#(one of the most satisfying things i've ever done on MD)
boomermania 2 months
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magmythedevil 9 months
Hi! So I've got a question, what are your opinions and thoughts on the YouTuber, "Vanitymoth" he's kinda a Murder Drones reviewer and has done a couple of content related to the series, I'm interested if you heard of him or see his contact and I wanted to know your thoughts, it looks like he'll also be reviewing EP 6 which is probably gonna be negative because that's just how he is unfortunately.
And that's honestly my main issue with him, now it's fine having opinions and being honest and not sugar coding anything, but it just feels like this dude is negative about almost everything he reviews (somebody even pointed that out in his comments+ community post and said that's just how he rolls) he isn't fun, funny and just not entertaining. And he's also kinda boring to listen to as well, imo and just not very fun to watch, he also made a horrible and trashfire review of Lackadaisy. It also feels like him and others are kinda turning on Murder Drones and are disliking it because of it's story direction...and it makes me wonder sometimes, is MD REALLY a bad show and not as good as we thought, and do fans just have their rose tinted glasses on and are only trying to see the positive side and ignore criticism? Do you believe the show is good, or is it going downhill like others have been saying? I'm still new to the show myself and wanted to know your thoughts on this, it kinda does feel sad people are turning on MD (people still wanna compare it to shows like HB, some have said it's going downhill and turning bad like that show) as I think it's still a unique and watchable show and it honestly deserves it's love and support, it's not perfect..but I still feel saddened it's being hated and torn apart now by some, especially by some toxic fans, fans on reddit and Vanitymoth himself. :(
Honestly that guy probally has a very biased opinion on the show at this point. It never feels like he gets satisfied with anything from the show anymore. (And i really feel like it has something to do with Nuzi )
And all the bad reviews i have been seeing can be resumed to a simple "Its not the same thing that used to be" or "this is not the direction i wanted" tbh
I guess they thought Liam was a edgy guy who only enjoys creepy and meta dark edgy stuff. They din't expect to the guy to be an actual writter lmfao
Am i saying this show is perfect? Ofc not. But all the reviews i have seen so far from the people who dont have any weird bias are saying this episode was one of the most greatest yet, im not a writter but i can totally agree with that, in the same way i agreed with them with how "home" really was one of the weakest/most confusing
I honestly don't think majority of these guys are giving genuine criticism, they just really weren't expecting to the show to go to such an emotinal direction.
If you ever see any blog or post with a person giving GENUINE criticism feel free to send it to me to talk about it! But for now i cant really take those guys seriously, they all sound so petty and childish
Even the comments of his community post are saying "if you dont think this episode was good idk what to tell you" lmfaool
Also, If they really think dead end was a weak episode they are INSANE these people are blind hello?????
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academicdisasterfic 2 years
nv-md fic recs
Today marks @nv-md's one year fanniversary, and I thank the Drarry gods every day that we get Ali in this fandom. In addition to being a phenomenal writer and beta, she's also the world's kindest, funniest, most incredible person, and a top tier BFF (yes, that is most definitely a brag).
To celebrate Ali Day, here are my top five favourites that she's written over the past year - and this was bloody hard, because she's written FIFTY FIX works. In one year! Fifty six!!!!
So - after much deliberation, and in no particular order, here are my top five Ali fics:
Operation Dragon's Shenanigans (Drarry, 14k, E) - Ali's Cluefest work is one of the funniest stories I have ever read. It takes my favourite tropes - Harry thinks Draco's up to something, Harry is an idiot, Draco is super hot - and turns them into an epic tale of a lovestruck dumbass annoying everyone in his life because he's got a crush. A must-read on days you need to smile.
On Hope & Healing (Drarry, 14.5k, E) - this story has a very special place in my heart. Harry and Draco's relationship is heartbreakingly sweet and so full of tension and forgiveness and love. It examines prejudice in a really masterful way and has the most satisfying, lovely ending.
Just Stay (Drarry, 2.7k, M) - I think this was the work that made me click the subscribe button to nv-md. Hurt/comfort done to absolutely perfection, and a gorgeous friends-to-lovers arc that leaves my heart aching and soothed at the same time.
Everything About You (Drarry, 2.5k, E) - Ali's Transfest made me absolutely sob. She took such care to make this representation accurate and sensitive, and it really shows in this stunning T4T fic. Drarry's dynamic is stunning and the mutual pining and UST is chef's kiss.
Do It All Over Again (Tedrarry, 2.2k, E) - oh my god. Ali's smut honestly takes me to a separate plane of existence, and she absolutely nails this triad. Reverse chronology is a really fucking difficult thing to pull off, and Ali does it to utter perfection. I've read this maybe ten times and will definitely continue to regularly reread it.
Happy one year, Ali. This fandom is so much better for having you in it x
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