#'gill's goddess likes marriage' is how I'm flavoring the +2 bonus to ac the ceremony spell gives
I just need to share my vision:
The albatrio finally reunite after their separate quests. They're so happy to be together. Everything is great. But Jay notices something is... well, odd about them. More odd than usual. She jokes to Chip, "what, did you two kiss again or something?" And again, she cannot stress enough that this was a JOKE. But Chip is turning 18 different shades of red and now she's intrigued because there's obviously a story.
"We kind of...got married?" Chip will squeak out.
"... and you didn't ask me to be your best woman?" She's a little offended.
"What? No, it's not like-- it wasn't a REAL wedding, it was just... Gill's goddess really likes marriage or something. She protects newlyweds? We had a big fight coming up and Gill's like, ordained for this kind of stuff, so we just sort of... you know? It seemed logical at the time."
"... ... you got married for TAX PURPOSES?"
"Battle purposes, yes," Chip says. "And we're both still alive so clearly it worked."
She stares at him. And then it dawns on her. "Oh my God and Gill doesn't believe in divorce--" She grabs Chip by the shoulders. "You got trapped in a marriage AGAIN. How does this keep happening to you?"
Gill walks by, blissfully unaware of the entire conversation, and cheerfully kisses Chip on the cheek like it's nothing. Chip discovers a new, 19th shade of red in which to turn.
Jay bursts into hysterical laughter. "Good to have you back, Jay!" Gillion says, and keeps walking.
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