#*For the lack of a better canon explanation and Meech actually not being allowed to really know*
demetrius-haggarty · 6 months
The lion, brave and might,
What is it that he sees,
When walking in the candle light,
Under the beautiful Christmas trees?
I am... sorry, what?
*Meech has to read the poem twice, thrown aback by the format. Somebody spent time writing poetry? For him? About... Christmas presents?*
We all know that it's the family members and sometimes friends that lay gifts under a Christmas tree. Uh, not lay, why did I say lay, you're not ducks or chickens...
*He groans and frowns.*
You get the idea. I don't have many friends and my family is rather small. Perhaps my parent will come visit but the kind of jobs they have are especially difficult this time of year. So if there's anything I'd wish to see under a tree this year, it'll be something practical. New robes, socks, sweater, shirt... Writing supplies, I am so short on parchment and ink... Listen. I don't even have a wand of my own, this one was just given to me by... er, my great aunt.
I don't have much. But I also do not need much. Do not worry about it.
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