#(tbh neither are aramis or anne)
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Annamis / ship meme
that domestic meme - no longer accepting
Who’s more dominant: neither? 
Who’s the cuddler: they both are
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: she’s the little spoon although she prefers to lay facing him tbh
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: they like spending time quietly together or going places like art museums and charity events 
Who uses all the hot water: aramis does
Most trivial thing they fight over: they don’t fight so much as they disagree sometimes
Who does most of the cleaning:  anne would
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: aramis does most of that
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: aramis
Who leaves their stuff around: aramis
Who remembers to buy the milk: they both would but Anne more so
Who remembers anniversaries: they both do
Who cooks normally: aramis does NOT ANNE
How often do they fight: they don’t fight a lot tbh
What do they do when they’re away from each other: work. it’s always work when they’re apart or spending time with friends and family
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: aramis does
Who steals the covers at night: aramis
What would they get each other for gifts: aramis buys her things like poetry books and flowers and pretty jewelry. Anne will buy him art prints and books and stuff like that and a jacket that she thinks he’d look really good in lbr
Who kissed who first: they kissed each other first
Who made the first move: in a romantic turn? Aramis did
Who remembers things: they both do
Who started the relationship: aramis did
Who cusses more: aramis maybe? but not really? 
What would they do if the other one was hurt: anne would go to war. levelheaded but war nonetheless. Aramis would be fight handed lbr BUT WHEN ISNT HE?
A head canon: anne enjoys watching him when he doesn’t realize it. she likes how he’s in his own head sometimes and surrounded by things that he enjoys. it makes her admire him all the more
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