#*it was controlling her?? idk i havent read it in forever
blyszczopies · 4 months
one thing i miss the most about old deviantart that also no longer exists elsewhere is how you had a special tab where all your notifications (new drawings and journals etc posted by the people you watch, all the comments and favs you received, etc) would show up and you had complete control over it. if you didnt want something saved you could just delete the notification. if theres something you would want to keep forever all you had to do is not delete it. also everything was put together into categories, so if you wanted to only look at new deviantions you could do that. you could read the new comments and not get everything else from your notifications marked as seen therefore irrelevant. like just the fact you could come back to stuff without it getting buried under all the new notifications.
everything has feeds now that you can scroll through endlessly. where also all the new posts bury the older ones. if you see a long post from a mutual but you dont have the time to read that cause youre gonna miss your train if you do. sorry mate i dont think i will ever gat the chance to read that. so happy for you. or sorry that happened.
also all the nice tags i got under my drawings. or like just any tags i enjoyed reading but i did not reblog the same post again just to prev tag it. buried under all other notifications forever.
like even post-eclipse deviantart notifications tab sucks. i had so many deviantions that i havent seen, because i wasnt as active on dA anymore. but i would come back to them. except all the notifications older than a year get wiped out. for some fucking reason. i had several commens saved in a special, separate folder, because they were very important to me. i dont think i can still view them
idk man i just want her back
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under read more because of how long it is. but like do you guys get it .
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