people to rather than having to repeatedly explain ourselves. If you read this and still decide that we’re wrong and overreacting then feel free to unfollow/block me.
@/ayeforscotland brands himself as a progressive left leaning “woke” person but fundamentally the thing he really cares about most is Scottish independence, and he weaponises progressive causes to support his own agenda. He has a long history of downplaying racism in Scotland and Scotland’s own imperialist history. He has somewhat changed after being called out for doing these things on several occasions but instead of recognising that he was wrong in the past and only changed his tune when people called him out, he lies and pretends that he never tried to whitewash Scotland at all even when there is obvious evidence to the contrary. (I don’t have more specific sources on his downplaying racism in Scotland/whitewashing it’s colonial history but poc on here have been talking about it for a while so if anyone has any links please lmk!)
While he reblogs antiracist posts and publicly denounces racism, he also seems to only care about racism when it furthers his own arguments. While I don’t have receipts for every single post, I’ve seen multiple occurrences of him trying to link racism to being pro-England/anti Scottish independence. As well as the previous post linked in which he he posted a video of white supremacists but made it all about how terrible the English are (while ignoring similar occurrences in Scotland) here is another example of the type of post I mean (warning for antiblackness) - making posts in the BLM tag literally trivialising racism and treating it as a joke to dunk on the unionists. It is really disgusting for a white person to be weaponising the racism of people who don’t agree with them to garner support for their own cause. While I think AFS may genuinely believe himself to be antiracist, he is clearly very performative and that he ultimately only truly cares about his main agenda of Scottish independence and is happy to use the experiences & suffering of English and Scottish POC as a tool to push his own agenda.
He is also incredibly disrespectful towards POC who call him out for the above. In this same thread linked earlier, he repeatedly tone polices after being called out (for purposefully inciting people to be racist on his posts/in his inbox so he can “expose them”, which is obviously disgusting in itself).
As well as the tone policing, in that thread he also gives a perfect example of being performative and not actually caring about racism: he basically expects that instead of calling him out when he does something wrong, we as poc should be expected to have a constructive chat with him and walk him through what he should and shouldn’t say. He says that he’s “happy to have a chat with [her] and learn about how [he] can improve in the future”. How gracious of him to be “happy to” have her to spend her time and energy walk-in him through how not to be racist in a perfectly friendly deferential way 🙄. He’s not willing to do any of the labour to actually learn or read about racism himself (if he was, he would know that inciting racists to spew hate speech and sharing it on his blog is not good allyship, and neither is expecting poc to personally educate you), he just expects poc to calmly educate him every time he messes up so he can learn not to do that same thing again, while never actually engaging with his own role in racism. My post here goes further into this topic. Furthermore, he has since blocked both me and @pakisstani for calling him out for his racism in all of the linked threads. Blocking the POC who repeatedly call you out for racism is really not a good look for a self-proclaimed ally.
AFS would no doubt profusely deny that he is a racist person. However, his actions and words in the threads linked WERE racist and until he takes responsibility for them and makes any effort to educate himself he has absolutely no business building up a platform marketing himself as progressive ally. If you’re a white person who still supports him after seeing all this then I don’t trust you any more than I trust him.
(+ bonus: this post isn’t racist but it is an ignorant and weird perspective, implying that people labelling themselves as from the UK/British because of the negative connotations are somehow shirking the blame of colonialism and responsible for enabling white supremacists to claim the label of English (completely ignoring the fact that there are plenty of poc living in England who do not want to claim the label for obvious reasons...). Maybe not particularly relevant to this post but I feel like it helps paint the picture as a whole.)
ETA: some things from others rbing this post, obviously I don’t have sources for these things but I have also seen similar occurrences and they fit into the attitude I’ve seen from AFS in the past (before he got called out and then pretended he never did those things).
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Adding some screenshots for posterity in case links go down (all screenshots are from posts linked here)
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