#( queuing this cause i wrote this super late at night )
shxwmaster · 4 years
The Stormwind Guard knows the SI:7, and they know Master Mathias Shaw.
     Or rather, they know of him.
Understandably so, details on those agents and said spymaster are hard to come by. Witnessing any one of them at work is a rare sight, and though the SI:7 are, by the end of the day, normal people, to see one agent in uniform and in plain sight is a bad omen for the Guard.
     Like seeing an owl in the daytime. 
So when Mathias Shaw is spotted in the Stormwind park without entourage, or at the very least the king he often stuck to like a tumor, it puts the guards on edge. None dare approach or question him; some even fear looking directly at him. The SI:7 are not meant to be seen, not a force to be trifled with.
So they stand rigid as he walks past down the cobblestone path, stony gaze fixed forward towards the setting sun, the lingering rays of light pouring from behind the stone memorials that framed Lion’s Rest.
He stops at the top of the steps, looking over the empty tomb and the vibrant blue carpet draped decoratively over it. The air is still, the shade cast from the memorial with the names of every life lost in the Legion’s assault leaving him cold in the absence of the sun.
Shaw takes a breath, and drops to a knee.
The statue atop the tomb could never compare to the real man, and the tomb itself is empty, but still, it’s the closest thing he has to pay his respects. It has to do.
But he can feel its emptiness.
He rests his hands atop his knee and hangs his head — Anduin may be king now, and he holds respect for the young man no doubt, but Varian... Oh, Varian...
By the time the sun had long set and the bell tolls at midnight, it will have been exactly two years since he passed away.
     Since the Broken Shore.
     Since he failed his king.
“ Your majesty, ” He says quietly, feeling the strain in his voice as emotion in his throat threatens to garrote him. “ Forgive me for intruding on your rest. But I bring you only good news this time, I promise. 
“ Anduin has grown well. On his good days, you wouldn’t even notice his limp anymore, and when he laughs, he’s quite nearly the spitting image of Tiffin, ” His lip curves upward for a moment, but he keeps his gaze fixed to the ground. “ King Greymane has helped him along in his training. He’s still... sloppy with a sword, but effective. Enough that he’s kept himself alive — he reminds me of you in battle. ”
He’d witnessed enough, seen the battle for Lordaeron, how the armies had charged forth, how they persevered, how the young king summoned such brilliant forces of Light; Shaw was a stranger to most things magical, and though he held a strong distaste for the Light and all those who foolishly swore faith in it, even he knew what significance it bore.
But the king’s youth, remembering it wipes whatever traces of a smile Shaw wore, teeth grit as the weight crushes him again.
“ I’m sorry that he has to fight. I know you wanted a warrior, wanted him to be a fighter, to stand strong, but he should not have to. His youth was wasted, your majesty. All that lies ahead of him now is the next war after the next war. 
“ We won this one, though. You would probably at least be pleased to hear that much. The warfronts are finished and an armistice signed — Sylvanas is... unaccounted for, but no longer an immediate threat. We won, Varian. ”
He forces himself to bring his gaze up, to look onto the still statue of him lying in rest. It’s not him, of course, and it doesn’t capture him, but it feels so, so wrong to see even the image of him so still.
“ I know we all knew it would come to this some day, that your son’s innocence would be shattered with the revelation that Azeroth is forever doomed. Even without the sword, even without the Old Gods and the Legion — so long as there is life, there is war. No one should have to face it. Not him. Not... Not you. ”
Shaw knows it intimately well; Pathonia ensured that he witnessed only the brutal honesty of the world. No fairytales, no false hopes, no comforting words — only a dagger in his small hands and a throne to serve and protect. Face all challenges, overcome all wars in the hopes that the Kingdom will survive and still remain standing by the end. Not everyone will survive, but at the very least, he could ensure House Wrynn did.
“ I’m sorry I failed you, Varian. I’m sorry I keep apologizing for it every time I visit, but I... ” He stares off, searching for his words, searching for his strength. “ I should have done more. I would have given everything to protect you, I would have endured a thousand deaths if it meant I could have saved you and the others. It should have been me. ”
The fact that Detheroc kept him alive was no mercy. It served only to crush him, to make him feel the effects of his failure. He takes a deep breath, the sting of his eyes and throat threatening to overwhelm him, tides lapping at the rocks with increasing violence, waves soon to sweep him into the deep.
“ I’m doing everything I can to protect your son. He holds... so much promise, and so much of your energy — I will see to it that we preserve it. That we preserve Stormwind. I’ve already sworn my life to it, you know this, but I will continue to remind you, and I will continue to give you these reports. ”
Red swallows the sky, a fiery visage painted behind the pale stone and blue banners. The last lights of day wane, and he can feel the cold breeze now against what skin he had exposed.
“ Perhaps a happy ending exists. I’ve yet to see evidence anyone can ever experience it, but I wonder sometimes if there is one. Anduin still, despite everything, holds hope — the world is bleak, Varian. The world is dying, but somehow, there’s still hope. Somehow, I can almost trick myself into believing it. ”
He rises now, steadying his breath and holding his head high. “ If there is one, I will find it for you. For Stormwind. For the Alliance. ”
He hesitates for a moment, wanting to approach the tomb, to press his hand to it, to offer something more, but even with the empty tomb and an unliving statue, it still feels wrong, too close — he clasps his hands behind his back, and offers him that same graceful bow worthy of any king.
“ I will not fail you again. ”
As he turns to leave, the last light dies out, and he melts into the shadows, not a trace of his presence left at Lion’s Rest.
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ethereal-bang · 4 years
Changbin As Your Boyfriend
okay so
seo changbin
another sweet boyfriend
bc we all know our binnie; his image seems dark and tough but really he’s a big softie
especially when it comes to you
probably wrote you a rap to confess to you bc he’s better at expressing his feelings through music
sent it to you while you were hanging out and told you not to open it until he dropped you off at home bc he’s shy 
you go home and listen to it and it’s some soft lowfi kinda beat 
basically him just telling you how much he means to you and that he maybe sorta loves you
your heart SOARS cause how sweet of a gesture but also why couldn’t he just tell you in person alsjflksfj
you call him and tell him you love it and wanna see him tomorrow
surprise !! you confess to him too and now he’s your bf
gets flustered rlly easily when you compliment him cause he loves the praise
a model couple honestly
like he’s gorgeous you’re gorgeous and when the two of you go out ANYWHERE everyone is like “wow who are these absolute smoke shows they’re so lucky to have each other” (spoiler alert: they’re right)
 shopping dates are an often thing i feel like
binnie loves buying you things even if you dont outwardly ask for them
that necklace you eyed at the mall? he goes back while you’re in the bathroom and buys it for you
hides it in one of your other shopping bags so you don’t see it until later when you’re home and can’t whine at him for spending his money
“baby you don’t need to buy me things” “ya but I WANT TO ok”
likes it when you sit with him in the studio
you bring your laptop and do your own work while he’s producing and it’s a calm atmosphere
lots of chill dates
will meet up with you in cute cafes on your lunch break to talk about your day and just have a nice refreshing conversation
everyone thinks binnie is really tough and intimidating and its funny to watch
bc in the back of your head you’re picturing him whining at you earlier that morning bc he didn’t want you to get out of bed bc he wanted to cuddle
LOVES seeing you in his tshirts cause they’re big and they’re his and he likes people knowing that you’re his and he’s yours 
will flex his arms in front of you and then get embarrassed when you plop into his lap and run your hands along them (bc they’re so?? nice ?? I will not go off on a tangent here as much as I want to that’s something for another day)
loves when you cuddle with him on the couch at the end of the day
or in general really
another big fan of holding you in the kitchen
will help you do the dishes and laugh as he blows soap suds at your face
late night conversations :((
when neither of you can sleep so it’s just quiet whispers as you hold each other in the darkness
confides in you when he’s got a major case of writer’s block and is starting to doubt himself
when this happens you always have him step away from his computer and take a break; whether you order take out or go for a walk
he always comes back feeling refreshed and he’s so thankful for you
plays with your hair when you come home after a bad day 
makes sure your favorite food is on the counter and has your favorite tv show queued up bc he just wants to take care of his baby
yeah just a super rad person and boyfriend and he’s the BEST
i need to stop before i make myself cry thank you 
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lastsonlost · 5 years
Well looky here. I guess you guys were worried
About the wrong movie.
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Unfortunately Danny Trejo was not available for comment.
The story:
A 13-year-old girl is among five teenagers arrested over a mass brawl involving youths armed with machetes at a Birmingham cinema.
Families were watching Frozen 2 at Star City when the disorder broke out late on Saturday afternoon, sparking a mass evacuation of the complex.
Police said up to 100 teenagers were involved in the “major disorder”, where people were armed with machetes.
“Dozens of officers were sent to the complex after a 999 call just after 5.30pm reporting a group of youths with machetes,” a spokesperson for West Midlands Police said.
“Two machetes were seized during the trouble, which saw pockets of fighting and seven police officers left with minor injuries as they dealt with the crowds in and around the cinema.”
Armed police were deployed to the scene, drawing Tasers to restore order following a “very hostile response”.
Officers were left with facial injuries, and a knife was recovered from a nearby roundabout.
Investigators said they were working to understand the reason behind the disorder, which bears the hallmarks of an organised fight between rival groups.
One witness said that “a young boy was crying on the floor with his mother” as the fight broke out.
Rachael Allison told the Press Association: “The police told everyone to leave the cinema as they held Taser guns in their hands and started to bring in guard dogs.
“I spoke to a policeman who told me it is unclear whether the kids had weapons and also stated when kids fight they bring their group of friends.“
Eyewitness Choleigh McGuire said the fight started as she queued up with her daughter for Frozen 2.
“There was a fight in the cinema ... group of girls on one girl and it all escalated,” she wrote on Twitter. “The group ran into the cinema rooms to hide and a lot of police turned up.
“Has to be one of the scariest experiences of my life, so sad all the little children were there.”
Five teenagers have been arrested. A 13-year-old girl, another girl and boy aged 14, and 19-year-old man were held on suspicion of assaulting police officers.
Another boy, aged 14, was arrested for obstructing police.
Cinema managers closed the complex for the rest of the evening and police issued a dispersal order, giving them powers to move crowds on and arrest those who refused. 
Supt Ian Green, from Birmingham police, said: “This was a major outbreak of trouble which left families who were just trying to enjoy a night out at the cinema understandably frightened.
“We worked quickly to move the crowds on, but were met with a very hostile response and officers had to draw Tasers to restore order. 
“Thankfully, the injuries to our officers were very minor. We’ve also recovered two machetes and a knife, and it’s clear that some of those who went to Star City last night were intent on causing trouble.
“We’ve had a great response from the public who have been very supportive of our officers.”
Supt Green appealed for people to pass footage or photos of the disorder to police, who have already received phone calls identifying some suspects.
“We understand that families with young children will have been left upset by what they saw last night, but we urge people to appreciate that our aim last night was to protect the public and restore order, and that’s what we achieved,” he added.
Anyone with information is asked to contact police online or by calling 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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Man, I don't know about incels but these teenage girls are a bunch of violent super predators that need to be brought to heel.
Someone should get a collection of biased news companies to shun, shame and demonize them with fake news hit pieces and call out culture.
Clearly that's the only answer right?
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