#(did you know it recently switched from being lucky in jp to being lucky in eng? i would say? hope that means i get leo fs on his revival)
shinkaishoujo103 · 11 months
Can someone explain to me why im so lucky on the daily free pulls lately??
No, because-
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1st 5* in my eng account on june 17th
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2nd 5* in general, 1st 5* in my jp account, on june 18th (the day just after himeru! What a nice surprise)
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3rd 5* in general, 2nd one in my eng account, june 23th (just today!)
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And now 4th 5* in general, 2nd in my jp account, also june 23th?! Hello?!
FOUR 5* in the span of what? 6 days?? Two for each account??? AND ITS THE FUCKING DAILY FREE PULLS????
Its not the first time i get 5* from them, but damn...thats still SO lucky! What the fuck! And all of my other free pulls sucks ass!!
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(at least i got bunny kohaku i didnt even realise i didnt have god bless)
Look at that!! What the fuck is this happyele?!
Edit: ALSO!!! FOR ONCE IM GETTING THE CARDS OF THE CHARACTERS I PRODUCE FROM FREE PULLS!!! Welcome home kohakucchi my son! Not you sena kicking you into the sea right fucking now. /aff
Also pretty happy to have himeru because 1. I do love him a lot 2. Hes pc support!! Finally shinobu has a friend now
Also happy for mayoi bc hes pretty strong, so a dupe to make him stronger is always welcome (my yellow alkaloid (minus tatsumi) team will be so op now wtf) and i also love the guy a lot so! Welcome home :3
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