#*❈ golly moses naturally we're punks!— ( ooc. )
dancefirst · 10 months
tags; general
*❈ i am drowning my dear in seas of fire — ( study. )
*❈ and i can go anywhere i want just not home — ( wishlist. )
*❈ golly moses naturally we're punks!— ( ooc. )
*❈ was failure borne inside my heart or dead the many years of waste?— ( headcanon. )
*❈ will you still love me when i got nothing but my aching soul?— ( aesthetic. )
*❈ happiness is a butterfly we should catch it while dancing— ( queue. )
*❈ my independence seems to vanish in the haze— ( starter call. )
*❈ the choice is mine. tomorrow's at my feet.— ( psa. )
*❈ you promised me that we could dance first— ( interaction. )
*❈ how lovely is the flower of anger; the red flower in my heart — ( self promotion. )
*❈ i just wanna dance with you— ( promotion. )
*❈ every day is a lullaby try to catch it like lightning— ( meme. )
*❈ red lipstick stains on pearly white teeth— ( visage. )
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