#(no reveals yet but I already have The Little Mermaid queued up after I completely finish this one!)
briar-rose-cosplays · 1 month
Here’s the pre-story for the first book of my Fairy Tales series! Sleeping Beauty: Flower Husbands
At the age of thirteen, Prince Scott began to sneak into the forest bordering his kingdom of Rivendell, a mountainous place covered in snow and known for its flora and fauna. The particular forest Scott frequented happened to sit below Rivendell. Which meant the trek was pretty dangerous all things considered; but he just needed to get away. His 18th birthday was rapidly approaching, and with that, his duties and lessons as a prince were beginning to pile up. Five years may seem like a long time, but it really wasn’t. So any chance the young elf had, he would flee to the tranquility of nature. Today had been exceptionally bad, with fencing, mathematics, cultures, and dancing all packed into a mere 6 hours. He had needed to get out, so he did. Back to the only place he ever felt truly happy anymore. Scott walked the familiar paths and just… breathed. The presence of his best friend next to him and the fresh air was all he needed to feel better. By best friend, he of course, meant Owen. The stag that had been his for as long as he could remember, and his riding partner, as horses weren’t something that lived in a cold place like Rivendell.
“It’s nice out today, isn’t it Owen? I’ll sneak you an orange later for bringing me down here,” Scott said, and pressed his forehead against the stag’s muzzle in an affectionate gesture. See, Owen was a strange being. One time, when Scott had been young and eating an orange, the creature came up behind him and ate the fruit right out of his hand. They had been Owen’s favourite ever since. Scott laughed at the memory and kept walking.
After about a half hour of peace, Scott heard something that had caught his attention. A beautiful series of bird calls that might have been the prettiest thing Scott had heard his whole life. Intrigued, the cyan haired elf followed the calls to a small corner-clearing where the mountains of Rivendell met the forest.
Scott hummed and in a moment of hesitation, tied Owen’s reins to a tree, “I’ll be right back,” he murmured and patted the side of the stag’s face. Scott took a deep breath and entered the area. He was surprised to say the least, in the middle of the clearing, next to a pond, was a boy. An avian, it seemed, about Scott’s own age with bright yellow wings and wearing a simple sky blue dress that flared around where he sat. Sunlight seemed to kiss him from every direction, hair lit up like a halo and his wings glinted gold. He was chirping and twittering up a storm with some birds. Whatever they seemed to be conversing about had the boy’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
Scott watched, stunned for a few moments before calling out, suddenly desperate to get to know the avian, “Hello?” Scott called. The boy jumped and whirled to face him, having been cut off mid sentence. Scott waited a few minutes but the boy said nothing. It seemed to Scott that he was too frightened to speak. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just… um… heard you and the birds? And well…” the prince trailed off. What was happening to him? Scott was usually far more eloquent than this. He was graceful and had all the confidence befitting of his stature. This was not who he was.
The mysterious boy giggled at him, “No, no, you’re okay,” his sentence was interrupted with more giggles, “I’m just not used to others, you said you heard us?” He tilted his head in question, one of the wing tufts covering his ears extended in a way that continued to indicate the question in his tone.
“Yeah!” Scott was beginning to come back to himself. “It was so pretty, I had to come investigate! I didn’t expect to find anyone though,” Scott walked further into the clearing and it really was gorgeous. A miniature valley dotted with various kinds of flowers and framed by small peaks.
The avian blushed, ear wings flitting up and down quickly, “Y- you thought it was pretty?”
Scott nodded, “Yeah, one of the prettiest things I’ve ever heard.” He stopped next to the boy and looked down at him. His hair was blonde and fluffy, almost as fluffy as Scott’s own. There was a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose and his eyes were a warm brown. He was gorgeous. Scott’s face flushed much in the same way the boy’s had mere moments before.
The avian was stunned for a moment, why was this stranger being so nice? “Here, sit… unless you’re a murderer or something?” he said sheepishly. Scott sat down at the invitation, close enough that their knees brushed together ever so slightly.
“Definitely not, I’m actually a prince.” Well that was probably a dangerous thing to say, oh well. He doubted this gorgeous boy would be able to hurt him anyways.
“Really? That’s incredible! My godmothers love to tell me stories about royalty! I’m… no one special though, probably not worth your time actually, um, sorry,” he rambled, getting quieter as he went.
The boy had begun to pull away slightly when Scott placed a hand on his knee. Desperate not to let him go for some reason. “What? No! You’re probably one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met, even if I don’t know your name,” Scott smiled softly.
“O-oh! That’s… wow,” the other muttered to himself. “Oh! I’m so sorry your highness! I should’ve, should’ve introduced myself sooner. I’m Jimmy.” Scott giggled, Jimmy, huh? It suited the adorable avian.
“It’s nice to meet you Jimmy. Please, don’t use a title for me or anything, just Scott is fine. I’m Scott,” he introduced.
“Scott… okay then,” Jimmy said his name like he was testing it out. He wanted to hear his name forever with that voice. Scott paused. What in Aeor’s name was with him?
After their introductions, Scott and Jimmy talked about everything and nothing for hours. The canary and the frost elf spoke like they had known each other their whole lives. Scott even went and got Owen for Jimmy to meet at one point. The avian had been scared at first, he had never seen a stag before afterall. Scott watched with a grin and a face he was sure was going to be pink forever after this, as his best friend and Jimmy bonded. Eventually, however, as the sun was setting, they had to part ways.
“Will… will I ever see you again? Scott asked and grabbed the canary’s hand.
“I hope so. This has been… this has been wonderful. You’re welcome here anytime Scott. Really. I’m out here most days so come find me whenever you get the chance, yes?” Jimmy entwined their fingers and gave Scott’s hand a squeeze.
Scott squeezed Jimmy’s hand back, “Yes, absolutely.”
Jimmy’s smile was sad but hopeful as he came closer and kissed the elf on the cheek, “Goodbye, Scott.” Their hands slipped away from each other as the avian gave him one last smile and left.
“Bye,” he murmured, hand going up to touch the spot Jimmy had just kissed him. Scott watched Jimmy walk away for as long as he could before he mounted Owen’s back. Scott flicked Owen’s reins and as they started the journey home, he knew he was about to start the adventure of a lifetime.
The End
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