#* character study: morrigan / MORE THAN THE MUNDANE.
warwaged-archive · 3 years
Growing up, Flemeth was the only person Morrigan really had contact with. Sporadically, I guess she would have interacted with Chasind and other people, when she ventured close to villages -- but it was not common for her to be with other people, and she was more often shapeshifting and walking amidst animals than people as a child.
Their relationship wasn’t good. In DAO, Morrigan does not realize that as much as she does later, honestly. She sees some of Flemeth’s harsh treatment as positive because it made her stronger. Survival and power were everything that mattered to her, because it was all she had ever learned to valued. She had never received a gift (that did not come with a price), and she was aware love had never been a part of her relationship with her mother (which she explicitly tells the warden she’s envious of them if they say they loved their mother). She learned to avoid closeness and vulnerability and that she is undeserving of love, things that you can see in her romance route. In the Fade, it is only after the spirit pretending to be Flemeth hits her that Morrigan says that is more like her mother, but it was already too late, showing that physical abuse was also something she suffered. There’s plenty to understand how bad it was, but Morrigan herself only half sees it that way back then.
When we see her again in Inquisition, she’s a lot less agreeable about the treatment she received from Flemeth, regardless of how their meeting happens. I find it particularly good when Kieran is involved though, because how she acts and what she says is very telling of how all she suffered from her own mother affects her relationship with motherhood, her choices in regards to her child, and her own feelings of worthiness.
From the start, it is clear that not being to Kieran how Flemeth was to her is the base of how she acts in regards to him. It shows that she realized that there wasn’t in fact anything good about being raised the way she was when it came to things she formerly considered made her stronger. She actively seeks to be kind and loving to her own child, because she never got that from her mother. Of course that is impacted by her love for him being sincere and very strong, but there is an active element to it all the same. She tries not to be like Flemeth. She doesn’t want to be like Flemeth, because she doesn’t want Kieran to go through the same things she did.
I’m certain there are things she passed on to him that she learned from Flemeth. She teaches him magic, and her values against the Circle were certainly shaped by her mother’s teachings, and this is something she passes on to Kieran also. Survival is important, and she would have taught him that too --- but it is not the only important thing. Her stance on knowledge and magic was shaped by Flemeth, and it impacts how she teaches Kieran to see those things too, in many ways.
Who she wants to be as a mother is inherently shaped by the example she had of a mother, be it to refuse to maintain the same pattern Flemeth used or in things she chooses to keep. What she lived through, for best or worse, is in great part responsible for how she acts.
In regards to her own feelings of worthiness as a mother, it is less about what she suffered not being continued towards her child, and more about how it shaped her views of herself. Like I’ve mentioned before, Morrigan did not see herself as worthy of love. And when it comes to how she sees herself as a mother, she doesn’t see herself as good enough, either, even though Kieran clearly loves her. This is specially true in any verse the Dark Ritual happened, because she does feel guilty about Kieran being born that way, and how it impacts him and makes him a target. 
But even without that, the fact she can’t really just give him a normal life and let him grow up in a nice place and not have to keep moving and never really just be in one place where he can make friends and stay with them is something she blames herself for, and something that influences her choice to go to Orlais, in regards to my version. It may not be ideal, but it is an opportunity to let him learn and interact with people and get to know and experience more than she, who was kept in the Wilds growing up, ever had the chance. 
Even though she may try her best, she still thinks her child deserved better, and that her best simply isn’t good enough. And that is rooted in her feelings in regard to herself, and how for all her apparent confidence and even arrogance, Morrigan may see herself as capable and smart and powerful, but she does not truly believe she is worthy of being loved after growing up in an environment that made her feel that way.
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
* tag drop: morrigan.
‣ muse { morrigan } —  ❝ WITCH. ❞ ‣ character study { morrigan } —  ❝ MORE THAN THE MUNDANE. ❞ ‣ isms { morrigan } —  ❝ BETTER HARDSHIP AND DANGER THAN SUBJUGATION. ❞ ‣ in character { morrigan } —  ❝ CALL IT MAGIC. ❞ ‣ aesthetic { morrigan } —  ❝ THE HOLY TASTE OF WITCHCRAFT. ❞ ‣ physique { morrigan } —  ❝ DEADLY NIGHTSHADE. ❞ ‣ dynamics { morrigan & flemeth } —  ❝ THE LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE IS OFT TIMES THIN AND TWISTED. ❞ ‣ dynamics { morrigan & kieran } —  ❝ SHE WANTED ONLY FOR HIM TO HAVE ALL SHE HAD BEEN DENIED. ❞ ‣ dynamics { morrigan & alistair } —  ❝ YOUR SELF AWARENESS DOES YOU CREDIT. ❞ ‣ dynamics { morrigan & cullen rutherford (shoresofacheron) } —  ❝ I’VE GOT A LOVER‚ A LOVE LIKE RELIGION. ❞
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Morrigan and dynamic of the others in the origins camp pLEASE. Asking for dynamic reasons when I make you that surprise Leliana starter
QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MUSES // always accepting.
you’re valid and also thank you for giving me the chance to talk about it ily mel
this will probably be so long rip
Contrary to popular opinion Alistair is not the one she likes the least. She pokes at him more than she tends to poke at the others, yes, but honestly this is more evidence that he really isn’t the worst of them in her opinion; the ones she really doesn’t like, she tries to keep away from entirely (and we’ll get to those). Alistair, like Leliana, is not really the sort of person she’d be really amenable to, not only because of their ties to the Chantry (and they weight heavily on her initial views of both of them) but because Morrigan is not sympathetic to most other people at all at first. She has a very ‘survival of the fittest’ mindset, that combined with her certainty she has to look out for herself and herself alone really brings her to clash with Alistair in that he’s a lot more compassionate and caring. On top of that, Alistair is suspicious of her from the beginning, and Morrigan doesn’t really appreciate having to deal with that; and that’s without mentioning that after so long living in the Wilds, Morrigan is prone to attacking as defense. They’re both pretty mean towards each other as a result, specially at first, and their interactions are often antagonistic. 
In spite of that, Morrigan and Alistair exchange lots of questions about each other’s previous lives and upbringings if only because they don’t care to be nice and are deliberately prodding even when subjects might be sensitive (still, it is a lot more than there is between her and some of the others, both in regards to her asking about them and in speaking of herself, even if she often avoids answering his questions). Given time, I do think Morrigan begins to see him in a friendlier light (which does not mean she is friendly, but rather that she’s not indifferent or that she hates him). By the time you go with Alistair to see Goldanna, for example, I personally take Morrigan’s answer to it to show that she actually cares a bit (she’s all like wtf Alistair you let her treat you like that?! you even helped her??? you know she won’t appreciate anything you do for her right???) because if she didn’t, Morrigan would very easily use a tone that was more that’s what you get for being an idiot who helps people, got what you deserved while her actual initial reaction is to be outraged because Alistair wanted to help someone who clearly didn’t value him or anything he might do. So yeah! tldr, in spite of how antagonistic they are towards each other, specially at first, and although she never entirely stops being mean to him, Morrigan grows to care for Alistair somewhat, in her way.
Leliana, like I said, is another one she begins being particularly unfriendly towards. Leliana’s introduction to their still small group is very tied to the Chantry and her belief the Maker set her on that path; and obviously, Morrigan is very much anti-Chantry and she doesn’t believe in the Maker at all, neither does she care for Andraste. Morrigan expects Chantry people to look down on her or consider her a threat or both; so her answer to that is to attack first. Leliana is pretty okay towards her on many of their conversations and Morrigan just cuts her off by being mean. Even beyond the Chantry relation, Leliana tells nice stories and try to talk about good things and look at things positively and Morrigan is not there for that (which sometimes is more of an emotional reaction than it seems, and which I think their conversation about mothers highlights in a nice way; she has no tales of nice things to share, and when she speaks of Flemeth and Leliana is like “oh... I see” Morrigan replies that she really doesn’t, which evidences Morrigan’s general treatment of Leliana at first and what causes that reaction: she doesn’t think Leliana can even understand where she’s coming from at all, and she doesn’t think Leliana cares to even try because her thing is pretty stories and holy powers and moral superiority which are things that don’t agree with Morrigan at all).
 What she expects of Leliana at first is that she’ll act self-righteous and hypocritical; and she doesn’t really hold back from calling Leliana hypocritical when they all learn about Leliana’s past. That said, I think it would be from then on Morrigan would be less antagonistic towards her, or at least that she wouldn’t be so intent on simply cutting her off by being mean. Maybe it is because from then on she is able to see Leliana more like an actual person and less of a façade (because Morrigan does not believe the Chantry and its followers to be genuinely good and righteous as they would have others believe they are). Much like with Alistair, I also think they have one conversation that points at a much better relationship than where they started (the one about the dress! even though Morrigan is all aboslutely not!!! she never tries to cut Leliana off by being harsh and outright nasty as she is on other occasions). Towards her, rather than poking, Morrigan was initially very brusque towards, seeking to end conversations rather than provoking; but as she grows more amenable to Leliana, I can see that changing, and Morrigan getting to approach her and making questions of her own (as well as provoking her on occasion because she gotta be a little mean and poke a bit you know aksndkjsndf). Specially after they learn about Leliana being a bard, Morrigan tends to initiate conversations a lot more; she’s not exactly nice a lot of the time, but neither is she just trying to be purposefully mean to cut off conversations unless they turn to subjects she doesn’t care to discuss. 
Oghren can die she doesn’t care. Maybe she’ll even help. If they never meet again after DAO it won’t be enough time. It starts with her wanting him to stay away from her and it just never changes. She wants nothing to do with him ever thanks
Morrigan begins with not being friendly towards mostly everyone, really. Wynne is another case of when this doesn’t really change throughout their journey. They clash very fundamentally on their stances about mages, and Morrigan does not hold back from demeaning mages that defend the circle. Wynne’s attempts to “help” or “guide” or assume in any way a mentoring role towards her are promptly shut down because Morrigan doesn’t think she needs that (she’s very much capable of taking care of herself thank you very much), much less from someone who spent her whole life glad to be imprisoned in a tower. There is one moment in which they’re less antagonistic towards each other, which is by the end of their discussion about the Circle. It is the one time Morrigan starts that conversation, and the one she shows some willingness in talking about herself to Wynne, though she gives no details; and Wynne takes the opportunity to try to present her side of the argument in a different light. 
Even though Morrigan hears then, I don’t think she ever grew to be really friendly or to care for Wynne particularly. With them, the one moment that might show some sort of friendship-ness seems less like that to me, and more like Morrigan giving in to having someone older who did try to place herself in a position to offer guidance of sorts (if only because it’s such different guidance from that which Morrigan had before, and the particular topic they discuss is one that brings to surface some of Morrigan’s vulnerabilities, with their discussing her previous contacts with civilization, and how she ventured out on her own). In DAO Morrigan is still pretty young, and she has very very little experience with other people, and I think this is one of the moments where that just weighs a lot; she thinks she has to defend herself by arguing she was not always under other people’s protection, and she ends up being more open than usual because when it comes to her experience outside the Wilds, well, she doesn’t really have much experience at all and their conversation also suggests fear on her part where interacting with ‘the world of men’ is concerned. So it’s more one moment than a shift in their relationship in truth, I think.
She doesn’t trust Zevran, at first, but she doesn’t hate him. She’s not even particularly antagonistic towards him? Just suspicious with how he joins the group by attempting assassination and all asdkfnafn But she’s clearly very curious and makes lots of questions about the Crows. I think after enough time has passed it’s clear Zevran is not just waiting to kill them all, she’s pretty chill towards him. With time, he’d probably also be one of those she grew to care about somewhat, in her way. It’s just a lot easier for her to get along with people when they don’t seek a moral high ground (and she doesn’t presume they will, as with anyone tied to the Chantry), and with people that clearly had to deal with life in a way that she sees as more similar to her own experience. Also when people have similar stances in regards to freedom (which Zevran seems to have, given he tells her it is a fate worse than death to not choose who you serve) and generally speaking, value strength and don’t care as much to Do Things Because They Are Considered Right (specially when “right” is defined by very Andrastian views). So yeah! She’s mostly ok with Zev, as far as ok applies for DAO Morrigan.
Shale doesn’t like her, Morrigan more returns the sentiment than starts it. But in spite of that, I’d say she’s. Not okay, but not bad. Just there. Morrigan doesn’t care much either way. It’s by no means like Oghren, who she seriously despises; Morrigan doesn’t mind her presence, but neither does she welcome it. She’s pretty neutral about Shale.
Sten is fun because he works the opposite way of most of the others, in that she begins being a lot more friendly-ish towards him but that doesn’t necessarily get better with time, quite the contrary. I think she’d want to learn about the Qunari, and that regardless, she’s more prone to feel some sense of kinship towards those who are not Fereldan nor Andrastian. He has zero sense of humor and so she obviously finds it very amusing to provoke him; but at the same time, when it comes to more serious subjects, Morrigan objects heavily to his worldview (specially towards mages and women). I think the only reason why it never grows to be an actually antagonistic relationship is purely because they never really discuss that; for the most part it’s a very superficial relationship in the sense there’s no really getting to know each other, even given time, and it sort of just stays like that.
#oof it did get long#and I tried not to go too in depth for it to not get longer kajsndfkasndf#but yeah! that's the sense I get from her relationship with them from her part ofc#alistair leli and zev end up being the ones she's closer to consider friends in any way post dao#then shale and sten and wynne that aren't friends but are? long time travel acquaintances ig#and oghren who she'd rather pretend doesn't exist thanks she hates him#aiushdfiaushdfiausf#there's a lot of ranting in that reply sorry#also if you want anything more specific about leli 100% hmu any time#you know I'm always glad to talk about things#<3#copiesofme#* general: answered / DARK WINGS DARK WORDS.#* muse: morrigan / WITCH OF THE WILDS.#* character study: morrigan / MORE THAN THE MUNDANE.#* dynamics: morrigan & alistair / YOUR SELF AWARENESS DOES YOU CREDIT.#gotta make tags for all the other dynamics sometime aksdnfkajsndfjkasnf#but also in regards to in camp stuff specifically which I realize I didn't address#it's mostly a reflection of that#except when in camp she does tend to keep to herself a lot of time and stay quiet in her corner away from everyone else#and it'd be mostly rare that she seeks the company of the others#even so she'd be around when everyone is gathered around the fire or something#just you know a few steps away#bc she doesn't care to be there. clearly. of course she doesn't care to be included. nonsense.#aksjdnkajndf so yeah very much 'this is silly' judgmental way even though she's there when she could just go back to her own tent#bc while she doesn't acknowledge it there are nice things about being part of a group and she doesn't hate everyone nearly as much#as she tries to make it seem
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warwaged-archive · 3 years
hawke doesn’t? much mind the chantry? she’s not really a fan, but she believes the maker and andraste, even if she’s not one for prayer. even though she’s not a mage, a good bit of her life was spent worrying over her family being torn apart by it, so she was never really at ease with chantry as an institution; bethany mentions knowing all the templars in lothering, but honestly, with how much it seems their parents rely on hawke to look after the twins, I doubt helena wouldn’t also have them memorized and just be constantly aware in order to protect her sister. what I’m trying to say but am not succeeding is that even though she is not a mage herself, she’s been constantly worrying over the circle forcing her family apart and with protecting her sister that there’s just too much tension in regards to the chantry for her to be comfortable with structured religion, although she does believe the maker and andraste.
lyranna and velanna both believe (or believed, depending on verse) in the elven gods. lyranna was particularly devout to andruil, because the huntress was always the one she felt more drawn to, and that was only reaffirmed to her when she grew up to be a hunter too. her vallaslin is andruil’s; and she doesn’t have the knowledge of what the evanuris truly were, or any idea that the dalish got wrong, or that the tattoos were originally slave marks. in spite of that, if she did know about the vallaslin, her stance on it would be that it no longer matters what they originally were. her people have reclaimed them and assigned new meanings to them; and even if their gods were not what they thought they were, the values previously assigned to them can still be retained in their markings.
velanna is a different matter. she values actual history as much as she values stories, and I think learning the truth of it would hit her a lot harder (perhaps not even due to faith in itself, but because it means so much to her that her people be able to know their past and this just shows how much was lost or they got wrong). I don’t think she ever had a single god/goddess she felt particularly tied to; maybe because she grew up being trained to be next keeper and thus sought to know what there was to know about all of them. but not feeling particularly tied to one doesn’t necessarily means she didn’t felt particular kinship to any of them; and it would be fen’harel to her. in the dalish tales, he is regarded as an outcast, one of the creators but one very negatively regarded, branded a trickster and a betrayer who walked among both groups of gods (the creators and the forgotten ones) but didn’t truly belong with either. and odd as that may seem to the dalish, given they seem to regard him with a respect that comes from fear, young velanna, who was part of her clan without truly having a sense of belonging, likely would have felt closer to him than to the more popular members of the pantheon. 
but also it’s fun to note that lyra is a lot less amenable towards andrastianism than velanna. with all the elves suffered allegedly because of her, lyranna doesn’t really see andraste in a positive light. if someone’s beliefs are with her and the maker, good for them, she won’t complain or demean or act antagonistic towards them --- but if you try to preach to her about it she won’t take kindly to it (cassandra’s remark to lavellan in inquisition, asking if “there’s no room for one more god” when you tell her you follow the elven gods? lyranna would fight after hearing something like that ngl)
velanna, as demonstrated in the game itself, is really chill towards andraste. she thinks andraste was probably cool, it’s her followers who suck. vel doesn’t like the chantry, but it’s more because the way she sees it, it started with good intentions on andraste’s part but power corrupts and now here we are. 
morrigan doesn’t believe the maker, and if andraste existed she definitely doesn’t think she was holy. that said, ancient magister that supposedly originated the blights returning as an actual concrete enemy does put some things in perspective. still, she stands by “there is a logical explanation somewhere in that they probably tried to enter the fade physically, fucked up and fucked us all no god involved”. on the other side, with the elven gods I don’t think she would have doubted they existed, much like urthemiel’s soul still existed within the archdemon; so she does not believe in anything in a faith sort of way, but if it has ties to the arcane and ancient magic, she believes in their existence as ancient and powerful beings, if not gods. whatever doubts she had on that account ended with flemeth anyway, so even if it was a more abstract idea they once existed, now she knows some of them at least are still around.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
would it be motherhood that changed morrigan, or maybe also that for once, there was someone who loved her unconditionally? how easy did it come for her to love him? was it at first sight, or something she had to make an effort for?
PROMPTED ASKS // always accepting questions about the muses!
Motherhood definitely impacted her in ways that did change her, although less so in a “look how being a mother made her nicer” way and more in how it changed Morrigan’s views on some things due to what she experiences when she becomes a mother.
Morrigan is not someone who ever sought to have a family of her own, or to have children. Those are not the sort of wishes she had, and I doubt she ever considered what sort of mother she wished to be before she became one, because being a mother wasn’t what she’d have sought before at all. Even when she planned the ritual, it was never about motherhood and I don’t think she fully grasped that until later on, because she was so focused on the logical goal that was preserving magic by not letting the Archdemon’s soul be destroyed (or, alternatively, if Kieran was just a normal child and his conception is only relative to her romantic relationship with the Warden, it is not planned or something she wished for, so regardless of it I think she was never prepared to be a mother, and she never even stopped to reflect about what sort of mother she’d wish to be if that happened one day).  
So she only really deals with that when she is in fact pregnant, and it’s no longer looking out for herself alone, but also for this other life she is carrying. How easy it is for her to love him at first depends on how he was conceived; but it is easy either way. The main difference is that if Kieran was not conceived in the ritual, that implicates a romantic relationship and, regardless of how it ended, that Morrigan came to care for the Warden. In that scenario, I can’t see her not caring for Kieran a lot from the very start. Although not planned, and although motherhood is most certainly daunting to her, she loves him from the start. 
When it comes to Kieran being a result of the ritual, though, (and I refer to it as in: a ritual with a non-romanced Warden, be it a PC or Alistair) it’s a bit different because he was conceived purely as a means to an end, and like I said, I don’t think Morrigan ever really considered the emotional aspects of it, be it for herself or for her child or for his father. It was a logical decision with a clear goal in mind, and tbh I think it’d only stop being so by the time Kieran was born and she had to deal with how this is an actual real small person who needs her to survive and who is initially getting to know the whole world through her. Even then, I think it never takes a conscious effort for her to love him; it’s unexpected, but it happens naturally and quite quickly.
I think you are right in pointing out the unconditional love aspect, because Morrigan never really had that before, and it’s obviously something that impacts her deeply. In DAO, there is dialogue that suggests she was taught to not only to see love as a weakness, but also to believe herself undeserving of it. In spite of that, she says she envies the warden if they tell her they love their mother, and both if you romance or friendship her it becomes very clear that although she tries to keep herself at a distance because she sees vulnerability as a weakness, Morrigan does want to be loved. So honestly, to have someone who loves her like Kieran does? That values her and looks up to her? It means a lot to her and it is part of why she’s so much more emotionally open towards her son. In the end, both motherhood itself and the having someone who loves her unconditionally play their part in her relationship with Kieran and in turn how she grows to be less acerbic towards everyone in general (as does maturity, too; up to DAO, Morrigan had lived a mostly secluded life with a mother who was abusive to her, and she was still young and had little to no contact with other people prior to traveling with the Warden and the other companions).
And there are other ways in which motherhood changes her. I think a very relevant one is in how it causes her to reexamine her own relationship with her mother. Morrigan was obviously not blind to Flemeth lying, she is the one who tells you about Flemeth abusing her physically and emotionally. She explicitly says she did not love her mother, and that she would not care for her death (a lot earlier than when she actually learns about the grimoire and asks the PC to kill Flemeth for her). Although she acknowledges all that, Morrigan still justifies the treatment she received as that she deserved, and as something necessary to make her strong and ensure she’d learn what’s important and be able to survive. Even if there was no kindness or love, she thinks Flemeth did what was best; but when Morrigan herself becomes a mother, a lot of that changes, because she’s capable of seeing very clearly it was not in fact the best, nor was it necessary, and it definitely isn’t how she wishes to treat her son at all. She can teach Kieran what is important without humiliating him or hurting his feelings or making feel lesser; she doesn’t need to hurt him at all to make him know what matters, or to help him grow into someone strong and independent. 
So at the same time it causes her to see Flemeth’s treatment for what it was, which leads to a conscious choice to never be to him what her mother was to her, it also leads to Morrigan herself learning to see some things differently. Strength is important, as is independence, but that does not mean you must keep everyone at a distance. Her love for her son may make her vulnerable, but her drive to protect him makes her stronger. It doesn’t change her entirely, and she still believes in looking out for yourself (and those you love) first. But it does change her a lot in that with Kieran, Morrigan has experienced an entirely different sort of familial bond that she could scarcely even conceptualize before, and that of course impacts her beliefs up to then, as well as causes her to be more open and to an extent softer. Not only that, her drive to be better for him, and to be a good mother to him (even when she doesn’t believe she is), certainly demands a lot more maturity from her than she had back in DAO, and this also impacts how she interacts with other people. Of course, motherhood is not the only thing responsible for that, and there are other things about her that have changed with time and with Morrigan’s interactions with others, from the group in DAO to Orlesian court.
Motherhood is certainly very important in how she grows, though, both because of how becoming a mother changes many of her views, be it on family in itself, or on motherhood, or in regards to her relationship with Flemeth and her upbringing in the Wilds, or in a broader sense in regards to love and bonds in general; and it causes her to actively seek to change in that Morrigan makes a big effort to be better in order to be a good mother to Kieran.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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You see everything, and understand what must be done in order to forgo suffering, noticing the silence of others and people thought to be insignificant in the grander schemes. Nothing can escape your watchful eye. A powerful thing to be indeed, but omniscient does not mean omnipotent. Cassandra too saw a bloody future that her people refused to acknowledge, saw the red string of fate that tied her painful future with her inevitable death, but lacked the power to stop the burning fires of Troy. You are burdened with a great gift. Do not avert your gaze, do not look back, do not close your eyes. See it all, be the witness. Even if that’s all you can do.
TAGGED BY: @traevelyan​ thank you!
TAGGING: steal from me if you haven’t done it!
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
Olympian Aesthetics
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Laughter loving. Sweet smiles. Dressed in silk and satin. Flower in their hair. Sees the world as a runway. Unapologetically sexual. The sea washing their ankles. In love with love. Stirrer of passion. Cunning concealed by painted lips. Secret daggers. Doves. Revolution in their kiss. Delighting in the waves. Flirtatious winks. Strolling along the beach. Staring wistfully from a balcony. This is how to be a heartbreaker. Wants to be adored. Gets turned on by danger.
Glitz and glamour. Art galleries. Turning the volume up. Being made of gold. Neatly organized music sheets. Notebooks filled with poetry. Bathing in the sunlight. The powerful urge to create. Collecting vinyl records. Beautiful cover of Wonderwall. Playing multiple instruments. Tasting like sunshine. Healing touch. Speaking in prophecies. Smile mingled with wrath. Shunning lies. Sporting shades. Hanging out at music festivals with their friends. Sleeps naked. Arrow to the heart. Paint brushes. Probably has a Tinder account.
Armed for battle. Wants to raise a dog with their significant other. Soft spot for children. Gives piggyback rides. Scarred body. Blood on their hands and face. Willing to fight the world for the ones they love. Fights against injustice. Warm hugs. Well worn combat boots. Boxing gloves. Bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. Fist raised in protest. Ignites revolutions. Fear is a prison. More sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. Exhausted. Damaged goods. Force to be reckoned with. Red roses. Curses under their breath.
Keen sense of a hunter. Freckles like constellations on their skin. Piercing eyes. Disheveled braid. Moonlight peeking through the shadows. The calm of the forest at night. Lying on the grass and staring at the stars. Mother doe and her fawn. Protecting their kin. The moon shimmering on a still lake. Quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. Running with wolves. Bonding while circled around a campfire. Not being much of a people person. Arrow hitting a target. Popping egos. Patience on 3%. touches heaven and returns howling.
Discerning gaze. Unreadable face. Quiet museums. Owl perched on their finger. Armour that intimidates. Eye for architecture. Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of building houses. Studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. Big fan of logic. Loves brain teasers. Ancient buildings. Sweaters in neutrals and cool colours. Hair done up. Can kill you with their brain. Heads to the library often to research. Sharpened pencils. Abs that can cut steel. Stoic statues. Pottery classes.
Soil covered hands. Smile that can bloom flowers. Skin loved by the sun. Being the mom friend. Can lift you and your friends. Flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. Takes pride in their beautiful garden. Speaks to their plants. Leaves rustling in the wind. Stalks of wheat. Picking fruit. Greenhouses. Heart as strong as a mountain. Values simplicity. Daisies dotted across a collarbone. Curls crowned with flowers. Folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. Pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
Drunk shitposter. On their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second. Seductive smirks. Untamed curls. Rich fabrics on dark skin. Sleek furred panthers. Theatre masks. Stage productions. Receiving a standing ovation. Rose caught between their teeth. Being the baby of the bunch. Wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. Creeping vines. Inspiring loyalty. Grand opera houses. Masquerade balls. Rolls of film. Shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor. Pouring champagne into flutes. Lives for the applause.
The calloused hands of someone who knows labour. Sweaty brow. Flame burning in their eyes. Inventive mind. Broad shoulders. Steampunk goggles. Nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. Ashes. Striking a match. Blueprints for future projects. Fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades. Wrestles with bitterness. Work boots have seen better years. Wrinkled plaid shirts. Iron melted in blazing fire. Huge jackets. Crafting masterpieces. Greased stained overalls. Fascination with robotics. Pain is fuel. Stack of weaponry. Even their muscles have muscles.
Resting bitch face. Dressed to the nines. Cows grazing on a pasture. Cool rain. Loving and hating fiercely. Hand clutching a string of pearls. Large chandelier with glittering crystals. Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of killing off their Sims. Romance to realism. Pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. Files that under fuck it. Downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and Netflix. Like their selfie or you’re grounded. Knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. Dark eyes that penetrate your soul. Marble and gold.
Devil-may-care smile. Always up-to-date on the latest technology. Will steal your French fries. Does it for the vine. Shitposter. Puts googly eyes on everything. Meme hoarder. Long drives on the highway. Ma and pop diners. Spontaneous road trips. Folded maps. Fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. Shooting hoops on the basketball court. Chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. Goes jogging in the morning. Mixes Redbull with coffee. Menace on April Fool’s. Hoodies and sneakers.
Storm with skin. Colourful coral reefs. Waves crashing against the shore. Stroking the soft fur of a cat. Their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop. Tousled locks. Clothes smeared with paint. Owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. Leather jackets. Fondness for DIY projects. Handwriting that flows across the page. Nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. Velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. Mood as ever-changing as the sea. The roar of a motorcycle. Compass with a spinning arrow.
Thunder in their heart. Running on coffee. Flash of lightning. Unnatural charisma. Eloquence. Badass in a nice suit. Aficionado of history. Force of nature. Lenny face. Nightmare-filled nights. Proud arm around their lover’s waist. High- rise buildings. Planes soaring through a cloudless sky. technician on the piano. Maintains order. Strong handshake. Juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. Expensive watch.
Tagged by: I stole it from the dash, like a sneaky witch thief Tagging: steal it from me in turn
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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@hopewrought​ said:  ♕ — What does leading a ‘good’ life mean to your muse? Are they satisfied with the choices they make? -- velanna and morrigan!
❇ life philosophy headcanons. // accepting.
For the most part, I don’t think Morrigan ever had any sort of tangible idea of what a good life would be like. Her longing for something more was always there, but Flemeth tried to cut it off pretty early on in her life. The mirror incident is the perfect example, because it shows something Morrigan wished for as a child (something pretty, and rather significant of the more luxurious life she may have wished for back then), and her mother quite literally shattered it. Growing up, she learned to be more concerned about survival and just have the means to stay alive and as well as possible that I think she didn’t really stop to conceive an idea of ‘good life’ beyond that. Even if it happens (for example, with a romanced Warden and them living together and being happy for a time), and she clearly considers it good, if asked to define what a good life would be to her, she wouldn’t answer that I don’t think. More likely, Morrigan would define leading a good life as always doing your best and giving everything to what you feel is important, surviving and staying in a favorable, comfortable enough position.
As for the choices she has made, she does not regret them, mostly --- not in the sense of ‘would do things differently if she could’ at least. She does regret some of it (for example, she finds it regrettable to vanish and go on with her plans in regards to Kieran and her own survival if she befriended the Warden, but that does not mean she’d do it differently), still, and in very few, very particular cases, she actually has doubts about the path she’s followed. For the most part, though, Morrigan’s choices are based on what she believes is the best outcome to herself (which sometimes includes the world because well, she needs the world to be ok in order to go on about her life aksjndfkjasndf), and so far, even if she finds her actions regrettable in a way, the choices she’s made allowed her to survive and stay on top as intended, so she is mostly satisfied with them.
There is one choice she’d never be satisfied with, though, and that’s about the Dark Ritual. If it allowed her to achieve her intended outcome by preserving the Old God soul, she deeply regrets that Kieran was originally a means to an end because she sincerely genuinely loves her son. Hadn’t it happened, though, she’d find the loss of more of the ancient world deeply regrettable as well, so this is something regardless of which way it goes, she’ll never be entirely content with.
For Velanna, leading a good life similarly involves independence, freedom, and doing your best and giving everything to what you believe important, although what she thinks important is considerably different from what Morrigan would think is important. Velanna also didn’t really have an easy life, and even though she grew up in a Dalish clan, she was isolated by her peers because she lacked social skills. So survival is important, too, but to her there are more important things. I think like Morrigan, Velanna tends to see doing good as relative --- doing good, to her, is acting on behalf of her loved ones and of her people, even if it harms others, so leading a good life will never really be about doing good in a more traditional black and white sense.
Velanna regrets her actions to some extent, after she comes to understand not all humans are actually the same, but she would never regret taking action against the injustice her people was suffering, even with how much it ended up costing her. I don’t think she feels great about many of her choices, though; that she ended up exiled from her clan hurts, and most of all that the Keeper died before they could reconcile is something she’ll always feel terrible about. 
Some of her choices also led her to lose Seranni, though I think eventually Velanna would have seen it as a result of her sister’s own choices just as much as her own: she chose to get justice for her clan and it led to her exile, Seranni chose to follow her to convince her to go back; this led to them eventually being attacked, but Seranni chose to stay with the darkspawn and side with the Architect, even after being reasoned with. So to some extent she isn’t happy with her choices and how they played a part there, but she understands she isn’t to blame entirely. 
Last but not least, joining the Grey Wardens isn’t really a choice she’d be satisfied with once she understood all that comes with it, because at the time she became one she really didn’t (neither did she care, she cared only to be able to rescue her sister). It drove her away from things that were to her primary concerns (Dalish history, for example, and the finding and keeping lost lore) and even of other things she wanted, such as having a family. Then there’s the whole tainted forever, will die in a couple years, the Calling whatnot and she isn’t really a big fan. She really does her best and gives her everything to what she believes is important, but even then acting so has led her to choices she isn’t always satisfied with, and that often don’t have the intended outcome, so she ends up not being really satisfied with them in some ways.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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@raerns​ said: What was Morrigan and Kieran up to following DAO?
send me questions about my muses I wanna write headcanons!
Morrigan says for a while they were in places in between, like the Crossroads, and I assume so to be true for Kieran’s first few years. Not only had Morrigan had to deal with becoming a mother, Kieran wasn’t simply a child, but in what I default to, one with an Old God soul. While that did not make him all too visibly different from a normal kid, the circumstances are different, and it’s very clear to Morrigan his uniqueness also meant a unique destiny to which she ought to prepare him, on top of simply preparing him to survive with or without her, since she knew Flemeth would come after her again. Not only the places between the eluvians undoubtedly gave her access to much of the knowledge and power she sought in order to be able to protect herself and him, and also to teach and prepare Kieran for whatever is  to come, they were more importantly safe places where they were beyond Flemeth’s reach (or that of any other who wished to follow).
So for the first few years of Kieran’s life, they were not actually in Thedas. Instead, they traveled through the Eluvians, and how long they’d stay on a certain place depended on how suitable said place was, in light of what Morrigan sought and believed they needed, but also of their safety. Kieran would be taught everything he was supposed to learn, both as a little boy who had to learn how to walk and talk and read and write and manners, but the older he got, about other things too, magic and history and whatever else Morrigan saw fit to teach. They explored places untouched in centuries, and I believe Morrigan learned as much as he did, in part about the ancient elves but mostly about ancient magic, and arcane knowledge the world has forgotten or erased.
It wasn’t the best, but neither was it the worst, and what Morrigan would have regretted most would have been to keep him so secluded from everything, because that’s not what she’d have chosen to do at all if she had the luxury of choosing without worrying about their safety. Everything she could give her son surely had, even as they explored forgotten places, learning from them and with each other (because she learned from him also, and it had nothing to do with the OId God soul at all).
I doubt Morrigan believed to have seen all there was to see, and I think what drives her to leave the places between the Eluvians is a combination of not having the necessary keys to continue their exploring but also I think it was heavily because of Kieran, and what I said about how this wouldn’t have been her choice. Flemeth raised her isolated, and well, Morrigan surely can see how it allowed her things she may not be allowed otherwise, but it isn’t something she was glad for, and she would not do the same to Kieran. A lot of how she goes about raising him is in fact based on her not wanting to be to him the mother Flemeth was to her. As he grew older, that would become more of an issue (at least in her eyes; maybe it did not bother Kieran, specially since he would not have known anything different, but it is an issue to Morrigan), but also it would make it easier to hide in Thedas than had she been with a baby. As a young boy, he’s clearly very clever and well behaved enough, and far more capable to understand when she explains they ought to do something a certain way for their safety that’s what he has to do than a little child would have been.
When they return, they need a safe place to be, and Morrigan’s bet is hiding behind Celene. It’s not where people would have expected to find her, for several reasons, from her own preferences to the Orlesian court itself, so of course it is a great place for her to be if she doesn’t want to be found. Kieran would have the chance to grow up in a bustling environment instead of isolated, and the Empress’ protection was sure to be worth something, if only to ensure her Flemeth would not catch her by surprise.
In Orlais, they spent considerable more time apart, given Morrigan has to work her way through court and to Celene, then advise the Empress, and she would not endanger him by making it known he was her child. Morrigan suggests as much when the Inquisitor comments they did not know she had a son; she says most people would not know, and many in Orlais likely believed Kieran to be simply a well spoken lad, likely heir to some noble family.
It likely wasn’t as sudden a change as what I wrote may make it sound like, too. Lengthier separation would be gradual, as I see it being necessary for them both that it be so, and Kieran likely had some contact with other people to a smaller degree before they went to Orlais. When they’re there, it’s less, uh, adventurous in the ‘wandering through the eluvians and learning ancient magic’ way and more about more practical matters, I think. He gets to interact with people, and maybe studying with someone other than Morrigan sometimes, and to learn about Thedas too, while Morrigan herself would be of course doing her own thing as far as gathering knowledge goes, and endearing herself to Celene, working to keep her position and etc.
tldr: they do some exploring through the eluvians and learn about ancient forgotten stuff, get stronger, gather knowledge and so, and then they come back and go to court and cause a scandal bc the empress of orlais made an apostate witch of the wilds an advisor and kieran gets to live around people and in civilization proper aksjndfkjfd
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
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Morrigan does not hate her mother as much as she would lead others to believe, specially not before she has read Flemeth’s grimoire. She never loved her mother either, even if her feelings are more complicate than mere hate. Most of her life was lonely and secluded, spent at the Korcari Wilds with Flemeth as her sole companion — and while Morrigan claims she has left at times, she always returned because growing up like that made it difficult for her to fit in “civilization”, all by herself without knowing where to start (I say this because later she goes to Orlais, but it’s important to notice that this only happens after she’s left the Wilds and learned about Flemeth’s grimoire, as well as spent time closer to other people and cities, having a chance to learn in a more sheltered way before settling for a palace instead of a forest). Her mother raised her alone, and taught her most of what she knows (up to the beginning of the first game) both about magic itself and about the world. Morrigan knows the Wilds as the back of her hand, has “smelled it as a wolf, seen it with the eyes of a cat”, but when it comes to cities and people, she had very little firsthand experience.
In one conversation with Leliana in DA:O, they talk about their mothers telling stories, and Morrigan says “My mother’s stories curdled my blood and haunted my dreams. No little girl wants to hear about the Wilder men her mother took to her bed, using them till they were spent, then killing them. No little girl wants to be told that this is also expected of her, once she comes of age.” Flemeth wasn’t a good mother. At the same time she sheltered Morrigan from the world, there wasn’t so much love and protection in why she did it, and her ways of living certainly took much of Morrigan’s childhood and have greatly shaped her manners and views of the world (the cynicism she displays towards most things, her overall distrust of people, even her reverence to magic and desire to preserve the arcane).
That said, it’s necessary to consider Flemeth was, for a long time, the only person Morrigan really knew and trusted. Yes, maybe she never quite loved her mother, but she still trusted her for a long time, and considering how she was the only relationship Morrigan had as a young girl, even if there wasn’t love, surely there was some sort of fondness, even if twisted.
After finding the Grimoire, everything is made worse with the knowledge her mother only intended to use her body to prolong her life (and in Morrigan’s mind, it would make all sense this was why Flemeth would have raised her like that, in almost isolation). At this point, her feelings lean much more towards hate than before. Even so, to simply say she hates her mother is still oversimplifying it.
What I mean to say is that Morrigan’s feelings towards Flemeth are, in fact, very grey, spiced with bitterness and resent once she learns that her mother lives forever by possessing her daughter’s bodies, but watered down with uncertainty after Flemeth says she was never in danger, as an unwilling host cannot be possessed. Morrigan certainly is resentful towards her mother, but there is much about Flemeth that is still a mystery to her, that she does not understand, and it makes it difficult to figure her out and have certainty in where they stand. I would say her feelings towards her mother tend towards hate and contempt more than love or fondness, but that they are also a mix of many things.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
embercrested replied to your post: I just finished What Pride Had Wrought and I have...
the whole theme of a people losing their lore and history through time and age /could/ be really interesting if in that dialogue it would’ve been represented better and constrained by gameplay limitations imho. i /think/ many people hate it bc it has the unfortunate connotations of the (eurocentric) ethnographer who thinks they know the lore and history better than the people itself bc they studied it.
yeah and like, I think to some extent it isn’t wrong. morrigan definitely thinks she knows better even though it’s not her people’s history, and she can be very condescending, I wouldn’t excuse her for it. I just think it was poorly done? the dialogue defaults to someone who has no knowledge of elven lore at all apparently, and like, while much is lost to the dalish, and a lot is wrong, there are some things a dalish inquisitor should know. but yeah my point in regards to her specifically is that morrigan is arrogant, but in this particular case, she had some reason to believe herself to actually know more given she had knowledge the elves did not. it doesn’t excuse how she acts, and she definitely could adopt a stance that’d be more about sharing knowledge and acting less patronizing, but she is proud and thinks she knows everything and that’s definitely on her, it’s just the ‘she acts like she knows more than an elf!’ that I don’t agree with because well, technically she does, it’s just how she goes about it that sucks
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
I just finished What Pride Had Wrought and I have Thoughts 
a bunch of people complain about how she treats a dalish inquisitor but honestly replaying that whole bit it’s just badly written? a dalish asking what a temple for mythal is is stupid and the entirety of the quest just defaults to the inquisitor as being andrastian or something and that honestly sucks, specially because you have so many opportunities to deny it otherwise
is morrigan arrogant and does she act like she knows more than anyone even though she doesn’t (as solas points out on several bits)? yes. but I think a lot of it is that + the particularly bad writing for a lavellan there AND also the fact that she could (and likely did) indeed know a lot more about ancient elves than a dalish inquisitor, given that she’s dedicated a decade of her life to study ancient magic and did retrieve a lot of knowledge the dalish lost, such as understanding something of ancient elvish or everything about the eluvians 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
there’s some discussion (even in game!) about morrigan having manipulated the warden into killing flemeth, and they usually imply she lied about the grimoire and the entire possession deal, but my take on it is that it was the truth --- to morrigan, at least. in witch hunt, she acknowledges to have been mistaken thinking what her mother wanted was ‘merely’ immortality when it’s actually much more than that, and when DAI comes (although I’m kinda rusty when it comes to DAI, its been a while aksjndkasd so I might not be remembering everything) it is implied morrigan had actively been avoiding flemeth specifically due to the possession shenanigans (and kieran), to the point flemeth addresses the former saying she wasn’t in any danger because she couldn’t possess someone unwilling. so yeah, she may have been mistaken, but in this one occasion, she didn’t lie or act with ulterior motives. her motive was to survive, and to have time to prepare for when she’d have to face her mother herself. 
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
random list of Morrigan stuff I’m not sure I have in her page but:
I default to Kieran existing, and having the Old God soul. The father could be the Warden or Alistair, I have no default for that, but regardless, my default is the ritual having been made
if your Warden wouldn’t do it though, just let me know and I’ll adapt c:
I have no default Warden tbh and that’d have to be discussed if relevant
or if you’re writing a Warden I’ll ofc be compliant with that, we’ll just have to figure out how well do they get along, dynamics and such
I write Morrigan as bi, so f/f ships are very much welcome thanks
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
TAG DROP: CHARACTER STUDY                                     
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