#((Mordecai is....frightened. concerned. appalled. everything
ask-the-sexyman-squad · 3 months
so guys, how are yall gonna plan the baby shower?
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“Honestly, it probably should be private…but I dunno! It’s up to DT and Dad Alastor. Though I have a suggestion! We should get a ring bear for the ceremony! It’ll lighten things up.”
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“A WHAT??”
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“Little Miss Sunshine, that’s a wrong type of celebration for a ring bearer!”
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“She said bear, Alastor…”
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“We aren’t getting a bear period.”
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“…why is she like this.”
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"A sweet little suggestion, but I'm afraid we're going to have to decline it, my dear. As for it being a private get together, I absolutely agree on it!"
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"Especially with how easy things could get out to the public...not that I hate the spotlight! I just don't want this being known...aside from just doing the spell and turning out to be successful, we don't have a solid plan yet."
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"How about we make a solid plan tonight? That way we'll be prepared and ready for the birth in three months: demonic pregnancies are much shorter than average, thanks to magic. As to you folks, stay tuned for that!"
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