#-repeatedly promise that he'd ship it out and then not do it he told me 'umm the weather's not my fault. don't be annoyed. it'll be here-
carbonateddelusion · 4 months
I wanna curl up into a little ball and die
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Hello! I've been reading your headcanons as well as your other works and I honestly think they are amazing, it's obvious that you put a lot of thought into making 'em. In my exploration through your blog,
I've come across the anon ask that began the dad!Luffy headcanons. In that ask, they also mentioned Red Head pirate's reaction to having a younger member of their crew die and it got me thinking. What if their youngest member got gravely hurt and had a small chance of survival. Then it would seem they are getting better but then their condition would get even worse and in the end, they would pass away.
If you don't want to write about it that's ok! I just want you to know that I really enjoy your content : ] !
Y'all are so hungry for angst. I love it.
-Shanks does not handle death well. He covers it with his scars and a scary expression, but Shanks is a wreck behind clothes doors. So when one of his crew members gets badly wounded, he breaks.
-He was wracked with guilt. (Name) was barely older than he was when Rodger died. Shanks thought that losing his Captain was the worse thing he'd ever experienced, but when he saw the medic stitching (Name) back together, Shanks knew he was wrong.
-If he hadn't let (Name) on this ship, if he had just told them to go home, to find their folks, Shanks wouldn't have to see them barely conscious. He wouldn't have to know that look on Benn's face. A glimpse of despair for what's to come.
-Then, one day, when Shanks visited (Name), they were sitting up. They spoke and smiled even. Their face thinner than before and eye sunken in, but still (Name) looked better. Hope was on the horizon.
-Shanks teared up and took (Name)'s hand. He repeatedly apologized for putting them into a situation that would get them so badly hurt. They promised Shanks that it was okay, that they would be fine.
-"I'd do it again, Captain," (Name) said boldly, "I don't mind stepping into the line of fire for my family."
-Shanks told them not to be a moron. No one should be searching for pain but for pleasure and adventure. That's what it was all about, after all.
-Shanks left that visit feeling good. Feeling like (Name) had learned a valuable lesson and that they'd be back on the top deck causing mischief in no time.
-In his confidence, in his hope, Shanks forgot about infections. How they sweep through the body, grow like mold on the skin, and leach the life out of a person. Shanks soon finds out that youth, innocence, and kindness cannot ward off such a thing.
-(Name)'s health deteriorates quickly. Much quicker than the Captain had anticipated.
-Shanks was sick. He could not eat, he could not sleep, he could hardly breathe. Shanks sat in the sickbay for hours, watching (Name) breath. His foot tapping restlessly against the wooden floor. Shanks' heart stopped each time it took (Name)'s chest a moment too long to rise. At night, he wept.
-When the infection finally took (Name), the crew tried to keep Shanks from seeing them, but he did eventually get past into the med bay. He was quiet. Consumed by the all-encompassing guilt and fully taking responsibility for the death, Shanks could only stand there.
-Benn became the temporary standing Captain from that moment forward. He organized a ramshackle but well-meaning funeral for their crewmate.
-There was crying, anger, talks over revenge amongst the Red-Haired Pirates, but their Captain was quiet.
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