#( because he DID lie to the dai crew ( outside of leli..ana. she already knew ))
endawn · 21 days
thinking again about pax & sera’s relationship souring after it’s revealed he’s possessed and her subsequently shooting him with an arrow. she ends up nailing him directly in the throat ( possible she was aiming for his head, but he recoiled ). where this took place wasn’t out in the open, thankfully. in the lower part of the castle, they ran into each other by happenstance. she had enough draw on the string to send the arrowhead out the back of his neck but the entire arrow did not go all the way through. sera was gone before he could possibly do anything else or for her to see if her theory on if the possessing demon would try to protect the host was correct. it tried, but pax fought it. if anyone was there to witness it, they would've seen his body trembling, twisting and trying to transform; warp. he held it back and managed to reach behind and break the tip off the arrow before pulling the rest of the shaft out the front. unfortunatley, some did witness him clutching a bleeding throat as he rushed to reach leli..ana in the rookery.
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