#(lowkey fuma handled this right tho proud of him)
joojeans · 10 months
could i request hyung line during and/or after a fight? like them and f!reader have been so busy with their own jobs and dont have time with eo and theyre stressed and tired and everything? i need me sum angst :] thank you! <3
since you didn't request comfort or a fluff ending, this is pure angst!
&team hyung line: fighting w s/o because they miss each other
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k: the first moments of silence in the last hour pass. the tension in the air is thick, your hands curling into little frustrated fists as you stand awkwardly on the other side of the room from k. "k, i just think—" you're interrupted by a loud groan as k leans his head back into the couch and forces his eyes shut as if he would cease to hear you if he couldn't see you. your heart aches. would he really wish you away right now if it was so easy? "y/n, today has been the longest day as it is. can you please not drain the last bit of energy i have?" your heart somehow sinks further, your lips pursing as you try to fight back tears. "i just thought we could make more intentional efforts to see each other even when we're busy. it's not easy, k, but we didn't sign up for easy." your tone is devoid of any feeling, k's eyes opening and looking over to you. he doesn't say anything, so you give up for the moment, heading in the direction of the front door as he watches you with sad eyes—eyes reflecting loss and a sense of having no control over his pain.
fuma: "i didn't realize i was asking for so much," you grumble, hissing when you accidentally touch the hot pot on the stove, minorly searing one of your fingers. "fuck!" you've reached your breaking point and it's obvious to you and fuma alike. fuma reaches for your hand as he stands next to you, but you yank your hand away, stepping away from him. "don't. i want to spend time with you just to be together. i don't want it just when you feel like you need to rescue me." your words sting. fuma has surely spent many more days of you being together showing you that he cares so much. all the days of missing each other that have been piling up shouldn't be able to make your strong foundation collapse... right? he stares at the side of your face as you examine your finger, your jaw tense. "you and i both know that's not fair, y/n, but i understand that you're saying it because you're hurt. let me know when you actually want to talk, because i'm not here to be your punching bag."
nicholas: you push nicholas's hands away with a frown instead of laughing like you usually do when he tickles you. his hands freeze in place, hovering in the air before he slowly moves them to rest on his thighs, turning his head to the side to look at you. you're sitting next to him but you're not really there. "y/n? are you okay?" you sigh, avoiding his gaze. "i'm just really not in the mood to pretend like everything's all happy and normal when you haven't had time for me for the last few weeks. feels like shit, nicholas." nicholas looks down to his lap, fingers nervously fiddling with themselves as he speaks quietly. "i'm sorry, y/n. i didn't mean for it to be so long. you know i'd always rather be with you." you feel a pang of guilt, but you're not over your hurt feelings enough yet to accept his words of apology. "if you wanted to be with me, you could've found time. you didn't." nicholas nods, resigned. "i'm sorry," he mumbles again softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
euijoo: you're trying so hard to focus on the movie you're watching with euijoo. it's your first night together in too long, so you want to enjoy it, but everything feels awkward. off. he's not smiling at you like he usually does, too tired from work to be fully present. before you can stop it, tears well up in your eyes and fall silently down your cheeks. it doesn't take euijoo long to notice—he's been glancing at you every few seconds all night, obviously trying to make sure he's making you happy. "y-y/n?" his voice is so soft, concerned. he's watching you cry but he's frozen. "what's wrong?" you shake your head and swallow the lump in your throat. "i just miss you, euijoo." his eyes are darting all over your face, searching for answers. "but... i'm right here." the worry on his face makes you feel ashamed. he hasn't actually done anything wrong, but you can't help how you feel. you nod, trying to force a smile as you look at him with glossy eyes. "i know, euijoo. i know."
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