#(Skitter will be by FAR the most experimental of the test muses)
justassorted · 2 years
Would you kindly tell us more about Skitter?
Sure! Thanks for asking! ^_^
Skitter is an old character of mine (…10 years maybe? *does math*… 13? Good grief time flies) that I’ve written quite a bit but have never roleplayed. 
He’s a muse that will be best suited to more plot-driven threads, especially with his original verse. It doesn’t have to be anything major, but there will need to be some sort of Problem To Deal With to encourage interaction. (Thankfully, I have plot bunnies aplenty on that front. 😂)
As for why I say that… you can’t really befriend a snake. It just isn't a social creature. But you can get it to see you as an asset, or as a safe, comforting, or interesting part of its life. And hey, maybe you like interacting with predators. :) 
…or maybe you’re being hunted. Depends on the circumstances!
Name: Skitter Age: ???? (Adult) Gender: Genderless / agender Pronouns: He/it
Original verse:
Skitter is a semiaquatic alien that was abducted by other unknown aliens and planted on a third alien world (or Earth as needed for RP) for purposes unknown. He is found in stasis in a hidden underground lab. He has clear memories of his homeworld and foggy memories of his abduction. He uses sign, text to speech, and other adaptive methods to communicate. (…Once he learns the local language anyway slskfjf)
Humanoid AU:
Skitter is a product of an experimental program, be that magic or technology. Either the program shut down for reasons unknown and Skitter is found in stasis, Skitter escapes on his own, or the program is discovered and raided—depends on what flavor of interaction is desired for a thread. I haven’t decided yet whether he’s capable of verbal speech; might vary by thread.
...Skitter will also be, like. Human. xD So he will have some form of social needs in a way that he doesn’t, as an alien.
His personality in humanoid AUs will... probably be somewhat different.
But! As far as original verse goes.... the thing that makes Skitter fun for me to write (aside from the speculative biology because I have an Interest sldjfhfh) is that he is completely amoral and largely asocial. 
(…okay yeah so it’s an attempt at speculative psychology instead. >_>; Listen. Listen.  Alien perspectives fun.)
By amoral I don’t mean malicious—he’s just completely and utterly uninvested in the concept of ethics outside of how it intersects with his own interest in self-preservation. It is a Strange Alien Concept that is other people’s problem, except for that little issue where people can get pretty upset and dangerous if he doesn’t figure it out.
So he figures it out. (Grudgingly.)
And by asocial I don’t mean that he avoids social contact (would be pretty silly to try to RP him in that case hah), but I do mean that he has no inherent drive to form social bonds. If you are interesting or necessary to him, he will appreciate having you around, but you are not any more likely to be interesting to him by dint of being a Person than any other activity he could pursue. He gets bored, and people can be interesting and/or useful… but he doesn’t get lonely. 
(…did. Did I just redefine “asocial” with a similar flavor to how “asexual” is used.)
(…fuck it I’m keeping it)
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