#*paris hilton vc* loves it !
fmdduri · 2 years
it’s the time of the year again where i get all sentimental! but, this one feels like a slightly bigger anniversary since it’s the four year anniversary of playing duri for 4 straight years! (though of course, there was the time before that where namjoon/duri were here four a short time from like july 2017 to june 2018 but that was my embarrassment era with duri so we don’t talk about those two.) which is honestly... kind of crazy to me?? but honestly? *paris hilton vc* loves it. i’ve truly just loved constantly getting on to write duri, to plot with duri, and to simply just talk to everyone here and there. like i kind of can’t believe how long it’s been, how far duri’s solo career has managed to come. as well as how duri’s career, especially his music career, has really shaped over these past four years. but also, all his friends and etcera that he’s has/had that also continues to grow with time. of course, special shoutout to beth for all of her hard work, as well as for constantly putting up with my questions with points claims, and sometimes my constant submitting my points claims,, the true mvp! beth you will always be famous!! seriously thank you to everyone for constantly plotting with me, threading with me, putting up with duri’s giggles/happiness/joyfulness/sunshineness/being way too nice all the time and the times where he’s just not having the best days too. here’s to another year of writing duri, him growing more, and everything else in between!
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 also for funsies because i told demi i was gonna do this and i don’t go back on my word!! here’s a duri quiz to see who knows duri best after four years x i’ll share results later if anyone actually does it for shits and giggles.
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durifmdarchived · 5 years
shared home video prompt ⏤ fmdsh.
date: first week of oct 2019. character(s) involved: n/a. about: duri shows off his home and answers questions for the prompt, he’s very excited about it. for refence, find the aesthetic of duri’s home here. trigger warnings: n/a; lots of giggling, but that’s duri. word count: 1,587.
Duri was a bit excited, to say the least. He was getting the opportunity to possibly get on a reality show; which seemed like it would be a lot of fun. Plus, wherever there was going to be a lot of people around, it was going to make him feel a bit better; especially since he kind of missed the hustle and bustle of the Knight dorm every now and then. This was hopefully going to help fill that little void, help him get over it. He turned on his phone, a soft smile upon his face as he held it out. “Hello! I’m Knight’s Duri!” he says, bowing towards the camera. “While I answer your questions, I’ve decided to give you a tour of my home!” he said, a small giggle leaving his lips. “The first question is do you currently live in a dorm, with your family, or in your own place? I live in my own place and have been since April of this year! It’s been a really big change since Knight lived in a dorm for seven years.” he explained. “Let’s head in!” he says, opening up the door. He took his shoes off, sliding the slippers on, and entering his apartment me. “As we walk in, you can see all the natural light that comes in. This is one of my favorite parts of the apartment! I also really like how big the space is and how open concept it is.” He turned a hallway there. “This is a hallway to some of the other rooms, but I’m going to show you the living room and kitchen first!” he said, turning away. 
He turned to an angle, showing off the living room first. “I actually spend a lot of time in the living room and kitchen, I really like them.” He said, a giggle leaving his lips. He sat down on the couch that wasn’t much of a couch, but something you can lay down on. “This piece of furniture is one of my favorites, just because you can really curl up here with a big, warm blanket,” he said, another giggle leaving his lips. “I also like the accented color of yellow in here, bouncing off all the cooler and darker colors. I love having darker colors with pops of colors, it just really looks nice! Yellow is also one of my favorite colors, which is why I choose yellow accent pieces. Plus, my favorite flower arrangement is sunflowers and roses, so it always goes really nice when I have those!” he explained, showing true passion in designing his space. “Should we answer the next question?” he said as he turned the phone back onto him, before looking upon what he needed to answer. “Ah, what do you think the biggest challenge of living in a house with several other ideas?” he read off. He thinks upon it, before he begins to speak. “I’m not really sure? I was so used to living with so many others in a dorm, so I don’t think it’s going to be that much of a challenge? I think it’s going to be a lot of fun, especially if you get to live with others that you haven’t lived with before! Maybe if you’re trying to rest and it’s loud? I’m not sure… possibly the dishes! But, I really enjoy cleaning, so it’ll probably always be clean,” he says, a soft laugh leaving his lips. Only Duri would find cleaning enjoyable. “Shall we move onto the kitchen?” he says, before making his way over. “I really like that the dining room is situated right next to the kitchen. I did that on purpose when I was putting everything together since you can bring the food right out and place it on the table! I really like having guests over, especially my family, and cooking for them!” he said, smiling a bit more at the thought. He took a step towards the kitchen, being sure to show off all it. “This is where all the magic of meals happen!” he giggles, head shaking just a bit. “I really, really love cooking and I learned when I was younger! So, whenever I get the chance, I always cook meals and I tend to cook too much,” he says, giggling once more. “I really like how everything is white in here and I choose a dark countertop on the island to really make it pop!” he said, going over the fridge. “I really like how it’s built into the rest of the cabinets and matches everything, it’s a really nice feature.” he opened it up, “Here’s a little sneak peek! I haven’t been able to shop yet, so there’s not much in here,” he says, closing it up. “Off we go!” he says, heading to the hallway. 
“Now, what is the hardest part of your current living situation?” he says, reading off the next question. As he made it to the first room, he thought about it, opening up the door. “I think it’s having all this space? I’m still getting used to having a space to myself, where everything is mine. I was really only used to having one side of the room that was all mine and I was always really careful? So, I guess it’s just getting comfortable with the fact that everything’s mine and I don’t have to ask if using something is okay,” he says, nodding a bit. “Here’s my guest room!” he says, turning the camera. “I designed to really be comfortable for anyone, so I really went with white stuff. But, my nephew and niece mainly use it, so that’s why my plushie collection is really big in here! They really like them,” he stated, panning the whole room, before moving onto the next. “This is the guest bathroom, I kept it really simple with these darker colors because i think it looks really nice as is! But, I made pops of colors with the green plants!” he says, before making his way to his office. “In here, I have my whole library! I really like reading books in my free time and I needed a place to keep them, so most of this room is just the bookshelves filled with books! After a while though, I tend to donate the books to schools, so I can make room for my new rooms! But, I tend to keep all my favorites!” he says, giggling softly. “Here’s my desk! I really like the fuzzy rug under the chair, but I do a lot of work here! I’ll edit my song lyrics here or answer emails, it’s a really nice space to focus!” he said before he gets to the final room. 
“Now, we’re going to see my bedroom, my bathroom, and my closet!” the boy said, before entering the room, showing off the clean, comfortable room. “I feel really comfortable in this room, I was sure to make everything just really cozy because I love a cozy safe to just relax in. It follows the same color as the rest of the apartment, giving a really nice flow! I did more pops of colors, but more calming colors for a bedroom space. As you can also see, I really like a lot of big blankets!” he laughed, softly, before going to fall upon the bed. “Ah, I really like my bed and having my bed nice to window is really nice… getting to see the stars shining at night and getting woken up by the sun leaking into the window in the morning… it’s such a warm feeling,” he said, smiling a bit more. He got up from the bed, entering the bathroom. “This is the same as the guest bathroom! It’s just a bit bigger and there’s a bathtub in here! I like lush bath bombs… especially after long schedules!” he explained, before heading out. 
“Finally, the walk-in closet! There’s a nice space to sit, or just lay your outfits out to see everything,” he said, a soft giggle. “I don’t think I have enough to fill up all the shelves or to hang on the shelves, but I was sure to make the spaces look nice!” he said, nodding his head. “I also sometimes like to lay on this fuzzy rug,” he said, another small giggle as he got down the lay on the floor. “Our last question! How was your current residence changed from a house to a home for you?” he reads. “Ah… that’s a hard one… it took a while to feel like home, to be quite honest. I wasn’t used to it, but as soon as I started putting in more of my own touches, putting everything in that I really liked… it started to feel like home to me. Having your own personal touch makes it feel a bit more… cozy? So, having comfort and stuff is really important to me! I hope that showed in this tour!” he says, giggling a bit. “I wish we could hang out a bit more, but I guess it’s time to go!” he said, getting up from the floor. He walked out into the entry-way. “Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed seeing my current residence! I have a lot of fun showing you! Bye-bye!” he said, waving to his phone and stopping the video. He sent it to his manager to send it off for his audition tape and everything was good to go.
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saetangfm · 3 years
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( twenty - one , cisfemale , she/her ) ✉ ― hey babes, have you met MALI SAETANG. they’re vacationing here, a few villas down from where you’re staying. you might hear LOTTERY BY KALI UCHIS playing from their villa, it’s their favourite song. yes, they hear that they look like LALISA MANOBAN alot, actually - it’s really uncanny. their friends back home in SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA say that if they were on a tv show, their trope would be THE DITZ , how funny is that? ✎ bunny, 18, she/they , est.
[ paris hilton’s vc ] “that’s hot !” hiii , my name is bunny !! i am a very chaotic person. hopefully all of my ideas for mali is coherent enough. i’m SO SO SO excited for this rp and for you all to meet mali. i am very forgetful due to my neurodivergency so if you ever send me a message to plot don’t be afraid to send it twice to remind me. OK OK , HERE IS MS. SAETANG <33
full name | mali saetang
age | twenty - one
birth date | december 24
zodiac | capricorn
father’s name | aran ( last name to be found )
mother’s name | chailai saetang
orientation | bisexual
label | the ditz
COMES from a long line musician and music moguls well at least on her mother’s side her mother is currently a music mogul , retired musician. her mother quite reminded her of cher. a very forward thinking and independent woman. didn’t need anyone to do anything for her. incredibly talented , beautiful , funny. the whole PACKAGE really. she looked up to her mother very much. her dad on the other hand was more of the scumbag more of the DIRTBAG type. he was a one time fling for her mom. a big scandal when it happened. such a famous woman like her mom sleeping with a nobody. he came and go when he pleased when she was growing up. one day , he just never showed back up. she still loved him regardless even though he showed little interest in her. no matter how hard she tried. she just wanted VALIDATION. craved it. this trend would follow her into adulthood. her mother treated her well though , she had a problem staying at her house busy with work and all. her mother always felt HORRIBLE and GUILTY for this so she gave her money , gifts , and vacations. anything to help her conscience but she always meant well because she loved mali. so mali spent her childhood rotating through nannies , craving the validation from her dad knowing she’ll never get it , and getting PITY gifts and money from her mom.
MALI took up singing as well but more as a hobby to her mother’s disappointment. mali just has a lot of doubts in her singing ability and just doesn’t know if she’ll ever live up to her mother. she’s much more of a typical SOCIALITE. lots of parties and hook ups rather than spending time being typically “productive”. her mother funds these habits out of guilt of her past behavior in mali’s childhood. her current life is just filled with her in the tabloids. MALI’S GONE WILD makes the headline like two times a week and don’t get me started on her dumb tweets that genuinely makes people question her intelligence on a daily.
TYPICALLY , mali is a pretty sweet person. always has her friends back regardless if their friends are in the wrong or not. she’s a little bit of a airhead. think of the DUMBEST quote you can and she has probably said it or tweeted it. she’s one of those people who just goes with whoever she has the most fun with. this gets her in a lot of trouble because the people she hangs out with can be the nastiest bitches girls on earth. tend gets her in a lot of drama. her SWEET and QUIRKY personality makes up for most of this though since she can really charming. she’s not a person who kicks people down to get her way but she will if she has too. can charm her way out of anything truly. just put a smile and twirl her hair. works every time.
bad  influence  . generally all of her friends are kind of bad influence on her but this one in particular is bad. always getting in trouble especially during parties. think of lindsey lohan and paris hilton when they were friends. just a whole mess , a lot of fun , and a ton of bad decisions.
best friends . a group of people she hangs around constantly. this group definitely has to be a lot of fun. doesn’t necessarily have to be the nicest group of people.
frenemies . party buddies or just a person she only hung out with a couple times who she honestly doesn’t really like. just hangs out with them for fun. talks badly behind their back.
flings . this could be multiple people. she kinda falls in “love” with people at parties a lot. maybe it’s the alcohol that brings it out but absolutely loves being loved or at least wanted. keeps them around for a couple and then breaks up them.
enemies . a lot people find her airhead socialite personality annoying.
| honestly just throw any other plots my way if you want !! <3
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chezzcs · 5 years
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╰☆╮ ( JADE THIRLWALL ) ─ ( CHERYL ALBRIGHT ) identifies as ( CISFEMALE ) and uses ( SHE/HER ) pronouns. they’re a ( FORMER REALITY TV STAR/SINGER ), and they’re only ( TWENTY-TWO ) ! they’re said to be ( +EBULLIENT ), but also ( - HISTRIONIC ). i guess that’s why they’re known as ( THE DISASTER ARTIST ) in the tabloids. ( katie, she/her, adt, 21).
[ THE BITCH IS BACK PLAYS LOUDLY IN THE DISTANCE ] listen... i missed this trash demon bich okay. if loud bitter gremlins from the geordie show are your thing, look no further.  tw for drugs, vague homophobia. 
vc: little mix,  tove lo + hayley kiyoko + betty who ( solo. )
INSP: the ladies of geordie + jersey shore ( esp. sammi n charlotte ), gina linetti, paris hilton. honestly any girl on reality tv in the early 2000s, sam sylvia (glow).
cheryl amber albright was born in newcastle, to a real estate developer and a failed model who had experienced brief fame starring in a few music videos. 
from the beginning, cher knew she was meant to be famous, or at least that’s what her mother told her – and she thoroughly enjoyed attention, so who was she to drive it away?
cher loved singing, and performing mini-concerts for anyone who would listen. when she was fourteen she made it to the top ten on the x-factor, but an unfortunate, grainy video in which she appeared to be blind-drunk with a few older contestants lost her the public favour she’d been enjoying.
it got her attention though- the next year she was releasing her first ep, which was met with acceptable success in europe and a small cult following across the pond. only one single really got north american radio play, and leave became what she assumed would be her one-hit wonder.
this success definitely inflated her head, and she spent the next couple years partying while her parents collected royalties and turned a blind eye to the obvious downward spiral their daughter was on.
the next ‘obvious’ step according to her label was forming a girl group, which she did willingly. cher didn’t have a lot of friends, and the mesh was instantaneous with her three new best friends.
when she was eighteen they were was approached by producers to be on a reality tv show to boost their popularity. it was insanely popular, mostly thanks to her overdramatic antics and ability to charm the shirt off of anyone’s back. one thing she didn’t particularly enjoy was the show’s representation of her bisexuality. it was especially painful due to the burgeoning relationship she thought was budding between her one of her bandmates.
for the majority of the two years she spent on the show they had a very gal pal-esque friendship with a lot of drunken hooking up that was very obviously not meant to be interpreted as platonic… until the other girl admitted the producers had been egging her on, that she was straight, and that she didn’t have the same feelings cher had. 
cher felt betrayed by… everyone who she had considered family. the producers edited it to make it look like the other girl was just telling her she didn’t have feelings for her after they hooked up and cher left in a strop, which once again lost her public favour, and had fans turning against her.
around this time, they took a break; in that span cher released some of her solo music, but they’ve recently reunited.
the next year of her life was a lot of drugs and a lot of writing. she doesn’t remember recording most of her second album, but habits propelled her to international success.
the group moved to la shortly afterwards, which cher was grateful for, desperate to be out of england. they only recently relocated to new york, to write her next album.
PERSONALITY WISE cher is ... incredibly dramatic. she doesn’t feel or do anything in half-measures, and has never calmed down once in her entire life, so don’t expect her to now.
really values loyalty and honesty above all else, especially since the disaster that was her publicly televised humiliation. she really doesn’t trust anyone except for a select handful of individuals, and very easily cuts people off.
big party girl. like, genuinely parties and stays high to try and escape the reality of her life and how isolated she’s ensured she has become by refusing to let people in,, but yikes we aren’t about admitting our feelings over here folks !!
has literally never been in a healthy relationship and it shOWS HUN !! 
POTENTIAL PLOTS INCLUDE one million exes (all crashed and burned, probably) including her BIG US HEARTBREAK EX, a partying squad, someone she’s adopted as a lil sis, fwb/hookup situations, HER GIRL GROUP (wc on the main), a couple ‘gal pals’ *insert eyes emoji*, a ride or die, some general pals, some ENEMIES, maybe a PR romance ??
 anyway as always u guys know i love plots so hit me up 100% !! or hit the like button n i’ll hit up your dms.
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nckjonas · 7 years
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for her. ( a playlist made for @tokengcths​ )
[ paris hilton vc ] it's no big secret that i'm in l*ve with alex & i made this playlist last december, been adding songs ever since and i think it's time for it to see the light?? this is literally the s*ftest thing i've ever done but i truly can't help but think about her whenever i listen to these songs. i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do and well .. alex, i love you forever m'bitch.
˗ˏˋ songs included ˎˊ˗
i. alex by girls ii. electric love by børns iii. it's you by robert schwartzman iv. blue by zayn v. can't stand it by never shout never vi. baby i'm yours by arctic monkeys vii. sweet dreams, tn by the last shadow puppets viii. candles by daughter ix. sleepwalk by santo & johnny x. let my baby stay by mac demarco xi. seaside by the kooks xii. rally by phoenix xiii. only you by mac demarco xiv. baby by ariel pink xv. weird honey by elvis depressedly xvi. darling by girls xvii. let me in by group love xviii. m'lover by kishi bashi xix. still together by mac demarco
˗ˏˋ listen on spotify • listen on dropbox ˎˊ˗
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chezzcs · 6 years
╰☆╮ ( JADE THIRLWALL ) ─ ( CHERYL ALBRIGHT ) identifies as ( CISFEMALE ) and uses ( SHE/HER ) pronouns. they’re a ( FORMER REALITY TV STAR/SINGER ), and they’re only ( TWENTY TWO ) ! they’re said to be ( +EBULLIENT ), but also ( - HISTRIONIC ). i guess that’s why they’re known as ( THE DISASTER ARTIST ) in the tabloids. ( katie, she/her, adt, 21).
(dj khaled vc) anotha one.
tw for drugs 
vc: jojo + tove lo + hayley kiyoko
INSP: the ladies of geordie + jersey shore (esp. sammi n charlotte), gina linetti, paris hilton. honestly any girl on reality tv in the early 2000s.
cheryl amber albright was born in newcastle, to a real estate developer and a failed model who had experienced brief fame starring in a few music videos. 
from the beginning, cher knew she was meant to be famous, or at least that’s what her mother told her -- and she thoroughly enjoyed attention, so who was she to drive it away?
cher loved singing, and performing mini-concerts for anyone who would listen. when she was fourteen she made it to the top ten on the x-factor, but an unfortunate, grainy video in which she appeared to be blind-drunk with a few older contestants lost her the public favour she’d been enjoying.
it got her attention though- the next year she was releasing her first ep, which was met with acceptable success in europe and a small cult following across the pond. only one single really got north american radio play, and leave became what she assumed would be her one-hit wonder.
this success definitely inflated her head, and she spent the next couple years partying while her parents collected royalties and turned a blind eye to the obvious downward spiral their daughter was on.
when she was eighteen she was approached by producers to be on a reality tv show *cough geordie shore*, mostly thanks to her overdramatic antics and ability to charm the shirt off of anyone’s back. one thing she didn’t particularly enjoy was the show’s representation of her bisexuality. it was especially painful due to the burgeoning relationship she thought was budding between her and another girl in the house.
for the majority of the two years she spent on the show they had a very gal pal-esque friendship with a lot of drunken hooking up that was very obviously not meant to be interpreted as platonic... until the other girl admitted the producers had been egging her on, that she was straight, and that she didn’t have the same feelings cher had. 
cher felt betrayed by... everyone who she had considered family for her time on the show, and she packed a suitcase that night and left the house. the producers edited it to make it look like the other girl was just telling her she didn’t have feelings for her after they hooked up and cher left in a strop, which once again lost her public favour.
the next year of her life was a lot of drugs and a lot of writing. she doesn’t remember recording most of her second album, but habits propelled her to international success in a way her debut album hadn’t.
she moved to la shortly afterwards, desperate to be out of england. she only recently relocated to new york, to write her next album.
PERSONALITY WISE cher is incredibly dramatic; she doesn’t feel or do anything in half-measures, and has never calmed down once in her entire life, so don’t expect her to now.
really values loyalty and honesty above all else, especially since the disaster that was her publicly televised humiliation. she really doesn’t trust anyone except for a select handful of individuals, and very easily cuts people off.
big party girl. like, genuinely parties and stays high to try and escape the reality of her life and how isolated she’s ensured she has become by refusing to let people in,, but yikes we aren’t about admitting our feelings over here folks !!
has literally never been in a healthy relationship and it shOWS HUN !! 
 anyway as always u guys know i love plots so hit me up 100% !! or hit the like button ni’ll hit up your dms.
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chezzcs · 5 years
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╰☆╮ ( JADE THIRLWALL ) ─ ( CHERYL ALBRIGHT ) identifies as ( CISFEMALE ) and uses ( SHE/HER ) pronouns. they’re a ( FORMER REALITY TV STAR/SINGER ), and they’re only ( TWENTY TWO ) ! they’re said to be ( +EBULLIENT ), but also ( - HISTRIONIC ). i guess that’s why they’re known as ( THE DISASTER ARTIST ) in the tabloids. ( katie, she/her, adt, 21).
can u spell... revamp? cher has felt rlly stale to me lately but i love my demon bitch damaged daughter so here we GO! tw for drugs
vc: little mix,  tove lo + hayley kiyoko + betty who ( solo. )
INSP: the ladies of geordie + jersey shore (esp. sammi n charlotte), gina linetti, paris hilton. honestly any girl on reality tv in the early 2000s, sam sylvia (glow).
cheryl amber albright was born in newcastle, to a real estate developer and a failed model who had experienced brief fame starring in a few music videos. 
from the beginning, cher knew she was meant to be famous, or at least that’s what her mother told her – and she thoroughly enjoyed attention, so who was she to drive it away?
cher loved singing, and performing mini-concerts for anyone who would listen. when she was fourteen she made it to the top ten on the x-factor, but an unfortunate, grainy video in which she appeared to be blind-drunk with a few older contestants lost her the public favour she’d been enjoying.
it got her attention though- the next year she was releasing her first ep, which was met with acceptable success in europe and a small cult following across the pond. only one single really got north american radio play, and leave became what she assumed would be her one-hit wonder.
this success definitely inflated her head, and she spent the next couple years partying while her parents collected royalties and turned a blind eye to the obvious downward spiral their daughter was on.
the next ‘obvious’ step according to her label was forming a girl group, which she did willingly. cher didn’t have a lot of friends, and the mesh was instantaneous with her three new best friends.
when she was eighteen they were was approached by producers to be on a reality tv show to boost their popularity. it was insanely popular, mostly thanks to her overdramatic antics and ability to charm the shirt off of anyone’s back. one thing she didn’t particularly enjoy was the show’s representation of her bisexuality. it was especially painful due to the burgeoning relationship she thought was budding between her one of her bandmates.
for the majority of the two years she spent on the show they had a very gal pal-esque friendship with a lot of drunken hooking up that was very obviously not meant to be interpreted as platonic… until the other girl admitted the producers had been egging her on, that she was straight, and that she didn’t have the same feelings cher had. 
cher felt betrayed by… everyone who she had considered family. the producers edited it to make it look like the other girl was just telling her she didn’t have feelings for her after they hooked up and cher left in a strop, which once again lost her public favour, and had fans turning against her.
around this time, they took a break; in that span cher released some of her solo music, but they’ve recently reunited.
the next year of her life was a lot of drugs and a lot of writing. she doesn’t remember recording most of her second album, but habits propelled her to international success.
the group moved to la shortly afterwards, which cher was grateful for, desperate to be out of england. they only recently relocated to new york, to write her next album.
PERSONALITY WISE cher is incredibly dramatic; she doesn’t feel or do anything in half-measures, and has never calmed down once in her entire life, so don’t expect her to now.
really values loyalty and honesty above all else, especially since the disaster that was her publicly televised humiliation. she really doesn’t trust anyone except for a select handful of individuals, and very easily cuts people off.
big party girl. like, genuinely parties and stays high to try and escape the reality of her life and how isolated she’s ensured she has become by refusing to let people in,, but yikes we aren’t about admitting our feelings over here folks !!
has literally never been in a healthy relationship and it shOWS HUN !! 
 anyway as always u guys know i love plots so hit me up 100% !! or hit the like button ni’ll hit up your dms.
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