#(their so awesome they couldve been such fun NEUTRAL entities that strayed from what they considerd right) belehshshhsjs
foursidecity · 2 months
Wizards could've been so much better if they had more episodes and focused on douxie and merlin some more.. time travel is fine and all but instead I'm envisioning a two season arc where ones in the past and the seconds in the future so that were not skipping around all tha dang time. Bangs fist on table what was douxie doin on the streets where'd he meet archie GIMME ANSWERSSS
Watching the last season of trollhunters again and merlin talking about the two battles of killahead is cool n all but I feel like we barley had any time with him fighting Morgana compared to how much background they gave us on jim exploring and deyas arc. See my vision...
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