#*( mostly just write him for my Rom 👀
dogtccth · 23 days
me: tomas lemarquis would make a good Zsasz
Also I know I write BoP Vic but HONESTLY I like the one in Gotham better 👀 bless Anthony Carrigan he was just more fun. I feel like BoP Zsasz is more creepy, stoic, lurker, weirdo. Which works for his role there ig. Maybe he just needed more scenes.
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Hiii 💚 Congrats on 2k followers! You write so well and have amazing ideas. Plus you’re so kind and fun to interact with. Very well deserved! 
I’d love to join your 1.5k celebration please.
Can I request for a romantic pair with the Slytherin boys? Enzo is my fave but I’m curious if you think I’d pair better with someone else 👀 I love a good enemies to lovers trope, but will leave that up to you.
Also curious about PJO and ATLA but no need if it’s going to be too long. I’m mostly interested in HP.
Here’s some info about me:
✿ I have 1 black cat who’s super clingy and sweet but he meows a lot when he wants something and always looks confused. He’s a rescue.
✿ I love flowers, my friends always tell me they remember me when they see something floral. I generally love being in nature and go for regular walks outdoors.
✿ Generally cheerful, calm, and positive. I’m introverted at first but outgoing with friends and tend to be the therapist in the group. People feel comfortable sharing things and asking for advice, knowing I won’t judge them.
✿ I love reading, writing, journaling. My fave genres for books are murder mysteries, rom coms, fantasy, bit of sci fi. Mostly fiction.
✿ I enjoy studying and got good grades but was also a student leader in one of the organizations at my university. So I’d say pretty well rounded? Refined my academic skills and practical experience.
Thank you 💚 Hope you have a great day!
hey sweet girl, thank you so much 💕you're getting all three of course💕
Harry Potter; Romantic Match-Up: Lorenzo Berkshire
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enzo and you clicked almost immediately, bonding over your shared love for nature and your quirky personalities. your black cat, with his constant meowing and perpetually confused expression, quickly became enzo’s excuse to be near you, with him covering up his crush on you by telling you he just wants to hang out with your cat.
enzo loved surprising you with bouquets of your favorite flowers, knowing that they never failed to bring a smile to your face. he'd often show up at your dorm with a bunch of wildflowers he'd picked during his runs, just to see the joy light up your eyes.
despite your generally cheerful demeanor, there were times when you needed a shoulder to lean on, and enzo was always there for you. he'd listen patiently as you poured out your heart, offering sage advice and terrible jokes in equal measure to lift your spirits.
your shared love for reading and writing infected him, leading to many late-night conversations, as you discussed your favorite books and exchanged stories and ideas. enzo loved hearing your thoughts on different genres and authors, often finding himself inspired by your passion and creativity.
as your friendship deepened, you discovered all sorts of quirks about each other, from enzo's love for cheesy romantic comedies to your obsession with solving murder mysteries. you'd spend hours binge-watching movies together, laughing at the ridiculous plotlines and trading theories about who the killer was.
as your bond with enzo grew stronger, you began to notice little signs of his crush on you, despite his attempts to play it cool. he'd find any excuse to spend time with you, whether it was helping you study or joining you on your nature walks, all while still insisting that he was just there for your cat.
Song: Ho Hey by The Lumineers
Avatar The Last Airbender; Romantic Match-Up: Zuko
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you and zuko were destined to clash from the moment you first crossed paths in the Earth kingdom. your cheerful and positive demeanor stood in stark contrast to zuko's brooding and intense personality, making you natural adversaries in the ongoing conflict between the fire Nation and the avatar.
despite your initial animosity towards each other, fate seemed to constantly throw you together on your journey to help aang. your encounters were filled with heated arguments and tense standoffs, as you both stubbornly clung to your beliefs and loyalties.
however, amidst the chaos of the war, you found moments of quiet understanding and shared vulnerability. zuko's troubled past and inner turmoil mirrored your own struggles, creating an unexpected bond between you that neither of you could fully understand.
as you journeyed together alongside the avatar and his friends, after he joined your group, facing danger and adversity at every turn, you began to see zuko in a new light. beneath his tough exterior, you glimpsed a flicker of warmth and compassion that drew you to him despite your better judgment.
with each shared hardship and triumph, the barriers between you began to crumble, revealing layers of complexity and depth beneath the surface. you couldn't deny the growing admiration and respect you felt for him as he fought alongside you with unwavering determination.
as the journey progressed, you found yourself gravitating towards him, drawn to his unwavering sense of honor and his commitment to redemption. his past mistakes and inner struggles resonated with your own, forging a connection between you that transcended the boundaries of friendship.
though you tried to resist the pull of your feelings, you couldn't deny the undeniable chemistry and tension that simmered between you. your heart softened towards him as you witnessed his gradual transformation from enemy to ally, finding solace in his presence amidst the chaos of war.
Song: Demons by Imagine Dragons
Percy Jackson And The Olympians; Romantic Match-Up: Grover Underwood
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you and grover have been friends since the day you first arrived at camp. you were immediately drawn to his tranquil demeanor. your shared love for nature formed an instant connection between you.
as cabin leader, you often sought out grover's advice on how to create a welcoming and harmonious environment for your fellow campers. he admired your dedication and leadership skills, always offering his support and guidance whenever you needed it.
despite the demands of your role, you always made sure you made time for him, finding solace in the peacefulness of the natural world. he became a confidant and a trusted friend, someone you could always rely on to lift your spirits and offer a listening ear.
your friendship with blossomed over the years, deepening with each passing summer. you shared laughter and stories amidst the blooming flowers, forging memories that would last a lifetime.
and as the years went by, you couldn't help but feel a growing warmth in your heart whenever you were around himr. with the beauty of nature as your backdrop and the support of your friends by your side, you began to realize that your feelings for Grover were more than just friendship.
at first, you brushed off those feelings, convincing yourself that it was just a deep appreciation for your friend. but as time went on, you couldn't deny the flutter in your stomach whenever he smiled at you or the way your heart skipped a beat when your hands accidentally brushed against each other.
Song: Count on Me by Bruno Mars
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brokenstrings · 2 years
Yooo! If it’s one of the ships you write for, could I request some Saiibo headcanons? Like, of their first dates, how they act after a while of going out,,, Just general, but mostly fluffy stuff, and no robophobia please! /hj
omg yeah ofc i can write for them! i love this ship :3 this is a robophobia free zone so don’t worry abt that too 😁👍
saiibo (shuichi x kiibo) general headcanons!
first date;
I feel like Kiibo asked out Shuichi at an attempt to just experiment with if he feels love or not and Shuichi was like “Shsbdhshdhdv yeah!!!”
Their first date would probably be something cheesy like a theater to see a rom com, Kiibo planned it just based off of what he knows from movies and stuff
Shuichi could tell how much Kiibo was enjoying himsel, (he was like super into the movie) and held Kiibo’s hand without Kiibo realizing
Poor Kiibo realized it and started blushing and freaking out which made Shuichi start worrying about him
Kiibo kind of yelled ”Oh my gosh, uhm, Shuichi your hand!!”
Because of how loud it was, Shuichi said almost louder, “Oh! You don’t want me to hold your hand?”
”No uh, I do? It just made me… Really flustered.”
Kiibo pulled up his little neck piece to cover the bottom half of his face and turned away from Shuichi who was blushing as well, but he was proud of himself
Once the movie was done, Kiibo was rambling on about it as him and Shuichi walked out of the theater hand in hand.
First time they cuddled, Shuichi after about a month of them dating
”Hey Kiibo! We should try something kind of different, don’t worry it’s not bad!”
Once he explained it, Kiibo was flushed out of his mind and he was like- red to the point of concern
Kiibo agreed to it, he just wasn’t expecting to ever get this far to be honest. He grew very attached to Shuichi but he thought his feelings weren’t reciprocated
Shuichi was big spoon first time and is usually the big spoon, Kiibo does it sometimes but is usually super awkward about it
Kiibo was shaking and unable to describe the feeling in words but he was extremely happy with what they were doing
Shuichi had his arms around Kiibo and in front of Kiibo’s hips, they had their hands intertwined, Shuichi laid his head on Kiibo‘s shoulder and Kiibo leaned his head against Shuichi’s
This is pretty much how the cuddle all the time even if Kiibo is big spoon
some other headcanons;
Kiibo was surprisingly the first one to come up with a pet name and called Shuichi his bunny
I headcanon Kiibo really liked bunnies so thats the explanation for that one HSBDHSHD
Shuichi absolutely ADORES this nickname, in response he called Kiibo his rose and those nicknames stuck
Sometimes they’ll use things like sweetheart, darling, stuff like that but it’s usually those two
I know I said no robophobia but if Kokichi makes a remark that’s robophobic, he gets a reaction out of an offended Kiibo and a protective Shuichi
Kiibo yells ”That’s robophobic!” and Shuichi says “Kokichi, quit saying stuff like that!”
Protective and/or jealous Shuichi is literally the best /hj
He’s so like- pouty about it and he’ll just snuggle up to Kiibo to show the other person that ”oh hey that’s my bf and not yours”
Jealous Shuichi is someone Miu knows very well might I add 👀
hi this was super fun i didn’t expect to get this much out of this HAHAH tysm for the request <3 sorry if you had to wait for a while, i haven’t been online much!
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