#(some of you know my 'Danny runs cooler' headcanon so Steve looking snuggly in sweats and tshirt just fits very well with that)
I’ve pointed this out before or at least talked about it with my friends that Holidays and birthdays after a while lost their luster for Steve. After his mother ‘died’ the grief that overtook her place during those moments never made those days the same. Being sent away and then enlisting and being god knows where on any given time of the year...holidays were just...any other day for Steve. 
It was Danny who helped make them feel important again. If it wasn’t for Danny determined to make Christmas and other family oriented holidays still feel as special as they did with his big family in Jersey for Grace now on the island and getting stressed out that he was failing his kid, and causing Steve to care because Danny cared....a LOT of the future holiday gatherings and cookouts at the McGarrett home wouldn’t have taken place. 
Danny has a very special place in my heart. I love him so so so so much. And I laugh in almost an insane manner in thinking the thought of: this angry, bitter, loud mouth with a heart of gold and so much love he’s desperate to share...was able to make this 6′1 bad ass Navy SEAL recapture his childlike wonder and love the holidays again. 
Danny making sure Steve’s birthday isn’t forgotten but celebrated. Danny making sure Steve’s included in the merriment he helped Danny secure for his kids. Paving the way for Steve to be like ‘let me host these family things for you all...outside of ourselves, we either alone or from a broken family...or both. But together...*this part he’s looking at Danny with all the heart eye power possible*...we’re where we belong and it feels like home.’ 
Danny made sure Grace never lost that feeling of wonderment the holidays are supposed to bring while reviving Steve’s enjoyment of the holidays. 
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