#(jeryk is jeryk about it; just 'oh i was hoping we could show you the lanterns on the tracks are working. :c maybe later.'
sezja · 5 months
If you talk to Thaffe after the events of Mount Gulg, he says, "Thancred told us what happened. Are you all right?" and I just........
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Prompt 10: Avail
Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Alisaie x WoL, Alphinaud & Alisaie & WoL friendship Word Count: 1.1k Takes place during the Amh Araeng questline of Shadowbringers MSQ.
Alisaie huffed, stalking into the room she shared with Alphinaud while they stayed in Twine.
“No luck?” Alphinaud asked, looking up from the book he was skimming.
“To absolutely no avail. We’ve all been so busy trying to get the trolly to work...” Alisaie rested her cheek in her hand, using her other to drum anxiously against the table. She had been trying to spend some time with N’adana – alone – ever since they had left Il Mheg.
But it seemed that every time she tried to get her attention; she was busy. Such was the life of her hero.
“You could try again later today, perhaps. Lunch may be lost, but perhaps not dinner!” Alphinaud stood up and moved to sit next to her, ever the optimist (especially when speaking of Alisaie’s affections with their dear friend).
Alisaie groaned, “I don’t think she wants to be alone with me – not after how stupid I was when we were in Il Mheg.” She leaned forward and plopped her forehead against the table. “Perhaps she’s purposely avoiding me.”
Between the handholding, N’adana’s not-so-subtle way of trying to get out of the situation, and their almost-kiss had it not been for her brother interrupting them, she was sure that the Warrior didn’t want the same thing she did. After all, she hadn’t barely even been able to look at Alisaie since then.
Alphinaud chuckled at the notion that N’adana didn’t want to spend time with his sister, “That’s absolutely not what is happening, I assure you.” He put a comforting hand on Alisaie’s shoulder, “She is our dear Warrior of Light and Darkness, after all. ‘Tis only expected that she is constantly occupied with one manner or another. Besides…”
He didn’t have to say it. They both knew how absorbing the aether of the Lightwardens was affecting her. It was small things – coughing, nausea, the way her aether felt off – but she kept it hidden, even from them. Her closest friends.
Alisaie huffed as she stood up, standing behind broken divider as she changed out of her daily attire, “Yes, I know. I just… I wish she would talk with me is all. I’m worried for her.”
Alphinaud let his sister vent her frustrations, though a lot of his thoughts were occupied by the unfortunate condition of their aether-stricken friend. Alphinaud stayed quiet for a time while he tried to figure out what advice to best give her. N’adana had alluded to her affections for his sister, but she and never quite told him outright, so he didn’t want to assume. However, it was safe to say he knew N’adana and Alisaie better than anyone.
And he was certain they both felt the same way about each other.
“Perhaps maybe she is simply nervous because she feels the same way?” Alphinaud finally offered, raising a brow at Alisaie in a way that said I am very confident with this assumption.
Alisaie paused, looking at him in confusion as she tried to process what he had just said. “Are you suggesting she…?”
He laughed at her sister’s thick-headedness, “Does it seem that I am suggesting anything else? Because I am sure I was being pretty clear.”
Alisaie went to speak, but she was stunned for a moment until she came back to her senses. “That’s absolutely impossible, Alphinaud.” she shook her head furiously, as if to banish the thought from her mind, too afraid that she might start believing in a false hope.
Alphinaud sighed in frustration, grabbing his sister by her shoulders and shaking her. “It is the opposite of impossible – quite literally on the other side of the line! I’ll ask her myself if it means that the both of you stop pretending that-“
Knock, knock knock knock.
The two froze, knowing their friend so well that they instantly recognized her familiar knocking pattern.
Alphinaud took his hands off his sister’s shoulders and invited her inside, not even standing up from their spot at the small table that graced the room.
N’adana peaked her head inside, the dark circles far more prominent under her eyes than they usually were. “Was I interrupting another staple Levellieur argument?” She managed a bit of humor, which was a small comfort to the twins. “If it’s about which of you is Tataru’s favorite, my gil is on Alisaie. She might still be a bit annoyed at you for the sword incident,” she raised her brows at Alphinaud as she stepped inside, and they could tell she had just come back from a day of helping with the trolley. They all had that morning, but it seems like N’adana stayed far passed lunch.
Alphinaud stuttered with embarrassment for a second before deciding to push the jest to the side (for now), “You did, but that’s no matter. What did you need?”
N’adana turned towards Alisaie, shuffling her dusty boots nervously against the wooden floor. “I remembered you wanted to visit Tesleen’s grave, and since we’re in Amh Araeng, I wanted to know if you wanted me to come with you?” she cleared her throat, adding quickly, “Thaffe and Jeryk said they expect the trolley to be done within the next few suns, so I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to go before we got caught up in hero stuff again.”
Alphinaud tried to hide a knowing grin from the both of them, considering the topic was not one to quip about, but he felt as if his point had been strengthened enough that he was certainly pleased with himself.
“Yes, I – that’s very thoughtful of you, N’adana.” Alisaie smiled, getting up to leave straight away before realizing that she had already changed into her pajamas for the night, “Give me a few moments. I’ll meet you outside?”
N’adana nodded, not expecting to be offered a spot to go with her but taking the suggestion as an invitation, “Of course. I’ll go grab my stuff, just in case we run into any sin eaters on the way.”
As soon as N’adana slipped out of their room and shut the door, Alphinaud leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Perhaps your worries were of little avail after all.”
“… Perhaps,” Alisaie muttered as she hurriedly slipped on jacket and boots, “that doesn’t mean a trip to visit Tesleen’s grave is really the place to tell her my true feelings, though, don’t you agree?”
“Oh, I agree. However, it does show that she cares deeply about you.”
Alisaie muttered something as she finished lacing her boots, grabbing her rapier from by the door and strapping it to her waist. “Ah yes, how surprising – our dear friend cares about me,” Alisaie rolled her eyes, clearly unconvinced.
Alphinaud left the argument at that and waited patiently for Alisaie’s return, certain that she was going to have another story to tell him about how utterly deft the both of them were.
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