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ladymacbeth3759 · 1 year
My Favorite Films of All Time(Updated!) pt.1
Close-Up (1990) dir. Abbas Kiarostami
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Elephant (2003) dir. Gus Van Sant
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Moonlight (2016) dir. Barry Jenkins
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Vertigo (1958) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
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Pandora’s Box (1929) dir. G.W. Pabst
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thcophagy · 4 months
open to: @angeldcgs.
featuring: august "gus" novak, twenty-seven, bisexual, vagabond.
plot: after returning to civilisation following their escape from their father's tumultuous grasp, gus' younger brother rufus somehow found himself getting involved in a local cult, namely because of his sudden infatuation with their charismatic leader. unable to let his brother run away to join some weird group on the whim of some crush, gus decides to accept rufus' invitation to come meet bronte and see what all the fuss is about.
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after living without comfort for longer than any child should, gus had grown not only capable of living without simple pleasures, but found them hard to accept at all. he had his vices, his ways of coping with the strange world he had forced himself and his brother to return to but none of those things did much to actually make him happy. rufus had it easier, he was younger when they were taken and hadn't been able to remember much of what their life had been like before, he had learned to adapt remarkably quickly and so when they'd made their return on the back of gus' bloody betrayal, he found it much easier to learn how to act according to the new rules. he was much more trusting too, so desperate for attention that gus supposed he couldn't be surprised when he once came running into the shelter they'd been living at while trying to find work and proclaimed that he'd met the love of his life. bronte sounded too good to be true, so he wasn't surprised to learn about her little group which was threatening to swallow rufus whole with their promises of a better life, the same sort of shtick their father had given them but his younger brother had been too young to properly understand. it had been years since they'd managed to escape and yet no matter where they went, it seemed that that sort of way of thinking followed them, begging them to return to isolation. he'd tried to ban his brother from seeing her again, but they were both adults, even if rufus refused to act like it, and it quickly became apparent that the only way he'd be able to drag him away from the claws digging into his sides would be to prove bronte was a fraud. upon showing up at her apartment, it became abundantly clear that she was the kind of girl who came from money, who must not have had anything better to do than seduce sad little loners who she could then manipulate into doing her bidding. gus loved his brother, would do anything for him but even he had to admit that he wasn't the brightest and would easily chase after something if it appeared shiny enough. despite arguing otherwise, rufus eventually agreed to let bronte and gus talk in private, waiting in the car like the sad puppy he was while his brother made himself at home in the lush interior of bronte's home. "he, um... he seems to think you're really something." gus settled on the couch and nodded back towards the door. "he's an idiot though, big heart but no fuckin' clue how to use it. he's easy to win over." he offered her a smile, polite and overtly fake, but a smile nonetheless. "i'm not as easy."
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meatmensch · 2 years
I have multiple Psych/SPN crossover WIPs but this one is just a lil' somethin' somethin' in which TFW are in Santa Barbra for a case. Bobby sent them on this case - he heard about it from Henry Spencer, who he became fishing buddies with after working a case in SB many years ago. They chat on the phone every once in a while and talk shop. Henry mentioned that his kid psychic was working this very strange case and Bobby was like...Oh? Perhaps I'll send some of my guys out to take a look at it (Henry thinks he's FBI).
Sam and Dean head out there and work with Shawn and Gus. They all annoy the hell out of each other. Sam and Dean are onto Shawn about being a fake psychic and Shawn and Gus are onto Sam and Dean about being fake FBI.
This is set in like S5 of SPN and S3 of Psych.
There are demons up in this bitch, and at some point, Juliet and Dean are cornered by them. Here's a snippet.
The demon left its vessel, and because it could not possess Dean, it turned to Detective O'Hara.
"Juliet!" Dean cried, as he watched the blackened soul move swiftly toward her body.
He had learned in recent days that she was not the kind of person to cower in fear of a fight, that she was brave, steadfast, and clever. But even the strongest, most seasoned fighters fall short when faced with such a new, unknown evil.
Just as the demon closed in on her, her expression changed. She tilted her head in confusion and wonder, her fear still present, but no longer a concern.
"Yes," she whispered, and white light was bursting from her eyes and mouth. Dean covered his eyes with his arm before the entire room was set ablaze with blinding angelic light.
Once Dean removed his face from the crook of his elbow, he saw that her posture was stiff, and her expression was stern.
"There's not enough room for the two of us. Find yourself another vessel, and I'll deal with you later," she said with an unwavering authority that Dean knew well.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving Detective O'Hara, and you."
"You're MIA for months, and then you show up as Brittney Wilson?"
"I don't under - "
"Yeah, yeah, you haven't seen White Chicks. Seriously, why are you here?"
"The demons that are terrorizing this city are powerful, Dean. You, Sam, and a handful of regular humans will not be able to stop them on your own."
"...Okay, sure. But, man, why possess the poor chick?"
"She prayed for help, with what she thought would be her final thoughts. This seemed like a reasonable way to stop that demon from possessing her without her consent."
"Where's your other meat suit?"
"The body that was Jimmy Novak's is in your motel room."
"...Gross, dude. Anyway, I'm tired, and hungry, and in pain, and also hungry. Help me out with a little magic touch? Then we'll go to lunch?"
"Of course, Dean."
I began this WIP in late 2021 and haven't really touched it since. I hope to write and post a Psych/SPN crossover someday tho. <3
wip tag/ask game thing
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getoutofthisplace · 21 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Today was a long one. The conference wrapped up in Cleveland with an interview with B.J. Novak. He talked a little about THE BOOK WITH NO PICTURES, which is in semi-rotation at our house. Two other pieces of information I found interesting: 1) "That's what she said," was used by The Office writers whenever they had written themselves into a corner and couldn't figure out how to get out of it; 2) The writers all thought the show would be cancelled at any moment, so Paul Lieberstein (who played Toby) said they should stop writing for the perceived audience and instead write things other comedy writers would find funny so they would get hired to work on other shows as soon as the hatchet dropped on The Office.
After the conference ended, I rushed to catch an Uber to the airport, rushed through the airport because I was cutting the flight close, or I would have been until the flight got delayed. Not by an hour or some other large block of time I could use to re-arranged my day, but incrementally by a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Slowly I watched my layover in St. Louis dwindle to nothing. And then the St. Louis leg of my trip kept getting delayed. I went from being home at 11pm to being home after 1am.
By the time I got to Little Rock, I was so tired. I walk faster than most people (but more effectively, I walk more efficiently/aggressively than most people -- similar to how I drive), so I was one of the first people from our flight to get luggage and leave the airport. I stacked my bags on top of your carseats, then I had my podcast box on top of that, then I had my backpack on top of that. Things were stacked high in the back seat. Meanwhile, in the front seat, I decided to turn my music up and rolled the windows down as a way to celebrate making it home.
As I got onto the interstate on-ramp, though, the truck behind me flashed its headlights or maybe it jerked the wheel to avoid missing something in the road. That's how I interpreted the subtle shift I saw in my sideview mirror. I saw something in the middle of the on-ramp -- something I had not noticed as I drove through. I quickly looked in my backseat and realized the pull of the turn had caused my backpack to slide off the podcast box, out my window, and land in the middle of the on-ramp. I couldn't back up the on-ramp, so I pulled over and ran up it in my loafers, which was hard enough, but made especially hard when I felt a pain run up the back of my leg -- a reminder that I pulled my hamstring a couple of weeks ago. By the time I got to my bag, it had been hit. Three important casualties: Laptop, favorite water bottle, backpack itself. LIke I said, a long day, but I'm glad to be home so that I can see you two and Mom in the morning.
St. Louis, Missouri. 5.7.2024 - 10.05pm.
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hilarieburtonmorgan · 3 years
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Yesterday was a nice day. Easter bunny brought Gus a Polaroid camera, and so when he told his dad @jeffreydeanmorgan and me to pose for a picture, we proved that we ARE in fact those humiliating parents who kiss just to creep our kids out. Also....he’s a good kisser. The reception to #heresnegan has been overwhelming in its kindness, and it’s crazy to remember how the conversation started years ago, kind of in jest. Working with my husband is something I’d always wanted to do, and this past year I’ve gotten to do it twice - Friday Night In and @amcthewalkingdead ! So THANK YOU @amc_tv . And as long as we are manifesting things and speaking them into existence, here’s my dream list of future projects to do with Jeffrey. 1. The Illustrated Man. Everyone knows how I feel about #raybradbury , so it’s not a shocker that since I read this book in middle school, it has stayed on my brain. I was so drawn to Rod Steiger as a kid - he seemed so dangerous. You know who else has that quality?? Ding ding! JDM! His real life wife Claire Bloom was his partner for this movie and their chemistry was insane. It’s worth noting we had tattoo artist @mikelucena73 at our wedding. We’ve been prepping for Illustrated Man for ages! 2. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - I saw this movie as a kid, and it embedded in me in a way I can’t really describe. I saw myself in it somehow. Maybe just cause Rex Harrison was a fox and I had a crush. You know who else is a fox?? Ding ding! JDM! Last year I finally read the book it was based on and loved it even more than the movie. Jeff just wants to live on a cliff & stare out at the ocean, so this one is perfect for us. 3. Bell, Book and Candle - Guys I have had every one of my reps call about this one! It’s in development. I read the play and saw the movie in high school and ever since have wanted to bewitch a fella of my own. (If you read #ruraldiaries you know I did just that with my cinnamon coffee trick!) Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart are SUCH a fun team, and this is my favorite Christmas movie of all time. You know who’s been supportive of all my Christmas movies but has never done one with me?? Ding ding! JDM! Also! Zodiac Club!
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Closer, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jackie Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis' secret untold story
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Frank Sinatra and his second wife Ava Gardner
Page 4: Jane Seymour shared a snap with Jaclyn Smith, a friend since their early days in Hollywood -- both women share a belief that sun avoidance and a consistent skin routine is the key to aging gracefully -- both women share their beauty routines
Page 5: Before she accepted her breakout role as Meredith Grey on Grey's Anatomy in 2005, Ellen Pompeo worried about being stuck on a network series, saying she looked at herself as if she was in a box when she was 35 and now that she's 50 she would never look at herself that way so with age comes wisdom -- she also has no regrets about asking for big bucks to stick with the show -- they're not sure how and when the series will end but she wants to make sure they do it right
* Ricki Lake announces her engagement to Ross Burningham
Page 6: Picture Perfect -- Jane Fonda accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the 78th Golden Globes ceremony
Page 8: Heidi Klum enjoyed a sunny afternoon and some weekend snuggles with her husband of nearly two years musician Tom Kaulitz
Page 9: Kelly Clarkson kicked off season 20 of The Voice, Sherri Shepherd and her Two Funny Mamas podcast co-host Kym Whitley make funny faces, Maksim Chmerkovskiy was revealed to be the Sloth on The Masked Dancer
Page 10: Tamron Hall showed off her Valentine's Day spirit with a pair of bright red pants on her talk show, Danica Patrick with a camel on the last day of her Egyptian trip
Page 12: January Jones with a kumquat in her backyard in Los Angeles
Page 13: Debra Messing in the bathtub with her dog Henry, Gabrielle Union-Wade shared a pic in a yellow dress
Page 22: Cover Story -- Jackie O -- her secret untold story -- more than 50 years after their shocking wedding, new details emerge about Jackie's marriage to Aristotle Onassis
Page 26: Hollywood's Amazing Artists -- they became better known for their other talents, but art remains an important part of these celebrities' lives -- Tony Bennett, Sylvester Stallone, Jane Seymour, Billy Dee Williams
Page 27: Kim Novak, Pierce Brosnan, Anthony Hopkins, Stevie Nicks, John Mellencamp
Page 31: Spot the Difference -- Nico Santos brings in the laughs on the sitcom Superstore
Page 33: Horoscopes -- Pisces Eva Longoria turned 46 on March 15
Page 34: Entertainment -- Jennifer Garner on Yes Day, Last Call, In the Spotlight -- Rosamund Pike
Page 36: On the Move -- Matt Damon
Page 38: Best Friends -- Lacey Chabert had a blast cuddling up to her sweet baby goats co-stars
Page 39: Paula Deen bakes homemade peanut butter treats for her dogs Lulu and Gus and Max, Jerry O'Connell gets a kiss from his dog
Page 40: Great Escape -- Hot Bench's Judge Michael Corriero on Palm Springs, California
Page 44: How to boost your brain health
Page 46: Exclusive Interview -- Leslie Uggams -- age doesn't matter -- nothing can stop this iconic performer from doing what she loves
Page 50: Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood -- tough times make us stronger -- Trisha's recent health setback only brought the country superstars closer
Page 52: Katie Couric -- living my best life at 64 -- the veteran TV personality says that life and love only get sweeter with age
Page 54: Rob Lowe -- how love saved me -- marriage and fatherhood made the actor the man he always wanted to be
Page 56: Beauty -- Heaven Scent -- celebrate National Fragrance Day with these pretty perfume picks -- Meghan Markle
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Laura Dern
Page 60: Flashback -- pleated skirts, movie star sunglasses, Punky Brewster, tracksuits
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carttidingdest-blog · 5 years
ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals Day 2 Longhorn AT&T TV VIPLeague Sky Sports Bleacher Report
  Nitto ATP Finals, Overview, ATP Tour, Tennis
If two players outside the top eight win Grand Slam events, the higher placed player in the world rankings takes the final spot in the Tennis Masters Cup. In 2009, the Masters was renamed the ATP World Tour Finals and was held at The O 2 in London from 2009 to 2013. In 2012, the organisers extended the contract by two years up to 2015. ATP World Tour: Next Gen ATP Finals Day 1. ATP Finals. Davis Cup: Great Britain v Netherlands.
ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals Day 2018. Nitto ATP Finals - Tennis Tickets & Tennis Tour Packages. Daily match schedule and session times for the Nitto ATP Finals. Atp world tour 3a nitto atp finals day 2 official. News & Media, Nitto ATP Finals. ATP Tour.
  Atp world tour 3a nitto atp finals day 2 new. Davis Cup Finals. Atp world tour: nitto atp finals day 2 download. ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals Day 5.
  Live Streaming: 2017 Nitto ATP Finals Day 2, watch live on TV.
ZLZQ HSB AHCQ J 940 MQL 56 718 500 33 55 59 28 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PST Things About The 66 820 448 87 254 576 26 530 96 ATP no. 656 452 RCDF 67 36 20 Nov 2019 11:32 AM PST 762 422 304 87 912 43 58 78 42 285 79 99
Atp world tour: nitto atp finals day 2 2017. Atp world tour: nitto atp finals day 2 start. ATP World Tour: Rolex Paris Masters Day 7. ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals Day 2016.
ATP World Tour: Nitto 11/05/19 14:32:53 +03:00 25 Oct 2019 11:32 PM PST Overview, 17 15 ULZ 884 88 47 47 ATP Finals ATP 935 86 ULWC
Alexander Zverev won the title, defeating Novak Djokovic in the final, 6-4, 6-3... Rafael Nadal withdrew from the event due to an abdominal injury and was replaced by John a result of Nadal's withdrawal, Djokovic secured the year-end ATP no. 1 singles ranking... Juan Martín del Potro qualified for the first time since 2013, but withdrew with a knee injury and was replaced by Kei.
Goffin upsets Nadal; Dimitrov edges Thiem, Nitto ATP Finals 2017 Highlights Day 2 Tennis TV. Tennis TV is the OFFICIAL live streaming service of the ATP World Tour. Live streaming on PC, Mac. Davis Cup: Croatia v Spain. ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals day 2015. Atp world tour: nitto atp finals day 2 full. Djokovic Fires Warning, Beats Berrettini At Nitto ATP Finals Klaasen/Venus Make Fast Start In London Scouting Report: 8 Key Things About The 2019 Nitto ATP Finals Max Mirnyi Previews Doubles At The Nitto ATP Finals. Buy official ATP World Tour Finals 2019 tickets for every session or purchase tour packages for a complete experience at the 02 Arena London. Championship Tennis Tours' site uses cookies and other tracking technologies to improve the browsing experience, deliver personalized content, and allow us to analyze our traffic.
L MOT MCYU tour Nitto ATP Finals FYN T LCW 10/12/2019 07:32 315 657 10 107 OBW 12 was played at OMT 297 294 147 21 953 60 80 372 65 390 293 110 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 14:32:53 GMT 66 ERMI 3a nitto atp November 08 781 902 I 65 364 351 F 225 496 253 day 2 10 260 873 487 KNJP 95 world tour 3a nitto atp 214 95 774 ZMN 61 S 582 92 39 15 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PDT 27 22 822 12 841 405 VKS Monday, 11 November 2019 85 Wed, 11 Dec 2019 11:32:53 GMT MOI 179 979 1 408 764 XWC 274 237 434 12 957 UI 64 540 805 873 Croatia v Spain Davis EH Masters 849 99 491 since 2013, but withdrew 891 PCKU 521 4 NQL 49 230 94 750 569 821 Tennis Tours' site uses cookies GU 842 2 390 CLE 806 ranking in 2019 XO 99 455 10 44 738 11/23/2019 192 36 384 81 51 GV 48 39 8 83 97 10 ATP World
Atp world tour: nitto atp finals day 2 review.
JO HXJ Day BDJ 20 Nov 2019 10:32 PM PST contract J AEWI Fires Warning, Beats Berrettini At 37 768 61 537 12/09/2019 12:32 AM 106 132 269 OSZ 497 775 93 Tour: Nitto ATP Finals day 2 ATP Tour 11/23/19 4:32:53 +03:00 Djokovic secured the EY 22 November 2015.
ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals day 2. The 2015 ATP World Tour Finals (also known as the 2015 Barclays ATP World Tour Finals for sponsorship reasons) was a men's tennis tournament that was played at the O 2 Arena in London, United Kingdom, between 15 and 22 November 2015. It was the season-ending event for the best singles players and doubles teams on the 2015 ATP World Tour. The top 8 players of the ATP ranking in 2019 meet for the final points-paying tournament of the year. Here are the predictions and odds for the ATP Finals in London.
Davis Cup: France v Japan
Without Paying ATP World Tour: Nitto ATP Finals Day 1
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gussolomonsjrtest · 5 years
Paul Taylor American Modern Dance, now under the artistic direction of Michael Novak performed its annual New York season at Lincoln Center, October 29 – November 17. Attempting to hone its new image and mission for the 21st century without its founding director, the company is offering free performances and special curations. One of those took place Monday, 11.11, Veteran’s Day, featuring Taylor’s collaborations with visual artist Alex Katz. A four-ballet program made for a long evening, starting at 6:30pm and lasting about two-and a half hours. It was a feast for fans of Taylor and/or Katz, but these particular dances made for a rather one-note evening. 
The four ballets, in program order were “Sunset” (1983), “Private Domain” (1969), “Scudorama” (1963), and “Diggity” (1978). “Sunset” is a nostalgic piece about soldiers in their non-combat hours. It is set to music by Edward Elgar and therefore can’t avoid sentimentality. The soldiers (Robert Kleinendorst, Sean Mahoney, Michael Apuzzo, Lee Duveneck, Alex Clayton, and Devon Louis) do macho duets with each other at the start, and then interact playfully with the four women (Michelle Fleet, Eran Bugge, Madelyn Ho, and Kristin Draucker) in encounters of multiple-men on one-woman – which were not so un-PC in the 80s. The ballet ends with the men heading back off to war, leaving the women behind.
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SUNSET by Paul Taylor. (leaping) Sean Mahoney and (l-r): Michelle Fleet, Michael Trusnovec, Kristi Torriga, Robert Kleinendorst, Eran Bugge, and Aileen Rochlin. 
The set is a pastel lime-colored backcloth and matching onstage panel with a black railing in front of it. The background is flecked with random, arching, black lines that suggest falling twigs. On the Lincoln Center Theater stage, larger than their former City Center home, the set looks oddly sparse. Katz dresses the men in tan uniforms and red berets and the women in white dresses with flowing skirts and black piping at the necklines.
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PRIVATE DOMAIN by Paul Taylor. James Samson with (l-r): Heather McGinley and Paris Khobdeh. 
The set for “Private Domain” is deliberately provocative – a downstage wall with three openings behind which we watch bikini-clad dancers cavorting in and out of view. Are we supposed to be inside and the dancers on a beach, or are we peeping into a sexy pleasure palace? The movement alternates between typical Taylor jumping/leaping and writhing, male-female encounters (of course: 1969!) The dancing also seems to alternate between the ignoring what we can see behind the wall and deliberately posing in the apertures. After 20-minutes of these would-be sensuous goings on, the eight dancers line up in the openings and one of the men reaches over a woman’s shoulder from behind and places a hand on her breast. It’s a long build-up to a pretty adolescent punch line.
The making of “Scudorama” (1963) followed by a year that of “Aureole,” and Taylor told the NY Times in an interview that the latter dance, dressed all in pristine white and set to Handel music, was considered “pretty,” and, perversely, he wanted to make something “ugly.” The background is a sky pocked with cloud silhouettes. Bodies emerge from the floor in murky lighting by Jennifer Tipton – Taylor’s brilliant, go-to lighting designer. Music is a dissonant, original score by Clarence Jackson that could be a film score with its orchestral swells and dynamic climaxes. 
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SCUDORAMA by Paul Taylor. (jumping) Michele Fleet with (l-r): Jamie Rae Walker, Laura Halzak, and Julie Tice.
The eight enigmatic characters wear unitards as their “skins” – three women in black ones with white collars, two petit women in yellow, who slouch around like sprightly gremlins, and three principals in lime green, magenta, and coral. The men carry the women on their shoulders, draped like mufflers around their necks, looking like alien creatures. After what seems like their final exit, six anonymous figures shuffle on draped in blankets, and huddle in a ceremonial circle for a brief coda.
The “Diggity” set comprises cartoonish dog cutouts sprinkled around the stage floor, which create an obstacle course for the dancing by five women and three men, coming and going. The men play leapfrog; they hold a woman in a split on their shoulders and rotating her torso like a rotisserie chicken; they all carry on a giant cutout of a cabbage for the leading lady to do a sprightly, syncopated solo atop. It’s a cheery, tongue-in-cheek dance and audience favorite with an original score by Donald York that sounds at times like transliterations of Leonard Bernstein and Aaron Copeland musical theater pieces.   
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DIGGITY by Paul Taylor. Eran Bugge with Alex Katz’s cabbage
It’s futile to describe distinct differences in the dance movement in each of these four ballets. They all contain Taylor’s signature moves – loping runs with arms swinging in opposition; bent-legged hops; leaps in curving or zig-zagging paths; muscular body shapes; bouncing grapevine steps; and partnered lifts that travel through space. All these moves can also be seen in his other dances, but sometimes they feel more coherent, perhaps depending on Taylor’s emotional connection to selecting them. One admirable quality of Taylor’s style is that dancers tend to dance onstage and off, rather than simply running into place to begin and running off when finished – the postmodernist cliché; it feels like Taylor’s dancing continues, even when we can no longer see the dancers – except, notably in “Esplanade,” in which there are no “dance” steps and running is one of the non-dancing activities that make up the movement, along with walking, falling, jumping, crawling, lifting, and catching. 
Even though Taylor’s smoothly controlled, sinuous movement seems a perfect fit for Black muscularity, Taylor’s dancers have not been well represented by Black males, a lack which the present company seems to be correcting with two new African-American men – Clayton and Louis. Taylor’s company traditionally has included a Black woman – one at a time – from Elizabeth Walton to Carolyn Adams to Michelle Fleet but now Jada Pearman has joined Fleet in that department, just as Fleet, sadly, is retiring.
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ESPLANADE by Paul Taylor. 
On the Sunday matinee, the final performance of the season, “Diggity” and “Esplanade” – Taylor’s sine qua non, comparable to Ailey’s “Revelations” – bookended Pam Tanowitz’s premiere, “all at once.” The bittersweet program had a big extra dose of high energy from the company, because it was the final performance in the company for five veteran dancers, Jamie Rae Walker, Parisa Khobdeh, and Michelle Fleet, and the last one at Lincoln Center for Robert Kleinendorst and Sean Mahoney. It was also the final performance conducted by Donald York. 
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ALL AT ONCE by Pam Tanowitz. (l-r): Lee Duvenick and Alex Clayton. photo by Paula Lobo
“all at once” is a punning title, since all of the company’s sixteen dancers are in it. Mischievous Tanowitz, brilliantly, has incorporated some of Taylor’s own movement vocabulary – hopping on one foot, quick sideways jumps, stretched arm shapes – alongside paraphrases by her chief kinetic inspirations, Merce Cunningham and George Balanchine – into phrases, which she recombines in ever-changing groupings and locations to weave a marvelously complex, yet totally comprehensible abstract tapestry that lets the dancers express their own personalities, while challenging them technically, and allowing them apparently to have even more fun than usual dancing.
photos by Paul B. Goode, except where noted
Gus Solomons jr, © 2019
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psichc-blog · 6 years
☞   @wrcngbitch​       ☟   mun related questions
♕ ━ which fictional characters are your favorites?
this will come as no surprise but shawn spencer is definitely my favorite fictional character of all time !!!  like, he actually beats every other character i could put on a list of favorites. psych has always been my favorite show so ??? it’s easy enough to say that this idiot will forever be the best sakjdkljklajalkj i absolutely adore him ??!  but of course like ,, while i could rant about every reason why i love him ( which...... i wanna do but will refrain bc that would be paragraphs upon paragraphs akdj;kljad ) i’ll list a few honorable mentions to my favorite fictional characters x)))
we have lassie, (aka carlton lassiter), also from psych !!! that grumpy detective is wonderful ??? and im p sure i’ve cheered everytime he appears on screen bc ????? i love that dork sm askdjaklajkj and then we have.................. every single character on psych. :”)))) gus, jules, pierre, vick, mCNABBBBB  aAHH
basically psych as a whole.
BUT A FEW CHARACTERS THAT AREN’T FROM PSYCH !  (pardon my obsession haha) are castiel, dean winchester, claire novak, jack kline, annnnnd rick grimes from twd along w carl grimes ..........  oh and i like nancy wheeler from stranger things ??? ( i have yet to finish the show though. ) but uhhh. yeah, i ... have quite a few. so whoops ???????
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