#(and Face but like. that's less canon. Murdock though is 100% a fruit even outside of The Fandom View and u can't convince me otherwise.)
facedock · 7 months
Was just thinking about how if The A-Team were still active today, they'd absolutely be helping queer folks escape dangerous / abusive situations.
Murdock would be flying families with trans kids out of oppressive states, Hannibal would be lecturing dirty congresspeople who cared more about making money than helping their most vulnerable constituents, B.A. would be protecting trans and queer kids from bullies and telling them to always stand up for who they are and not let anyone keep them from being true to themselves. Face would be scamming evangelical pastors and bigoted lawmakers out of their money and giving it to organizations that help the queer/trans community. Amy would be writing human interest stories about supporting trans and queer people.
They'd be invading conversion camps and rescuing teens from the abusive parents who put them there. They'd be calling out bigotry whenever they saw it, and reminding people that, in the "land of the free", it doesn't matter if you don't like it: people have a right to be who they are.
I'm not saying this is ALL they'd be doing, they'd still be helping small business owners beat shady landlords 'n all that fun stuff, but they'd be known allies for sure. They wouldn't be afraid to stand up for people like us. That's always been their thing; stopping bullies and sticking up for the oppressed.
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