#*   current threads may include some details from this arc if plotted; future threads will vary as well depending on preference <3
revoide · 3 years
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                        A PLAYABLE ARC BASED ON CHARACTERS BY MARVEL COMICS                                             SEMI - EXCLUSIVE WITH @𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙱𝙸𝚃.
rather than a separate marvel verse,  this arc follows A CONTAINED STORYLINE that flows from charlotte’s current development and will have lasting impact her characterization after this arc ends.          simply put,  this marvel-based plot will not play out in an alternate universe;   i have directly embedded and blended the marvel canon into charlotte’s development for the duration of this arc.          however,  while i never revisit a portion of charlotte’s timeline once it has “passed” as her development has always happened in real time,  this arc will be the first exception to this rule.          with it having a definitive beginning and ending,  revisiting and maintaining plots locked into this storyline will be more manageable!          what follows are very brief summaries of the THREE CHAPTERS of this arc.          more information & drabbles will follow for arc expansion. . . 
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𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴.          after several months of working for a nameless criminal organization based in new york city,  charlotte has risen in the ranks to become one of the head lieutenants in the organization.          this organization aims to join in equal competition with the likes of other nyc syndicates such as those belonging to THE KINGPIN and HAMMERHEAD.          in the months following charlotte’s recruitment,  it seemed like they finally might be able to call themselves equal when suddenly,  the head of the organization is found dead in the backseat of his town car.          there is no obvious cause of death and the body inexplicably vanished from under police custody before an autopsy could be performed,  leaving the fate of this nameless criminal organization uncertain,  seemingly just another fallen young syndicate.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙾𝙽𝙴.          in the aftermath of their boss’ demise,  the members of the criminal organization feared for their future and safety,  knowing that they would be targeted by other gangs and syndicates;     they looked to their lieutenants for guidance,  but as expected,  a number of these lieutenants would balk against the chaos of being left without direction,  a plan,  protection,  and a leader while the threat of their enemies loomed over them.          CHARLOTTE,  ON THE OTHER HAND,  KNEW THIS CHAOS WELL.          while the rest of the organization suffocated on their fear and allowed the chaos to blind them like a wild fog,  charlotte quickly took control of the organization’s resources and insisted that the momentum they had built before the boss’ untimely death was more than enough to keep them going past this period of uncertainty.          AND SHE WAS RIGHT.          without asking,  but also without meeting much resistance,  charlotte stepped in as the head of the organization:     a newer,  much stranger,  much more dangerous crime boss than ever known before with a wickedness in her bones that bordered the unnatural.....
NOTE:     even once charlotte had become the head of the organization,  she did not make this information widely known either outside or even inside the organization.     most people believe that another one of the lieutenant,  a man named COLIN BRADY,  had won the title.
charlotte uses colin as a frontman and mouthpiece while continuing to pose as his lackey,  controlling and running the organization from the ground level among the others.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝚆𝙾.          as charlotte’s criminal organization rose in power and influence,  charlotte herself sought to expand her prospects and set her sights on OSCORP INDUSTRIES.        with a series of underhanded and manipulative tactics,  charlotte inserted herself into the social and business circles of new york’s science and innovation industry,  posing as a young,  up - and - coming,  and well - to - do business woman.          she was eventually introduced to HARRY OBSORN,  who she worked to grow close to and inevitably,  in the light of norman osborn’s death,  became his natural confidante over their shared concerns about oscorp’s future.          admittedly,  taking over oscorp took a lot more work than it had taking over the syndicate,  but charlotte had laid her plans out with a deep - reaching and patient precision that even the scientists at oscorp would appreciate if only they had any idea about what had transpired.          the company would experience strange incidents,  mysterious disappearances,  and several turnovers in staff and board members,  but this was all also expected following the passing of a CEO.          to some,  it was a shock to learn it would not be harry that would become the new ceo;   to others,  this was no surprise at all.          at this point,  charlotte olesen was hardly a stranger any longer around these parts,  and although she might still be somewhat strange,  so had been their previous president.
NOTE:     although charlotte’s presidency at oscorp began as a probationary title with the clear intention to eventually vacate the position once harry osborn felt more prepared to take up the mantle,  her new and creative approach to the work being done at oscorp lead to several early substantial successes that to some of those on the company’s board to suggest that her probationary period be shortened and even,  until time when mr.  harry obsorn proved himself similarly effective,  made permanent.
ADDITIONALLY,  it should be noted that charlotte continues to head her underground crime syndicate at the same time as she appears as oscorp’s newest ceo.
𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝚁𝙴𝙴.          despite her success as the new ceo at oscorp,  her winning of the title did not come with losses;     more specifically,  the losses of other people.          one such person was a head research and senior executive named ZACHARY JONES,  who had been vying for the same probationary CEO title charlotte won and was subsequently demoted to an admittedly insulting position in the analytics department as a result of her coming into power.          infuriated,  jones confronted charlotte during a board meeting and screamed that he would kill her,  resulting on his expulsion from the campus.          having worked at oscorp for over two decades,  however,  he was familiar enough with the building to sneak back in,  find charlotte working late in her office,  AND ATTACK HER WITH A STOLEN VIAL GOBLIN FORMULA.          given the uncontrolled conditions and the undiluted dose of the formula,  charlotte should have died and when she collapsed to the ground after a moment of agony,  jones thought she had died.          BUT CHARLOTTE IS NEVER WHAT SHE SEEMS,  IS SHE?          this,  zachary jones learned the hard way.          rather than kill her or corrupt her the way it did norman osborn,  the formula reacted unpredictably with the dark matter inside of charlotte,  wherein the dark matter destabilizing the formula to the point where it could harmlessly absorb it,  change it,  welcome it into the entropic,  chaotic system of charlotte’s being.
AND SO THE BLACK GOBLIN WAS CREATED OUT OF THE NOTHING.      waking with a scream,  the black goblin grabbed at the throat of the man attempting to drag her body away,  and behind the closed doors of charlotte’s office,  pummelled the man to a pulp,  SHRIEKING WITH LAUGHTER THE ENTIRE TIME.          bloodied and half - crouching in the mess of flesh and bone,  the black goblin laughed herself back to sleep.          her new friend,  charlotte,  could deal with the mess in the morning....
NOTE:     it is important to know that this first awakening of the black goblin will be one of the very few times when the black goblin is in complete control of the vessel;     otherwise,  the dynamic between charlotte and the goblin is marked with a high level of communication,  conflict over method as opposed to morality or goals,  and the balancing of charlotte’s work as the head of a criminal syndicate and the ceo of a company with the black goblin’s strong but general desire for mass destruction and the ceaseless tormenting of one,  FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD SPIDER - MAN.
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