#( cm : yorinobu arasaka )
vendettamuses · 2 years
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@maximuses SAID: “ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ” -> from evelyn to yorinobu 👀
⚔️ More Random Dialogue Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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Talking to Evelyn had become so easy. With her, he lost any sense of mistrust or inhibitions to the swarms of personal thoughts that plagued his mind at any given moment. A swarm of locusts cast upon him by his own father, devouring every thought in his brain until there was nothing left untouched by his cruel influence. Anxiety and endless plotting chased each other round and round in circles. He found himself at war with his own mind. His own family. But it was not the threat his father posed to himself that worried him. No. It was the prisoner of war he’d claimed from the young Arasaka heir.
“I… am worried.” He verbalized slowly, the confession feeling strange and foreign on his tongue. As much as he hated to admit it, there were a few similarities between the boy and his father. Namely, their constant desire to shoulder all the burdens of their life. To manage every issue on their own, speaking not a word of their woes or struggles if only to placate those around them and keep them happy. Old traditionalist values. Values that, as much as he detested them, he could not seem to shake them from himself. As though his father had embedded the very ideas into his soul from the moment he was born. The forced inheritance of a man set in his way as the ever-traditional patriarch of a dying bloodline.
“For Hanako.” He continued, trying to find the words without slipping into an angry ramble. It was difficult. Like hopping across rocks without falling into the raging river in his head. He would be swept away by the violent stream of his anger, buried beneath all those anxieties that kept bubbling up and threatening to drown him under their force. “For Michiko. For my family. We have all suffered under my father’s reign. The old man is stubborn and set in his ways and because of this, my sister and my niece have remained trapped under his thumb. I want to help them. But I fear that how I go about it will only jeopardize them. I know he has poisoned them with lies since I left. He has caged them and told them their prison is a paradise.”
He leaned back into Evelyn’s arms, taking some comfort in the feeling of her hands tenderly caressing up and down his bare arms as he stared blankly at the far wall. “I need to break the illusion. Carefully. I don’t want to hurt them the way my father has. They have been through enough already…”
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