#(because an AI chatbot told her so) did not in fact result in nuclear warfare and now our brain is clear of anxious “but what ifs”
gailynovelry · 5 months
So, Ecosia is incorporating AI chat into their search page toolbar, like a lot of search engines are now, and we're having thoughts about it. Those thoughts mainly being "this is a bad idea that will spread misinformation more quickly, same as the other AI chats in other places do."
You can contact Ecosia through the "Contact Us" tab on their main website. Here's the message I sent them;
Hello! Unfortunately, as a longterm user of Ecosia, I think I have to step away from this search engine now. AI chat technology should not be implemented anywhere near informational search features, as AGIs are an unreliable way to retrieve facts, and often generate falsehoods in the pursuit of unique sentence structure. Incorporating this feature into or around a search engine, even just as a chat, has a great risk spreading misinformation around the internet. Many people do not understand how AGIs function and trust them in the same way that they trust general search features. Thank you for reading this email and have a good day.
It's more effective if you take my general message and write your own instead of copy-pasting, but still. Maybe we can start sending in some feedback to discourage search engines from dropping AI into their tools willy-nilly like this? Yeah.
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