#(asexuality/trauma diskhorses my beloathed... i'm happy with my little headcanons that no one else can ruin)
wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
saw your reply re: Act 2 Astarion being For YouTM for the exact same reasons he was For MeTM when I was playing this game (legit only bought it when I saw a vid of him saying he might not want sex) so I come to you from the void to offer the most genuine of high-fives, we love Ace spectrum characters being honest about their boundaries 🙌
Honestly anon, at this point I simply find him aspirational. I too wish to be an ace king who is both an exceptional flirt of the 19th Century rake variety, not to mention the hottest bitch in camp, while also happening upon to love of my life at both the best and worst possible time. That's the power fantasy at this point. That would be nice actually!
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