#(not really spoilers but just in case someone hadn’t finished the season hence wouldn’t know Maybelle is a mom)
cassiopeiasara · 2 years
I know working with kids nowadays in tv shows can get really tricky but damn I want a Stilwell angel parallel character if we get a s2. I’m pretty sure he’d be Maybelle’s kid and I just really want to see how the show would change him. Like first, I think the team, even if annoyed by his presence, would take so much care of him. Also gosh maybe they’d even make him a little girl and make it less “my husband can’t handle him at home” and more “my mom is overwhelmed with all my kids so I gotta take this one who needs more stimulation.” In the original movie, I just really really adored adult Stilwell and how tender that moment was with Dottie. I just feel it’s another cool opportunity to address something in the original in a more real way.
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