#( haejin answers. )
pillowxtalk · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  you get more beautiful every time i see you. /—Joshi
[ 📲 sms ]: I do? Does that mean you’re close by? How else would you know otherwise?
[ 📲 sms ]: How about you come to me?
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flwoie · 11 months
FREEZBEES — VI seok woohyun say ur last words
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Matthew was minding his own business on the bench when he noticed Haejin sitting down next to him. He knew that this was the perfect opportunity to talk to her. But what can he talk about?
"What’s today's date?" he asks her. No response came out of her mouth. She was busy scrolling on her phone as he repeated what he had asked before. "It’s the 8th," Jiwoong answered. Matthew slightly glared at him. Jiwoong repeated himself to make sure Matthew heard him. "It’s the 8th—"
"Shut up," he retorted. He quickly looked at Haejin and smiled, even though she wasn’t looking at him at all. "What’s today's date?" he asked again. Haejin looked up and noticed Matthew was talking to her. She looked at the date on her phone and answered him, "Oh, it’s the 8th."
Matthew beamed and nodded. "The 8th! Thank you." Haejin ignored him and went back to playing frisbee.
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< five ♩ masterlist ♩ seven >
🗣️ SONA SPEAKING i thought of this chapter when i was watching silly instagram reels on the plane (aha would u guys believe if i said i started and finished freezbees during my vacation)
< SYNOPSIS > sunny days have arrived, and having matthew’s classmates drenched in sweat from sports is not what he needs. it’s not until he gets a text from his friend saying they both have to go to a club he doesn’t remember signing up for. by the time he gets there, there’s the pretty girl from the other class chucking plastic plates at her friends. right, he joined the frisbee club as a joke because his crush signed up. at least he’ll get to eat flavoured ice sticks with her.
TLIST (SEND AN ASK OR DM TO BE ADDED!) @hanniluvi @jiawji @hikyeom @mangobee @suminsfav @paikai @sunoosluvr @planethyuka
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rainyearning · 7 months
Bento making classes? Haejin wouldn’t be surprised if there actually existed such things, yet he chuckles at the thought of them going to one. How romantic. “I’m not sure about classes, but I know there are books on bentos. I bought one, hence why I know. You should have seen the options I had to pick from, definitely not the part of the bookstore I usually go to. It was more stressful than expected.” Haejin looks towards the bag where the bento was resting, no worries in the world, debating about the suggestion even though the answer was clear.
“Okay, baby. I will be here waiting for you. I have a pretty relaxed day, so come by when you can and we can enjoy lunch together. I love you too.” There was a small smile tugging on his lips as the call ends, the excitement in him trying to burst out. Lunch with Kaidan, what more could he want. Haejin would excuse himself from the nurses and go to his office, just so he could put the white coat on and the bento away, checking the time. Deciding to text Kaidan, even though they just spoke.
/txt: Kaidan 🤍/ Did I tell you that I love you? Yes? Well doesn’t matter if I already said it, I love you so much!
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"So you think we should just learn it together? Some nice music, you and me in cute aprons preparing different things for bentos? Little bento making boot camp with trying different snacks?" It sounded... surprisingly sweet and it made the deathbird feel a special warmth. A smile on his lips, a smile that didn't seem to leave his features whenever he talked to the doctor. His doctor. His love. He surely made a mental note to buy some things, because the other man surely deserved nice bentos, now that he thought about it. "Let me, finish up here and then I will grab something lunchy for us to eat, yes? I should be there in an hour, is that okay with you?" He would be there sooner, probably, just because the excitement would keep him from working focused. He couldn't really say that he had lots of experience, being in love like this, feeling like this.. "I love you and I am excited for a lunch date." Not long after he had ended the call, there was a notification popping up, causing him to chuckle.
/txt: Haejin🤍/ silly, of course you told me /txt: Haejin🤍/ I love you, promise, I will be there. Does an eggsalad sandwich sound good to you?
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youngshiney · 8 months
koreaboo writing an article with the title "lim jiyeon spills on why park haejin can't find a gf" like we know the answer,,,, its his horrificly misogynistic, fatphobic, racist, homophobic, and overall shitty personality. "he has high standards" miss ma'am,, be serious
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vienrose · 11 months
He was debating about it for some time, deciding to just go for it. He grabs the man’s face when he has a chance, in the middle of the street, kissing him deeply then and there. Raindrops falling on them, but he couldn’t care less, needing this moment, wanting this.. this man, Tyr.. hoping he would realise his true feelings.
Tyr was looking around to find a spot where they could shield themselves from the sudden rain, a hand above his eyes to keep the rain out of them. It was a downpour, one he wasn't prepared for. Well, guess they could call it a night and head back home before both of them caught a cold. About to suggest that, Tyr turned to face Haejin, only to have a pair of soft lips press against his, catching him by surprise just as the rain did. With a chuckle, he held his hand up to cup the others cheek, answering the kiss with the same emotion before he couldn't contain his smile anymore and was forced to pull away. "What was that for all of a sudden?" he laughed, giving him one more peck before brushing his wet bangs off of his face. "I think you really want a cold."
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gaesaekkii · 1 year
Haejin is the kind of man I would pin against the wall and kiss him till he is dizzy but idk if he can handle a women doing that to him.
I am not sure if I would let a woman do that to me. That is the correct answer to that.
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bak3r · 2 years
When looking into zines & self-published books I came across a bunch of really interesting sites such as TXTbooks, Printed Matter, & Perfectly Acceptable. Here are some of the most inspired / my favourite works on these sites!
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Anibal Bley - Paso is spanish for “step, pace, path, way”; and a response when you don’t know an answer or don’t have any moves left and you have to pass. Paso by Anibal Bley is close to both meanings: the passage and the omission.
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Haejin Park - Two Worms Waltz is a story developed and illustrated by New York-based artist Haejin Park. Filled with mystical insects, animals and plants, the book follows a flower-eyed being on their quest to be noticed among dancing worms and butterflies in a neon garden. The spiral bound book, bright colors and hand-written story create a pleasant childhood nostalgia.
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Diane Zhou - FOAMY is a loose reflection on the lifelong process of managing selfish baby feelings. They're okay when you're an infant, but you have to learn to regulate them as you grow up, or else everyone hates you. This reflection takes the form of doodles collected from the past ~3 years along with miscellaneous photos, which record both mental states and scenes I witnessed that became imprinted on my brain—the tiny heartbreaks that punctuate everyday life.
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yamszaki · 2 years
​❝ i wish i had a family, but i’ll never know the feeling. ❞ // haejin e taeil
taeil não se considerava um homem realmente ocupado. houveram épocas em que ele com certeza trabalhou mais, tinha mais tarefas a serem feitas e mais entregas para seus superiores. o conforto de estar em uma posição de chefia era inexplicável, mesmo que ainda estivesse em um local relativamente baixo na hierarquia de sua editora. e era grato de ter conseguido subir de cargo logo agora, pois sabia que jiae precisava de sua presença em casa e em sua vida. hoje era um dos dias da folga que havia pedido, e decidiu levar a pequena para um piquenique. o convite, por sua vez, se estendeu até haejin, que estava ao seu lado na toalha de piquenique.
logo após a perda da esposa, taeil foi orgulhoso e renegou a ideia de ter uma babá ao máximo. também não queria sequer pensar em relacionamentos, queria tocar sua vida a dois e apenas isso. porém, isso se provou muito complicado: crianças tinham horários bastante esquisitos e exigentes, e o jornalista não conseguia cumpri-los tão bem quanto gostaria, resultando em muitas mágoas desnecessárias com jiae. foi numa dessas mágoas, em que a menina teve uma crise incessante de choro no meio de um parquinho enquanto taeil tentava acalmá-la, que ele conheceu haejin. 
demorou um tempo para que, efetivamente, aceitasse a garota para trabalhar exclusivamente como cuidadora da menina. o contrato inicial era que haejin cuidasse de sua filha na creche até o horário em que ele pudesse buscá-la. depois, ela começou a levar a garotinha para suas aulas de pintura e música. hoje em dia, a pianista tinha mesmo uma cópia da chave do apartamento de taeil e ele sentia um senso de responsabilidade por ela: fazia questão de mandá-la para casa com uma marmita ou o jantar já no estômago, que ela pudesse embarcar nos ônibus da madrugada sem receios e qualquer coisa nesse tipo.
ter perdido o contato com sua irmã mais nova também aflorava aquele lado do homem, especialmente quando haejin lembrava muito a própria dambi. o principal trejeito, além do piano, era o quão sensível ambas eram. ouvir as melodias por parte da mais nova traziam um certo conforto para taeil, conforto esse que ele tentava retribuir em áreas que sentia serem deficientes para a moça. agora mesmo, observava ela se divertir com o xilofone de brinquedo da filha, produzindo algo próximo de uma melodia infantil. jiae descansava nos braços masculinos em um sono profundo após muita correria e bolinhos de arroz, o som parecendo não incomodá-la.
o desejo de haejin veio subitamente, pegando o editor um tanto de surpresa. não costumava fazer perguntas invasivas, pois ela também não cutucava a ferida que minah deixou na casa dos shin. “acho que famílias são construídas, você pode até nascer em uma, mas a que realmente importa é aquela que você deixa permanecer com você” usou um tom de voz calmo e acolhedor, tentando não soar estranho. “hoje eu tenho a jiae, mas a família que me criou não gosta dela, então não os quero perto. você tem mais amor e carinho por ela do que os avós, então tenho certeza que aos olhos dela, você é uma tia muito especial, haejin” sorriu, acariciando os fios de sua primogênita enquanto observava as reações da garota ao seu lado com bastante atenção. “pessoalmente, não gosto do título de chefe, e você sabe. se precisar de um apoio, de alguém para assistir seus concertos de piano, eu sempre vou me fazer disponível. você nos ajuda de uma forma que eu não tenho palavras pra descrever, e queremos estar lá por você também. podemos ser sua família de consideração junto dos seus amigos, se você estiver disposta a aceitar um velhote e uma criança, claro!”
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gunshzt-a · 3 years
📸 + hyena & haejin
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pillowxtalk · 1 year
/txt: Joshi/ You should behave dear, no need to rush with the kisses. I’m not going anywhere.
/txt: Joshi/ This doesn’t mean I dislike them though. I really don’t.
/txt: Joshi/ Ugh. I’m not making any sense am I.. I’m not good at explaining things on my phone, not through texts. We will talk in person.
[ sms - Haejin ]: Behaving was never my thing you see. That's why I'm the label I am in now because I'm not your typical idol.
[ sms - Haejin ]: I get that you don't dislike being kissed or kissing in general.
[ sms - Haejin ]: I'm looking forward to see you in person again. Maybe next time I can come visit you?
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daisyjoners · 2 years
📸 // hyena&haejin
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              ˖      .   a look at hyena & haejin’s pictures.      ˖  
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imbruedinfear-a · 4 years
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@undead-muses​ asked: [ challenge ] kali @ haeji n
[ challenge ]   your muse challenging mine.
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     “You want.. a drunk axe-throwing competition.. for the chance to put your head between my tits again.” Haejin just repeats the challenge, staring deadpan at Kali. What. The. Fuck. Is it because they kept evading her attempts with way more ease than she was used to? Is it because she can’t actually dominate them when they’re not in heat? “Fucking.. how many kegs of beer did you buy?” They’re not even looking behind her at the beer haul yet. They don’t want to know. More specifically, they don’t want to know how likely they are to actually get fucked up from it. “... You have to get me drunk first.”
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rainyearning · 1 year
“There wouldn’t be any relationships, no couples, no friends, if people would simply ask a few questions and then give up if they don’t get an answer they like.”
Haejin smiles. Was he making any sense? Probably not, but he was looking to reassure the man that he isn’t someone who would simply get disappointed like that. Though he wasn’t always trusting of people, it would take more than that to disappoint him. Maybe this was pushing the boundaries, but he reaches in and pokes the man’s chest in a rather playful way.
“Kaidan, you’re making this sound like an interview. Relax. I’m not that intimidating now am I? Are you scared of me? Because I am not scared of you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
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"I guess this is why relationships, couples and friends seem to get rarer in this modern age. Many do give up once faced with situations they don't like." Kaidans brows raise when Haejin goes a step further to poke his chest. Since they both were dressed in wasn't a big deal, no skin contact. It's what Kaidan would really try to avoid. "I am not scared of you nor intimidated." He simply was.. weird. He didn't have someone want to get to know him in a while, not on a sincere note. "I am not worried to scare people, or you, in this case. Scary isn't the way I would call myself." But what would he call himself? Unapproachable? Unloveable? Antisocial? "I don't know why you want to get to know me, if not as a friend.. I have to believe that you may want to get to know me in a more intimate way." The bird swallowed slightly, straightening his posture. "I am no one people should get intimate with."
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banglatown · 4 years
hi my sweet affa 🥰💖 i associate you with warmth & comfort, strong/independent energies, the colour purple, bright & vibrant flowers, and the feeling of unconditional love! 🥺✨💫
ajsjjswj OMG 🥺😭💖 i love you so much my sweet sweet 동생 YOU’RE SO CUTE 💓💓💓 you’re such a quick learner my darling haejin and i’m so so proud of you always 🌟💛 and omf i LOVE IT !!!! literal dream 💕 and :((((( i love you sm and i hope you know that you always have my love 💖
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yeol · 4 years
omg TAT 🥺😭😭 i just went through ur tag for me and!!!! ✨💖💫💫🌟 I LOVE U SM i hope you've been doing well lately hehe imy bby
haejin.... my dearest, sweetest angel cupcake!!! i love YOU!! i miss you sm and im gonna text you rn...
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gaesaekkii · 1 year
His face is all red, probably too red for this. But Haejin had used his courage for this, Hanwool should be able to too. Taking a deep breath, he nodded against the older's hand. His eyes diverting from his eyes because he was too shy. "I would like to be your... you know." That word was just too hard to say.
Clearing his throat he smiled widely up at the older and wrapped his arms around him. "Hi boyfriend." He whispered in a tiny voice buried into his shoulder.
Haejin was worried the man would say no, the time he took to answer wasn’t very encouraging. Heart thumping loudly in his chest as he waits, only to end up singing in relief.
“God, you sure know how to keep a man hanging.”
Chuckles as he wraps his arms around the other tightly, they both needed this moment. Even though this didn’t really calm him down, not at all. Hearing Hanwool say that word out loud just made him smile even more, whispering back to him.
“Hello, my beautiful boyfriend.”
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