#((bc his boyfriend keeps giving him shiny rocks that match his eyes XD))
springvaletales · 2 months
For Curume @deaddoveadventures : can't send the icon but I'll let him play the bad guy and kill your muse if you want to
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He'd let his guard down once the familiar walls of Springvale had appeared between the trees, and that had been his downfall.
'Well,' Michael thought as he watched the knife be withdrawn from his chest. 'At least this will be quick.' The front of his jerkin began to darken along its new tear as something rose at the back of his throat, and the world started to tilt sideways. A dull ache - rather insignificant when compared to the pain lancing through his rib cage, actually - began to suffuse through his muscles, as if he'd spent all day running to only now stop cold, and he was suddenly looking up at the darkening sky.
Funny...hadn't it barely been noon?
A figure stood over him, and it took Michael a very long second to recognize Curumë. The betrayal was a surprise - they had only known each other a few short hours, sure, but he didn't think he'd done anything to offend the half elf. Maybe he could ask, when his recovery was over...assuming his attacker would hang around the area for the week that would take. Michael tried to speak - to say he had nothing worth stealing, maybe, or to spout something witty, he wasn't sure - but his lips wouldn't move, and his lungs ached like the rest of him.
All he managed was a low, wet gurgle before he felt something spill over his lips, and he tasted iron.
His vision continued to darken as Curumë leaned down, and a cold prickling sensation began to needle at the edges of his awareness, as it always did preceding the activation of his curse. With some of his last coherent thought, Michael resigned himself to the magic, and to having to drag himself home from halfway across the kingdom.
This one was going to be hard to explain t o h i s m o t h e r . . .
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