#( I get it we have to have Simcoe live because of historical accuracy reasons )
cabbxges-and-kings · 1 year
I really wish s4 of turn would've included a throw back to Thomas' death (Abe's brother Thomas) when he was undercover in the British army. Since I'm sure Richard would be glad if both of his sons served, maybe not so much after Thomas' death, but still. It was built up as this big impactful thing in s1, in his trial in s3 Abe confesses that he "killed" his brother. So it was still relevant to Abe's character at that point. I know not a lot of people like Abe and wouldn't care for seeing any reference to it, but it could've surfaced in his mind after losing his father: his mother, brother, and finally, father all being dead. Since his brother served and was killed during his time serving in the British Army, it could've strengthened his bond with Mary, or something, since it's his death that caused the two to get married instead.
#( ooc )#( I will always say Abe's s4 character growth is a little weird to me )#( I know we were supposed to get a s5 and it was quite rushed and they did what they could )#( I like his growing connection and bond with Mary don't get me wrong )#( but the whole angle the rest of the characters all seemed to share doesn't really fit Abe imo )#( I mean it could work but not in the way it was handled imo )#( the message or storyline I'm talking about that all character shares is the sense of a new life after the war )#( adapting to the change making it your own paying for past dues changing as a person overall )#( Hewlett Townsend? Peggy Simcoe Mary Anna all seem to share this in common with their development and actions )#( Abe too but I'll get to that later on )#( I think Hewlett had the best character arc in relation to this overall message )#( I think it worked out wonderfully and really made Hewlett a complex character it just really worked in his favor )#( For Abe? idk )#( it could've worked out but I think the whole not killing Simcoe at the end didn't really feel ic for me )#( we always know Abe is a vengeful sorta guy and Simcoe has scorned Abe a few too many times )#( I get it we have to have Simcoe live because of historical accuracy reasons )#( but idk I never really see Abe as the sparring type and I don't really see why Abe spared Simcoe anyways )#( Abe had a chance to kill Simcoe before but now he had another chance and idk I feel like Abe would definitely take advantage of that )#( after all the seasons )#( I think it would've worked better if they interwoven this message more with Mary and his connection to his new family )#( I completely forgot what I was about to say in relation to this lmao )#( overall I think the sparring of Simcoe and this whole message is more ic for Hewlett than it is for Abe )#( like I can see where maybe he thinks more blood and death won't solve anything )#( but idk with everything idk what would've put that in his head? he could've justified killing Simcoe easily with everything )
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