#'One-Day Trip Before Setting Sail' cards
pjsekaiupdates · 1 year
The "Bon Voyage of Departures and Bonds Gacha" has started! This Gacha is Permanent!
You can get the following members from it:
★4 Kiritani Haruka ★4 Hoshino Ichika ★4 Hatsune Miku (MORE MORE JUMP!)
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It ends on 5/20 at 11:59 JST!
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prosekaipng · 1 year
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prskcostumes · 6 months
Sailor Apprentice
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Sailor Apprentice is a costume that can be obtained by pulling in any Standard Gacha past the Bon Voyage of Departures and Bonds Gacha! The costume comes with an Exclusive Accessory for MMJ Miku and a Standard Accessory!
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It was a slow day at work today, so I wrote something. It’s a short bit of the arranged marriage AU. I was gonna make it longer but… eh. @fernstarsblog here your tag.
T/W: era-appropriate sexism
Primum Peccatum Ch. 5: I’m Just a Girl, Lucky Me
Pomni handed her book to the librarian.
“Miss Shutnyk, back so soon! Have you finished this already? It’s hardly been a week.”
Pomni smiled politely, keeping her eyes on the desk. “The prose isn’t exactly complex, Mr. Carpenter. They are fairy tales, after all.”
“Be that as it may, this is quite a lot of stories. You go through these so quickly, it’s a wonder you haven’t run out of books to read.” the librarian said.
Pomni smiled again, wistfully this time. In truth, she had only skimmed the book. Fairy tales offered lessons that she had learned as a child or themes she heard told in more interesting ways in better books. That, and it had been dreadfully difficult to concentrate on reading with this inane marriage business.
She looked around the library for another book. Normally, she was on the hunt for something new to read, but today called for something slightly different. She wanted a book she loved, something that would help distract her from everything. Literary comfort food.
She soon found her respite in the fiction section. Humidity by Rachel Houston. It was a wonderful story about a muggy New Hirnantian hamlet inundated by fog, and a new schoolteacher that arrives there and becomes invested in the lives of the townsfolk. The prose was beautiful and unpretentious, and she loved the main character, a woman about Pomni’s age. It helped that the author was also a woman, and thus knew how to write from a female perspective.
“Ah, Humidity, Ms. Shutnyk? I thought you read this one ages ago.” Mr. Carpenter said when Pomni brought the book over.
“I would very much like to read it again. I have been meaning to, but there are so many books… But, now is as good a time as any to revisit an old favorite, I believe.” Pomni said.
“There’s never anything wrong with enjoying a novel again. Some stories I could read over and over again and never get tired of. Even if I had your memory.” Mr. Carpenter said, as he stamped the checkout card and marked the due date.
“It’s a blessing and a curse. I can really only experience a story for the first time once… but, I never forget a favorite. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day, Mr. Carpenter.”
Pomni managed enough eye contact for a polite goodbye before she left the library. She walked down the path to the pier. It was another warm day with cool, salty breezes, being so close to the reach brought the smell of the ocean. Her black sundress fluttered slightly at the occasional zephyr. She held the brim of her sunhat to keep it from flying away, the other around her book. She thought about going for a walk in the park, it was part of her routine, after all… but not this time. Her heels were still somewhat sore from the blisters she sustained, and truth be told, she wanted to be alone with her book. Once she was married, solitude would be very hard to come by, even with her and Jax Krolik’s agreement to live like bachelors in the same house.
She reached the pier just as the ferry arrived. A few homeowners from Primum Peccatum exited the boat. One elderly gentleman, a neighbor who Pomni had spoken to perhaps twice in her entire life, nodded to her.
“Congratulations, Miss Shutnyk,” he said. Pomni merely nodded as she passed him by. Just for a moment, she contemplated tripping the man into the sea. She stepped onto the ferry and took a seat inside, her usual spot by the window. She opened her book, skipping the preamble, and dove into the story.
The ferry waited the usual ten minutes for any late arrivals, before the bell tolled that it was time to set sail. As the crew pulled up the anchor and started the engine, a pair of feet landed on the deck, a straggler, no doubt. Pomni heard them approach the crew and gasp an apology, stepping inside the ferry and taking a seat with a sigh of relief, slumping over the back of the chair. Pomni glanced at them, looked back down at her novel, then glanced back up.
“Miss… Kali?” she said.
Jax’s elder sister-in-law, wearing a similar maroon dress from the last time Pomni had seen her, had taken off her large hat to fan herself. She wore no shoes (beastfolk rarely ever wore them, their feet were often too uniquely shaped or oddly sized for shoes), but wore a simple and elegant string of pearls around her neck. Pomni had to admit, she looked quite nice, despite her tangerine fur being matted from sweat.
The beastwoman blinked and sat up much straighter upon seeing Pomni. She smiled. “Oh! Oh, good afternoon! Miss Shutnyk, what a pleasant surprise! I wasn’t expecting to see you on the mainland! How are you?”
Pomni swallowed, focusing on her book. Be polite, she thought. This was going to be a relative of yours who’d done nothing to you. So far.
“I’m well,” Pomni replied. “I just came from the library. Are you going to see Jax?”
“I am! He’s staying with your neighbor, correct? It must be so relieving to have such a short distance between the two of you!”
Pomni cleared her throat. “I do wish he had told me about the arrangement first…”
Kali laughed. “Oh, that’s just the way he is. Such a cad, all about surprises and tricks! There’s never a dull moment with him!”
“Yes, I’m inclined to agree,” Pomni said, focusing on her novel.
“I’m so lucky that fellow in red lended me his ferry pass… I would have missed you otherwise!”
Pomni looked Kali in the face for the first time. “Fellow in red?”
“Oh, you enjoy Rachel Houston? I love her work, I quoted from one of her poems for my wedding vows!”
“Is that right?” Pomni closed her book and set it on her lap. “Which one was it?”
“Ah, the title eludes me… but I remember the verse!
‘If there are but two minds left
After time concludes and eternity begins
I long to be alone with you.’”
Pomni smiled. “Ah, that one was unpublished and untitled, included in The Complete Works. I understand why you selected it. It’s beautiful…”
“Isn’t it? Alton’s eyes were swimming when I read it, and he so seldom cries. That’s just the power of good literature!” Kali declared.
“Hm…” Pomni had to think about how to continue the conversation. It wasn’t as though she didn’t want to talk about one of her favorite authors, but if she began, it would be very difficult to stop. “Your husband. What does he do?”
“Alton is a doctor! He works at the hospital for the moment, but if he’s hoping to open his own drug store once my father-in-law gets back on his feet. It’s mostly a matter of paying for all the medicinal powders and tinctures, plus the land expenses and building expenses.”
“From… the wedding, I imagine.” Pomni replied.
“Yes indeed! And, truth be told, I am quite happy to see you and Jax together. Oh, I was so worried that-”
“P-Pardon my interruption. Do you enjoy married life, Kali?” Pomni asked.
Kali looked a bit perplexed for a moment, before she beamed.
“Oh, I love it. Altonicus is a wonderful man, he’s kind, and intelligent, sensitive but not weak… we’re hoping to have our first child soon, as soon as we better establish our roots. We have a house, yes, but our own business is what would really drive us to have kin of our own.”
“And your marriage was arranged?” Pomni replied.
“It was! Oh, I was so nervous. I was just 20, you know! But when I first met Alton, I remember the first thing he said to me-”
Pomni became lost in thought, drowning out Kali’s voice. So it was possible to be in one of these arrangements and love one’s partner. Unless Kali was hiding something, or suffering from Stockholm syndrome…
“Would you say you were lucky?” Pomni asked.
“Lucky?” Kali echoed.
“That you ended up with a person you could love…” Pomni said, practically mumbling.
“Ah… I understand. You’re unhappy.”
Pomni’s eyes widened. “Ah- No, I didn’t mean to imply…”
“Miss Shutnyk… no, Pomni. I’m going to be your co-sister-in-law, so I should use your first name, shouldn’t I? Pomni, I’m not surprised you feel that way. You’re 25, yes? Any woman your age that hasn’t married probably has no interest in getting married age 26, if that makes any sense. Tell me honestly: would you ever have married of your own volition?”
“I wouldn’t. I still wish not to. I tried to join the clergy so I wouldn’t be able to…” Pomni confessed.
“So you are unhappy. But let me tell you something, Pomni. You’re doing a good thing. Not just for your family.” Kali said.
“I don’t care,” Pomni blurted out. “I… I’m sorry. I know you’re depending on my family’s dowry for your business, but… I simply… I can’t force myself to be happy about this…”
Kali, to Pomni’s surprise, smiled.
“I know and I’m sorry. You’re correct. I was very fortunate to be married to a man that loves me. But, in a way, I think you’re fortunate too.”
“…I’m afraid I don’t follow.” Pomni replied. “I am lucky that I wasn’t married to a monster, I suppose. But why must I be married at all? I wanted to take over my father’s law firm…”
Kali suddenly held Pomni’s hand, the human girl jumping at the touch. The beastwoman looked Pomni dead in the face.
“Do you still have that dream?” she asked.
Pomni couldn’t look her in the eye for very long, but she nodded.
“Yes, I do.”
“Then you can achieve it. Look at Rachel Houston!”
Kali tapped Pomni’s book. “A published author who you can find in any library. All those stuffshirts who scoffed at the idea of a woman being a best-selling author had to put their feet firmly in their mouth when they read her prose and poetry. Being a woman is incredibly difficult, but if you are exemplary, you will succeed no matter your gender.”
Pomni swallowed. “Kali… I’m… I-I don’t know what to say…”
“But, if I may impart some advice? I’ve known Jax for ten years, since he was only 12 years old. And that veneer of slyness?”
The ferry arrived at the dock, the red Ediacaran wood gleaming in the early afternoon sunlight.
“Oh, we’re here already? What a quick voyage this was!” Kali hopped off of her chair and headed for the boat’s exit.
Pomni sat for a moment. She collected her belongings and followed Kali out of the boat. She was already hurrying up the path towards the Rooker estate.
“I know we’re traveling in the same direction, Pomni, but I really must hurry on ahead! I have to go to The Gray Church right after I visit with Jax, and I’d like to be home before evening! Ta-ta for now!”
Kali waved frantically before dashing ahead. Rabbitfolk moved rather quickly. That seemed appropriate.
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One-Day trip before SETTING SAIL card edits ┊ ┊🌊 ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚ ♪ free to use w/o credit
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daily-leoneed · 1 month
Monthly Overview ✭ Apr-May
Hello everyone, we are back for another Leoni monthly overview! However, it looks like we’re getting a lot less content this month, as both focus events on JP are for a different units member. We also do not know if any will show up in the yearly wedding event (if there is one, chances are high).
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On EN we will be getting two mixed events featuring Leoni members! The first event, ‘One-Day Trip Before Setting Sail’, features Ichika’s 4✭ “Aquatic Escape” and Saki’s 3✭ “Feeling Like an Idol in Disguise?”
“For their upcoming school trip, the 1st year students of Miyamasuzaka Girls' Academy are going to Yokohama! As Haruka's currently focusing on her return to the credit class system, she thinks that this school trip may be her last memory with everyone from the regular class... At the same time, Saki went to approach Haruka and asked if she wanted to be in the same group as her for the trip....”
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And at the end of the month we will see the event, ‘Standing Next to the Kind and Gentle You’, with Honami’s Limited 4✭ “Under the Bell of Blessing and Gratitude” and Rin’s 3✭ “A High Five for the Successful Operation!”
Recently, Honami noticed that Kanade has been focusing on songwriting a lot more than usual. At the same time, Honami remembered that she received some tickets to the Bridal Festa from Emu. Wanting Kanade to take a break once in a while, Honami decided to invite her to go to the Bridal Festa together with her...
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Saki’s birthday is on May 9th! Be prepared for a special birthday post~ Be sure to look out for when her 2024 birthday card drops, and good luck on your pulls.
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On JP we have the lovely surprise of Leoni covering ‘Tokyo Teddy Bear’ with Rin! And on EN we’re getting ‘Kaisei’, a full unit cover with MEIKO. Both have/will have a 3DMV.
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Upcoming Events
In June we will have a special Connect Live featuring both Leoni and VBS!! Entry costs 2980 paid crystals, and two shows will be held alongside an After Event, where characters will talk about their experience during the shows.
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The 8th single cover album featuring ’Hoshi o Tsunagu’ and ‘purpose’ will release on the 12th of June.
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That’s it for this monthly overview! Hope this is helpful and informative. See you at the end of June for the next one~
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Any snippet please? Preferably a flashback or something from Quaritch and Spider's trip
 They arrived in New Zealand in the afternoon. After leaving Brown at the airfield, they went to a nice restaurant for an early dinner where they tried some delicious local delicacies. Later they ran to the grocery store to buy enough food for the next few days of sailing and hiking. They rented their boat, setting sail an hour before sunset, floating down Milford Sound as the sun sank over the horizon, its light glittering off the water, the various shades of pink, purple, and orange in the sky looking absolutely mesmerizing against the endless open expanse of mountain ranges. When the moon came out and the heavens opened up blanketing their world in billions of stars, father and son simply laid out on the deck of their boat, gazing up in reverent silence. 
    They could have stayed out there all night but unfortunately the fatigue from their two days of constant travel caught up to them, forcing them to move below deck to a small shared bedroom. There was only one bed but neither minded. Pa wrapped an arm around Miles holding him securely against his chest, bringing his other hand up to card through his son’s curls. Miles had still been buzzing from the excitement of the day when he’d laid down but with his father steadily stroking his hair, and the rhythmic rocking of the boat, he relaxed, falling asleep in moments. 
     Miles woke the next morning to find the room deserted, feeling the boat moving underneath him. He moved to the top deck, breathing in crisp clean air, staring out in utter awe of his surroundings. Green mountain ranges surrounded them, each housing a forest of its own, the foliage so large and dense that it hung over the rock formations, close enough for him to touch from his spot on the sound. The deep blue water peacefully rocked their vessel, birds calling to each other overhead. Miles still couldn’t believe that he was really here. That his father had taken him here. 
      “Mornin’ son,” Pa called from the steering wheel. Miles gave his father a sleepy smile. “Go grab yourself some breakfast. We got a big day ahead.” He did as told, settling into the boat’s gallery as he munched on an apple and dry cereal, peacefully watching nature as they drifted by. 
   He heard it before he saw it. A waterfall. The first of two that they’d be seeing on their boating excursion. Miles sprang to his feet, rushing over to the ship’s railing to get as close as possible as they approached. Mist from the rushing water clung to him, cooling his skin. He faintly felt the rumble of the boat's engine cut under his feet, his father joining him. Matching content smiles graced their faces as they took it all in. This is real, Miles thought, Pa really kept his word. Miles hadn’t needed this trip to change his opinions of his father. Pa was a good honest man, who loved and cared for him unconditionally. He had never lied to him and so he’d had no reason to doubt that this day would eventually come but still. It was all just so amazing.    Miles playfully bumped his father’s shoulder with his own, earning a little huff of a laugh and large grin in response. Pa slung an arm around him, pulling him in close. They stayed like that as they watched their surroundings drift by, their boat gently propelled down the water by the force of the waterfall.
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norwayblogging · 7 months
Week 02/10 - 08/10
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02nd october
Sailing trip week! I was so excited for this 2 day trip and so far I’m not disappointed! In the morning we took the bus to Haugesund, a small city 1,5 hours from campus, where our boat was laying. When we arrived I was slightly flabberghasted… the sailing boat was gorgeous! We met the crew present on the boat, but I forgot their names completely… oops 😅 Then we set sail. This trip is totally different from other trips since we didn’t get a lot of information beforehand and we haven’t really done much on the boat either today. The crew just learned us the basics of how the ropes should be attached when you take out the sails and I even saw some people taking the wheel to drive the boat themselves. I kind of wanted to drive the boat too but I was a little shy and afraid to do so today. But I will definitely ask that tomorrow! We went to a certain island called Vesterøy and laid the boat there. Everyone started to explore the small island and some had to put up Lavvu’s since there won’t be much space on the boat itself. I secured my place on the boat early since I really wanted to experience sleeping on a boat. After placing my things on the bed that I chose, I sat outside and played some cards with some dormmates while others made dinner. We had some pasta pesto. We had a cozy time in the cabin eating our dinner then cleaned ourselves up and I saved some dry pasta for tomorrow morning. Then some people started to make a campfire on the small island and almost everyone enjoyed themselves by the fire. we played some werewolves and I went to bed a little earlier than others while listening to music until I fell asleep.
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03rd october
Day two of this amazing trip. I woke up with the others in the small bedroom and decided to try some dry pasta with chocolate spread which was surprisingly good! People looked at me weirdly when they saw what I was eating but I didn't care at all. It was delicious because the pasta was not salted or anything so it didn't have a bad effect on the chocolate spread. Everyone was ready around 10 and the crew teached us a little bit about how the map and the compass works on the boat. A map of land or a map of the sea are really different. This was nice because we did not get that much information beforehand on this trip so it was good that they took time to explain some things on the boat. After that, we went back to sailing because we were gonna be sailing for quite a while and we had to be on time back in Haugesund because our bus would be there at 3:00 PM and we really needed that bus. It was again a very nice day to be sailing and I finally had the courage to nudge myself towards the steering wheel and eventually I was steering myself and I was doing that for quite a long time unlike others. The crew of the boat explained me a little bit how the steering works and what things you need to keep in mind while operating a boat. At a certain point I did get a little bit of stress because we had to go through two islands who were pretty close to each other and I'm really glad that one of the crewmates took responsibility and took the steering wheel from me. I was very proud of myself though for daring to steer the boat for once in my life. The rest of the trip I enjoyed the surroundings , talked to some dormmates and my teacher, observed everyone and listened to the sounds of the sea. At first we were a little scared because we thought we were not gonna arrive before 3:00 PM but at some point the boat went really fast so we had time to get to the bus. We sat on the bus for 1 1/2 hours and arrived back home safely. I thought this was a very nice trip and I'm kind of sad but also kind of not sad that it ended so quickly. What I'm most happy about is that I did not get sea sick that much. Neither during the sailing itself and neither during sleeping. At some point I did not even notice that I was on a boat when I was in my sleeping bag. I unpacked my things back in my room and chilled the rest of the day.
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04th october
A lot of us expected this day to be a day of rest. But that wasn't the case since we had to leave early in the morning to attend some morning classes. we filled in some reflections about other trips and about the leirskule. The teacher also gave us a planning for the upcoming weeks since the only trip left would be the mountain trip and after that there will be a week of observational practice. My exams are at the end of November so that means that I will be free for the entirety of December since I will be coming back on the 23rd right before Christmas. After going through the upcoming weeks, my teacher abruptly cut her lesson short. She was gonna give us more information about sailing, but because we had a presentation on the philosopher on Thursday, tomorrow, so she just said that we had to read some documents about sailing that she put online and that we were free the entire afternoon to work on our presentation. I thought it was kind of sad because it seemed like she really wanted to talk about sailing and about the documents that she had prepared... but yeah it's okay. I ate some lunch after that lesson and then we sat together with our philosopher's group to go over the last things that we really needed to insert in our presentation. After everything was done I chilled a little bit and readied myself to go bowling that night since our student association organized a bowling night for us. I bowled pretty good I must say and I ordered a SIX EURO milkshake which was WAYY too expensive... but it was worth it because it was a very good milkshake. We went home afterwards and I went to bed early because I had to be ready for my presentation for tomorrow
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05th october
Presentation day!! Me and my group went first (thank god) and I thought we did a pretty good job overall. During the second presentation I saw one of my friends eating something and after asking what it was, I got myself a sjokoladeboller! (some sort of chocolate bread) After all the groups did their presentation, everyone went home and ate some lunch. We all got a message from one of my teachers that the supposedly kajaktrip of tomorrow was cancelled because of the weather. We still have more opportunities in the future to do this trip though so it was nice. We just got a free day tomorrow! After lunch I went to the water with 2 of my neighbours and we met up with some others before going further towards the diving board. We talked for a bit there and came back to the studenthousing. We played some pool in the movieroom and I made dinner afterwards.
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06th october
I did some homework today since I had to finish some reports. Around noon, 2 dormmates told me they were going to the second hand shop and they invited me to go along. Which I did ofcourse! We walked around Heiane for a bit and in the second hand shop I bought some DUCKIES and some books. How am I going to bring them back home?? I have no idea… We’ll find a way 🙂 After the shopping trip we went back home, made some dinner and ate. I cleaned my room a bit and chilled until I had to go back to sleep.
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07th october
I slept in a bit today and made some breakfast. After that I cleaned my room because my friend was going to arrive tomorrow at noon. And I didn’t want him to arrive in a dirty room ofcourse! After that I pre prepared my dinner and since I made so much, I ate a part of it already for lunch 🤣 Then I went to the water to chill for a few hours because the weather was so amazingly beautiful. I went home, ate some dinner and made myself ready for the upcoming party tonight!! I hope I’m not too hangover tomorrow but it should be fine since I don’t drink here as much. I had a splendid time and chilled in the kitchen with some dormmates after the party.
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08th october
Today Nils will be coming to visit and to join me on my personal trip next week!!! I’m really excited since this will be the first friend that comes to visit me on this course. He arrived around noon so I walked to the busstop about half an hour away from my dorm to pick him up. Back in my room we took an extra mattress from downstairs and put in next to my bed. Some dormmates from downstairs asked us if we wanted some MacDonalds and we accepted the offer ofcourse! After being completely settled and eating our burgers, we took a walk around campus to show him what my life has been for the past 2 months. We enjoyed the last beautiful and sunny day before it will rain a lot these upcoming days… We sit by the fjord for a bit and when back to the dorm. We ate some dinner and played some cards afterwards.
Week 02/10 - 08/10
02 oktober
Zeilreis week! Ik was zo enthousiast over deze 2-daagse trip en tot nu toe ben ik niet teleurgesteld! s Ochtends namen we de bus naar Haugesund, een kleine stad op 1,5 uur van de campus, waar onze boot lag. Toen we aankwamen was ik lichtelijk verbijsterd… de zeilboot was prachtig! We maakten kennis met de bemanning op de boot, maar ik ben hun namen helemaal vergeten… oeps 😅 Daarna gingen we varen. Deze reis is totaal anders dan andere reizen omdat we van tevoren niet veel informatie hebben gekregen en we vandaag ook niet echt veel op de boot hebben gedaan. De bemanning heeft ons alleen de basisbeginselen geleerd van hoe de touwen moeten worden vastgemaakt als je de zeilen uittrekt en ik zag zelfs een paar mensen het roer overnemen om zelf de boot te besturen. Ik wilde de boot ook besturen, maar ik was een beetje verlegen en bang om dat vandaag te doen. Maar dat ga ik morgen zeker vragen! We gingen naar een bepaald eiland genaamd Vesterøy en legden de boot daar neer. Iedereen begon het kleine eiland te verkennen en sommigen moesten Lavvu's opzetten omdat er niet veel ruimte op de boot zelf was. Ik stelde mijn plaats op de boot veilig omdat ik echt wilde ervaren hoe het is om op een boot te slapen. Nadat ik mijn spullen op het bed had gelegd dat ik had uitgekozen, ging ik buiten zitten en speelde wat kaartspelletjes met een paar kamergenoten terwijl anderen eten maakten. We aten pasta pesto. We aten gezellig in de kajuit, ruimden daarna op en ik bewaarde wat droge pasta voor morgenochtend. Toen gingen sommige mensen een kampvuur maken op het kleine eiland en bijna iedereen vermaakte zich bij het vuur. we speelden weerwolven en ik ging iets eerder naar bed dan anderen terwijl ik naar muziek luisterde tot ik in slaap viel.
03 oktober
Dag twee van deze geweldige reis. Ik werd wakker met de anderen in de kleine slaapkamer en besloot om wat droge pasta met chocoladepasta te proberen, wat verrassend lekker was! Mensen keken me raar aan toen ze zagen wat ik aan het eten was, maar dat kon me helemaal niets schelen. Het was heerlijk omdat de pasta niet gezouten was of iets dergelijks zodat het geen slecht effect had op de chocoladepasta. Iedereen was rond 10 uur klaar en de bemanning leerde ons een beetje hoe de kaart en het kompas werken op de boot. Een kaart van het land en een kaart van de zee zijn echt verschillend. Dit was leuk omdat we van tevoren niet zoveel informatie hadden gekregen over deze reis, dus het was goed dat ze de tijd namen om wat dingen uit te leggen op de boot. Daarna gingen we weer zeilen omdat we nog een hele tijd zouden varen en we op tijd terug moesten zijn in Haugesund omdat onze bus er om 15:00 uur zou zijn en we die bus echt nodig hadden. Het was weer een hele mooie dag om te zeilen en ik had eindelijk de moed om mezelf naar het stuurwiel te duwen en uiteindelijk stuurde ik zelf en dat deed ik vrij lang in tegenstelling tot anderen. De bemanning van de boot legde me een beetje uit hoe het sturen werkt en op welke dingen je moet letten als je een boot bestuurt. Op een gegeven moment kreeg ik een beetje stress omdat we door twee eilanden moesten die vrij dicht bij elkaar lagen en ik ben echt blij dat een van de bemanningsleden de verantwoordelijkheid nam en het stuur van me overnam. Ik was erg trots op mezelf dat ik voor één keer in mijn leven de boot durfde te besturen. De rest van de reis genoot ik van de omgeving, praatte ik met een paar klasgenoten en mijn leraar, observeerde ik iedereen en luisterde ik naar de geluiden van de zee. Eerst waren we een beetje bang omdat we dachten dat we niet voor 15:00 uur zouden aankomen, maar op een gegeven moment ging de boot heel snel zodat we tijd hadden om naar de bus te gaan. We zaten 1 1/2 uur in de bus en kwamen weer veilig thuis aan. Ik vond dit een hele leuke reis en ik ben een beetje verdrietig maar ook weer niet verdrietig dat het zo snel voorbij was. Waar ik het meest blij mee ben, is dat ik niet zo vaak zeeziek ben geweest. Noch tijdens het zeilen zelf, noch tijdens het slapen. Op een gegeven moment merkte ik niet eens meer dat ik op een boot was toen ik in mijn slaapzak lag. Ik heb mijn spullen weer uitgepakt op mijn kamer en de rest van de dag gechilled.
04 oktober
Veel van ons hadden verwacht dat deze dag een rustdag zou zijn. Maar dat was niet het geval, want we moesten 's ochtends vroeg weg om een aantal ochtendlessen bij te wonen. We vulden wat reports in over andere reizen en over de leirskule. De lerares gaf ons ook een planning voor de komende weken, aangezien de enige reis die nog zou volgen de bergtocht zou zijn en er daarna een week van observatieoefeningen zou zijn. Mijn examens zijn eind november, dus dat betekent dat ik de hele maand december vrij ben omdat ik de 23e vlak voor Kerstmis terugkom. Na het doornemen van de komende weken, onderbrak mijn lerares abrupt haar les. Ze wilde ons meer informatie geven over zeilen, maar omdat we morgen, donderdag, een presentatie hadden over de filosoof, zei ze dat we wat documenten over zeilen moesten lezen die ze online had gezet en dat we de hele middag vrij waren om aan onze presentatie te werken. Ik vond het een beetje jammer omdat het leek alsof ze echt over zeilen wilde praten en over de documenten die ze had voorbereid… maar ja, het is oké. Na die les heb ik wat gegeten en daarna zijn we met ons filosofengroepje bij elkaar gaan zitten om de laatste dingen door te nemen die we echt in onze presentatie moesten invoegen. Nadat alles klaar was heb ik een beetje gechilled en me klaargemaakt om die avond te gaan bowlen, aangezien onze studentenvereniging een bowlingavond voor ons had georganiseerd. Ik bowlde best goed moet ik zeggen en ik bestelde een milkshake van ZES EURO die VEEL te duur was… maar het was het waard want het was een erg goede milkshake. Daarna gingen we naar huis en ik ging vroeg naar bed want ik moest klaar zijn voor mijn presentatie van morgen.
05 oktober
Presentatiedag!!! Ik en mijn groep gingen als eerste (godzijdank) en ik vond dat we het over het algemeen best goed deden. Tijdens de tweede presentatie zag ik een van mijn vrienden iets eten en toen ik vroeg wat het was, haalde ik voor mezelf een sjokoladeboller! (Nadat alle groepen hun presentatie hadden gedaan, ging iedereen naar huis om te lunchen. We kregen allemaal een berichtje van een van mijn leraren dat de zogenaamde kajaktocht van morgen niet doorging vanwege het weer. We hebben echter nog meer mogelijkheden om deze tocht in de toekomst te doen, dus dat was fijn. We hebben morgen gewoon een vrije dag! Na de lunch ben ik met 2 van mijn buren naar het water gegaan en hebben we nog wat anderen ontmoet voordat we verder gingen richting de duikplank. Daar hebben we wat gepraat en toen zijn we teruggegaan naar het studentenhuis. We hebben wat pool gespeeld in de filmzaal en daarna heb ik eten gemaakt.
06 oktober
Ik heb vandaag wat huiswerk gemaakt omdat ik nog wat verslagen moest afmaken. Rond de middag vertelden 2 studiegenoten me dat ze naar de tweedehandswinkel gingen en ze nodigden me uit om mee te gaan. Wat ik natuurlijk deed! We liepen wat rond in Heiane en in de tweedehandswinkel kocht ik een paar EENDJES en wat boeken. Hoe ik die mee naar huis ga nemen? Ik heb geen idee… We vinden wel een manier 🙂 Na het winkelen gingen we terug naar huis, maakten wat te eten en aten. Ik maakte mijn kamer een beetje schoon en chillde tot ik weer moest gaan slapen.
07 oktober
Vandaag een beetje uitgeslapen en ontbijt gemaakt. Daarna heb ik mijn kamer opgeruimd omdat een vriend van me morgenmiddag zou aankomen. En ik wilde natuurlijk niet dat hij in een vieze kamer zou aankomen! Daarna bereidde ik mijn avondeten voor en omdat ik zoveel had gemaakt, at ik een deel ervan al als lunch 🤣 Daarna ging ik naar het water om een paar uurtjes te chillen, want het was zulk geweldig mooi weer. Ik ging naar huis, at wat en maakte mezelf klaar voor het komende feestje vanavond!!! Ik hoop dat ik morgen niet een te grote kater heb, maar dat komt wel goed aangezien ik hier niet zoveel drink. Ik had een geweldige tijd en chillde in de keuken met wat huisgenoten na het feest.
08 oktober
Vandaag komt Nils op bezoek en gaat volgende week mee op mijn persoonlijke trip!!! Ik ben echt enthousiast omdat dit de eerste vriend zal zijn die me komt bezoeken tijdens deze cursus. Hij kwam rond het middaguur dus ik liep naar de bushalte op ongeveer een half uur van mijn studentenhuis om hem op te halen. Terug in mijn kamer namen we een extra matras van beneden en legden die naast mijn bed. Een paar kamergenoten van beneden vroegen of we zin hadden in MacDonalds en dat aanbod namen we natuurlijk aan! Nadat we helemaal gesetteld waren en onze hamburgers hadden gegeten, maakten we een wandeling over de campus om hem te laten zien hoe mijn leven er de afgelopen 2 maanden uitzag. We genoten van de laatste mooie en zonnige dag voordat het de komende dagen veel gaat regenen… We zaten nog even bij het fjord en toen terug naar het studentenhuis. We aten wat en speelden daarna wat kaart.
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vivid-broccoli-soup · 8 months
Just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your accounts tons!!
What’s your favourite card set?<3
omg thank you!! i tend to take very large breaks from this account, but im really happy that you appreciate my account and its content :33!!
my favourite card set? i have like, 10 LMAO so here they are! there will be a very mini explanation under each one, so warning for a long post! theyre also in order of when they were released NOT order of preference!
(i wonder if you can tell which group/which vocaloid is my favourite :33)
1. you deserve it break time!
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LOOK AT THEM!! i remember that this set was the one which got me into pjsk! i never actually got any of these cards, but theyre all super cute, love the vibes!
fave card - haruka
2. The Moon Rabbit and Us
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i used to have the shiho card on my old account! i love love love the vibes of these cards as well; theyre beautiful!
fave card - meiko
3. Tied by Painful Hope
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even the untrained versions of these cards are amazing! theyre so cool!
fave card - minori
4. What Lies Beyon Guiding a Lost Child
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i love how washed out and monochromatic this set is! it matches nightcord 25:00 really well!
fave card - ena/len
5. Chasing the Sparkle Beyond the Blue Sky
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theyre so summery and fun! love the cohesion in outfits and colours!
fave card - airi/meiko
6. One-Day Trip Before Setting Sail
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this card set is just really fun! i love these bright summery concepts and vibes! look at the little seagull :33
fave card - haruka/miku
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this is such a stunning set! like look at those gems! i want to eat them so bad omg
fave card - shizuku/len
8. Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self
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the imagery, the colours, the tone! its such a pretty set
fave card - mafuyu/kanade
9. On Your Feet
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i love the bright colours! i feel it really fits vivid and their vibes as a whole
fave card - kohane/akito
10. Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI
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the card creators have stepped their game up recently! like look at this!! i love that this is also an all vocaloid set
fave card - meiko/miku/luka
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reqinodactyl · 2 years
Ed winning a dockside card game and rushing towards the ship in his purple crop top with his leather jacket slung over his shoulders. He's laughing, hair pulled away from his face as he waves at Izzy once the ship is set to sail.
Ed was having the time of his life on this ship, wandering out and about and generally just minding his own business while making fun of the upperclass, occasionally stealing from them just to have his fill, sketching the skylines, meeting Stede.
And Stede forced on the trip by his father to bond with his soon-to-be-wife Mary all for the sake of money and property. Stede, feeling the deep sadness that his life brings and despairing at the loss of marrying for love, suddenly feels the need to just be away from it all. He reaches a part of the boat that is almost always empty and he climbs over the railing, filled with the urge to just jump.
Edward in one of his late night walks with a smoke, expecting the normalcy of his day, stunned at the sight of Stede and quickly just runs over.
"What the fuck are you doing there, mate?!," Edward exclaims, hands outstretched towards the blonde man's direction. "Get over here, christ! Do you want to die?!"
Stede, over his shoulder, gives Ed a face of disbelief. "What am I--are you serious?! What's it look like I'm doing?!"
"So you do want to die?," Ed asks, bewildered. He looks the man up and down, noting the loose clothes and big robe, ticking the boxes in his mind and confirming that this person was one of the rich ones. He can't quite help but wonder about the man, he's clearly rich, he's on a ship that thousands of people wanted to be in, so what's his deal?
Stede scoffs, hands tightening at the railing. "No, I'm out for air," He says dryly. He mutters sounds of frustration to himself and was shocked when there's a rush of movement at his periphery. He turns his head sharply, gaping at the other man. "What are you doing?! Go back!"
"No, mate, you jump I jump," Edward says, inching towards Stede slowly.
"What?! I don't even know you!"
"Edward Teach," the man says simply, a small smile on his face. "Come on, mate, do you really want to jump? It's a big world, lots of places to see! I'm sure there's something here that's even better than dying a slow painful death by cold waters," Ed says, smile morphing into a grin with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "But if you really want to jump, I'll jump with you"
"No! Go back, you nut! What in the heavens are you even doing here?! No one occupies this place"
"I do, occasionally, and I'm glad I did now!," Ed shouts to be heard over the clashing of waters. He moves slowly towards Stede, giving the other ample time to react if he didn't want it.
Stede, skittish still yet curious, allows him.
"Come on, mate," Ed repeats, voice soft and eyes imploring. "Think about it, do you really want to do this?," He asks softly, hand inching towards Stede's. "I tried fishing in Wisconsin once, fell into the water and nesrly freezed to death. But this," Here he juts at the water with his chin. "This is loads more painful and terrifying. I think you deserve a better death than that, don't you?"
It takes a good while before Stede finally agrees in climbing back. Legs shakey and eyes red from crying, but he stands there, hand tightly grasped in Ed's.
"I'm Stede," he says once he has wits about again.
and the rest is you know how it goes aha but:
• Stede's fiance, Mary, is nice here. She talks about the man that accompanies her, Doug. How they're in love. They form an alliance, which Mr. Bonnet is not happy about.
• The whole gun running around scene still happens except it's ed, stede, and his dad.
• Mary and Doug try to help but, yknow, sinking ship and all that.
• Also, they all survive (not Stede's dad tho smh) because Stede, unlike rose, knows that there was enough room in that large piece of wood thank you
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pjsekaiupdates · 1 year
4★ Hatsune Miku (MORE MORE JUMP!) — 「A Foretaste of Yokohama Gourmet Through the Guidebook ♪」
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Attribute: Mysterious
Max Stats:
Performance - 10440 Technique - 11588 Stamina - 10011
Max Skill: Curry, Castella, and Then… - Recover 500 life; 100% score boost for 5 seconds
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prosekaipng · 1 year
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prskcostumes · 6 months
Sailor Captain
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Sailor Captain is a costume that can be obtained by pulling in any Standard Gacha past the Bon Voyage of Departures and Bonds Gacha! The costume comes with an Exclusive Accessory for Haruka and a Standard Accessory!
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thedaveandkimmershow · 5 months
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Up at seven on the 31st. Kimmer up by eight.
Last minute cleaning, packing, admin, and showers 'til eleven then out the door, on the road, to the Doug Fox parking lot by 11:45, change our TSA Spot Saver for a half hour later, shuttle over to the airport, check our one big bag in, mail my dad's birthday card from the one mail box they actually have at the airport, sail through TSA to the S gates where we score sweet potato fries before realizing there's no Starbuck's here so we take the shuttle train back to the main terminal where we score our drinks (chai latte for me, tall drip coffee for her), shuttle train back to the S gate where boarding's in progress, get on the plane, and enjoy a pretty chill, nearly ten hour flight.
Yeah, I know. I was really kind of worried about the flihty 'cause it's been a coupla decades since I did that trip last and who knows, right?
Plus, ten hours sounds like a really.
So I have a bunch of stuff for me to do with that ten hours. Have some books in my bag. A thermos I'm gonna plaster with stickers. There's a paper I'm gonna brainstorm. I figure I'll catch a nap. And so on.
It helps, of course, that not everyone chooses to fly on New Year's Eve so there's plenty of open seats, lots of room to spread out. So Kimmer takes over our two seats and I take over the two seats across the aisle. Didn't end up doing the sticker thing. Didn't end up doing the brainstorming thing. Didn't end up taking a nap.
I write a pair of blog posts for December 31 and January 1. I text with a number of friends and family. There are a coupla meals in there. And I watch A Haunting In Venice.
BAM. Ten hours. Like that.
The math of my airplane activities doesn't quite sound right to me, doesn't quite add up to the full ten hours... which is what I mean by that ten hours not feeling like ten hours.
The entire flight did feel like we were traveling in the middle of the night, though. Shortly after take-off at 2:30 in the afternoon, the pilot has everyone lower the blinds on their windows and, by 'n by, people begin stretching out for naps even though it's full blown daylight outside in North America.
When we raise the blinds again, it's morning over Holland the very next day, January 1, because of the length of the flight coupled with the number of time zones we just crossed.
Off the plane, passing through seemingly endless halls in Schiphol airport, we do a quick, friendly, and mildly profane interview with a dutch customs officer before continuing many more halls to our baggage claim after which we exit into the airport arrivals area where we're met by...
No one.
So here's what happened. Of my two cousins who were gonna pick us up, one had to work an unscheduled night shift and the other, well, I didn't have any means of contacting by phone or messenger. So Kimmer 'n I decide to set ourselves down nearby to figure out our next move. There's no worry or anxiety. We already achieved our biggest objective: we made it to Holland!
By 'n by, after strolling back to where we exited baggage claim, I spot one of my uncles.
Is that guy my uncle?
I start to not be sure.
Then I start to really not be sure.
Then I start to think this was someone who only looked like my uncle until my uncle looka up and sees me and—
It really is him.
Because he recognized me. ☺️
After that, we meet up with my cousin—the one I had no way of contacting except through, it turns out, Instagram Messenger—we meet up with my cousin and her husband, my uncle and his girlfriend at a nearby coffee shop where Kimmer 'n I order mint teas that arrive in glasses filled with hot water and tea leafs. It basically looks like someone threw a handful of salad into a glass of water. I will say, though, the tea's delicious.
The way our travel day worked out, we arrive in Holland a little after 8:30 in the morning local time. We're through baggage claim a little after 9:30. And we finish up at the coffee shop at 11 after lively family conversation. A preamble to the coming evening's get-together with even more family.
11 in the morning dutch time, by the way, is 2AM at home. The actual time our bodies recognize as the official time. Home time.
By the time we're at our hotel, it's noon. 3AM at home.
By the time we're in bed for our nap, it's 1. 4AM at home.
4:30pm dutch time, we're shaking off the sleep, enjoying hot showers, getting ready and packing anything we took out of our bags back into our bags because this room we booked we booked because we couldn't check into the room we booked for the week... until 3. So we booked a room for, basically, five hours so we could check in and get some sleep immediately.
Afterward, back down to the front desk we go, turn in our keys, get our new ones, back upstairs we go, stash our stuff in the new room, then back downstairs we go again where we meet up with my cousin and her husband already waiting in the lobby.
Six o'clock we're at my aunt and uncle's place where there's a mass of family. Four generations for about an hour there until the representatives of generations three and four have to take their leave 'cause it's someone's bedtime... leaving in its wake a coupla grandparents, five parents, a handful of young young adults, one little girl, and two littler girls... a family menagerie representing conversational interests spanning physical health and mental health, police work and bodyguarding, editing, videography, and observation, family albums and parties, school and work, travel plans and life plans, food and food 😉, bad English speaking skills and non-existent Dutch speaking skills, what's happened in the last twenty years and what's happening now, plans and hopes, relationships and accomplishments, and so on and so on
And so on.
At one point I'm hanging out with my nephew when my aunt walks over with a photo album she deposits in front of us. The album contains family photos from the last few family gatherings and parties.
One of the twins is with us just then. The granddaughter of my younger (but seems older) cousin. She's shy, quiet, but a huge fan of my nephew. And what apparently brings her out of her shell is the opportunity to identify herself in any given picture.
A few pages into the album, her twin wanders up in front of me, looking down at the album (upside down from her point of view). As soon as she spits herself in a photo, she declares—
"Daar ben ik!"
"There I am!"
—as she continues the hunt for other instances of herself in these pictures.
When she doesn't see herself on either page that's open, she declares
"Niet!" (Not!)
And if I don't move my hand to turn the page fast enough, she reaches down herself to turn the page because she's not, you know, on it.
If it turns out she's not present on subsequent pages she declares—
"Ook niet!" (Also not!)
and "Ook niet!" (Also not!)
and "Ook niet!" (Also not!)
—until she sees herself again and declares as if for the first time...
"Daar ben ik!"
The experience was totally adorable. And it made room for her shy sister to point out where she was in all these family pictures.
In the end, this was the fullest night (and quite the packed day) I can remember with people in a really long time. An experience that can only happen here where the majority of my family lives.
It's an exquisitely fun and funny, thoroughly engaging, completely familiar experience and we loved every second of it.
No joke.
Every second.
It's just that satisfying.
It's just that personal.
And it will be tough to leave this behind.
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jdgo51 · 1 year
God's Will 101
Today's inspiration comes from:
Surrender Your Story
by Tara Sun
"God is God. If He is God, He is worthy of my worship and my service. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will, and that will is infinitely, immeasurably, unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to. ~ Elisabeth Elliot"
"One of the most difficult and frustrating realities of living with fibromyalgia is that you never know when a flare-up will rear its ugly head. On Monday I might be feeling like a million bucks with minimal pain and lots of energy to complete my to-do list for the day. But by the time the sun rises on Tuesday, a switch could flip. Unlike the day before, I might find myself in bed, unable to move for hours or even days. And when a flare-up hits, sleep, movies, heat packs for pain, and food are suddenly the only things on my to-do list — throwing my week off and resulting in a bunch of canceled plans.
Over the last eight years, this unpredictable illness has forced me to miss out on quality time with friends, numerous church services and events, dates with my boyfriend/husband, flights, work-related trips, and more. And full disclosure: as this uncertainty became more of a frequent reality in my life, I started to have some serious questions about “God’s will.” These questions weren’t exactly new, but my illness forced me to confront two things I believe everyone struggles with when it comes to God’s will: suffering and uncertainty. Suffering tempts us to question the goodness of God’s will. And uncertainty — whether about big life plans or the next step — forces us to choose between genuinely trusting God or continuing to pursue the myth of control.
Here’s how that played out in my own life.
In Suffering
The idea of God’s will was something “nice and churchy” that I heard about regularly when I was growing up. Those two words were casually mentioned in the lyrics of my favorite worship songs or during conversations with loved ones.
“Just follow God’s will for your life.” “God’s will over mine.”
But at the peak of my illness, when it was the hardest and most painful, when all my body could do was lie at home and miss out on life, those kinds of phrases tormented me.
Why would God allow me to suffer? Why would God’s will include saddling me with a chronic illness? Why would God’s plan involve me missing out on the life a typical teenage girl should be living? Beyond those specific questions, I was really wrestling with a pretty fundamental question about God: If God loves His children, why doesn’t He make life easy and light for us?
Chances are, you have your own set of “Why would God” questions.
Why would God not fulfill my desire to have a boyfriend or be married?
Why would God let mental illness plague my life, day in and day out?
Why would God allow my parents to finalize their divorce? Why would God put me in such a hard job and work environment?
Why would God not grant my good desire to have children of my own?
Why would God let my loved one get sick or die?
Why would God allow a pandemic to shut down the world and affect millions?
Sweet friend, I wish I could spend this entire chapter answering every single one of your “Why would God” questions. But as much as I wish that for us, it’s not possible. Nor would it be good for us!
If our willingness to trust and follow God is based on demanding that He explain and justify all the parts of life that we don’t like, that wouldn’t be faith at all.
Before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it seemed easy to say I was trusting God and surrendered to His will. Life had been smooth sailing for as long as I could remember. Academics, athletics, friendships, and day-to-day life just came so effortlessly to me. It sure seemed like God had lined up all the cards in my favor. But when life began to do what it does best — throw us for a loop — the idea of “God’s will over my own will” suddenly wasn’t so easy to embrace.
If God loves His children, why doesn’t He make life easy and light for us?
In Uncertainty
If you were to do a quick Google search for “Bible verses about God’s will,” you might be surprised at the results. As you first type those words into the search bar, you may be hopeful — surely the Bible will have a lot of obvious things to say about God’s will. Well, after scanning through a few blog posts and articles, you may find yourself stumped, with a once-hopeful smile quickly turning into a furrowed brow and confused sigh.
That’s how I felt a few years ago. When — thanks to my mentor confirming the Holy Spirit’s rumblings in my heart to pursue ministry — I decided to enroll online at a Bible college, and I felt like I finally had some semblance of direction. Heading back to college made me feel like I was finally getting my life back on track. I was finally doing something “serious” with my life.
But even with this newfound sense of direction, there were plenty of question marks. For example, I chose biblical counseling as my major — but truthfully, I wasn’t quite sure where a counseling degree would take me or even why I felt the tug to pursue counseling rather than one of the other options. In my younger years, there was this air of shame associated with counseling and therapy. It felt like a taboo topic because going to counseling made it seem like you were a messed-up person in need of help. And that was just not a good look to the world around you.
(News flash: We’re all messed up people in need of help. We’re all sinners in need of a Savior.)
But after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, my family and I couldn’t help but notice that the traumatic effects extended to every aspect of my life. That was when my parents and pastor recommended I meet with a counselor. At first I shut the idea down, insisting that I had it figured out. That I just needed time. But it wasn’t only my body that had been affected — I was feeling emotional, spiritual, and mental fatigue.
When I started my biblical counseling classes, I was reminded of all the beautiful fruit that God brought from my own personal time in biblical counseling, a type of counseling that emphasizes that genuine and lasting change, healing, and hope are found in God’s sufficient Word. Biblical counseling also prioritizes discipleship as an integral part of the Christian life. Because of what God had done in my life through counseling, I was excited to study it in school.
It sounds like the story could pretty much write itself from there — all wrapped up in a nice bow. And Tara went on to study biblical counseling without any further doubts or questions, and began a long, successful career in her new calling. The end.
But that’s not how it played out. It’s true — I did feel as if God had opened the door to online Bible school with a bright neon sign that said YES! However, I would be lying if I said I never questioned God or His will along the way.
You see, it doesn’t matter if life is going well or if life is going poorly. Every now and again, we all stop, pause, and wonder, “Am I really supposed to be here? Is this God’s will for my life? Am I making decisions that God would approve of?” That’s where that pesky Google search comes in. I can’t tell you how many times I paused during those first few semesters of biblical counseling school, combing through the internet and the Bible for any hints about God’s will.
Was I on the right track? Was I really doing what God wanted, or was I messing up my life by following my own will? The lines were beginning to blur. Uncertainty was everywhere. After each Google search and scavenger hunt through the Bible, hoping to discover specifics about God’s will for my life, I felt more defeated.
Why was God’s will so ridiculously hard to figure out? If it’s so important to our lives, then why didn’t He make it more obvious?
Just in case no one has told you before — it’s okay to admit that you’ve had those same thoughts. Whether suffering has made you question whether you really want to follow God’s will or uncertainty has you feeling as if there’s no hope of even knowing what God’s will is, much less following His will, this is for you. It’s time to grab our shovels and dig deep into what the Bible says about God’s will. It’s time to get our hopes up when it comes to God’s will. It’s not the time to shrink back in fear.
God wants to be known. He wants His will for us to be known. He’s given us His Word to give us insight into His will. And when we understand the beauty of God’s will, we’re able to take another step toward surrender — even in the face of suffering or uncertainty."
Excerpted with permission from Surrender Your Story by Tara Sun, copyright Tara Sun Snyder.
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Easily Complete Your Ontario Boat Registration At Our Website
Through the years, boating has developed into a popular pastime in Canada. We here at the National Vessel Registry Center believe that having fun on a boat shouldn’t be a difficult activity. Your only concern should be getting your equipment and friends ready; you don’t want to waste time and energy on paperwork. It makes sense for us to make it easy for people to register their boats, given all the benefits and perks associated with boating. People who enjoy boating should have easy access to the needed forms. We have made a set of easy-to-use, secure online forms to help you safely complete your Ontario boat registration.
What’s Ontario Registration All About? Before you can move on to the next stage of your maritime journey, you need to first gain an understanding of the boat registration process in Ontario. Contrary to licensing, you could say that boat registration is voluntary. However, it may be a good idea to do so in order to protect your financial investment. If you know everything there is to know about the registration process, you will be able to navigate the waters of Ontario with confidence, knowing that your boat is properly registered.
Do I Need to Register My Boat? Before beginning your search for any forms online, it is recommended that you first make sure whether or not your vessel is required to be registered. If you want to own a ship in Canada for weekend trips and bring your friends over for recreational purposes, all you need to do is submit an application for a pleasure craft license. If you want to use your boat for commercial purposes, such as fishing or transporting cargo, then you need to follow a different route.
It is mandatory in Canada to register any boat that will be used for commercial purposes. This also applies to all vessels that have engines that have a minimum output of 7.5 kilowatts (10 hp). There are two distinct types of registration: registration for small vessels and registration for vessels sailing in Canadian waters. The gross tonnage of a commercial boat is the main factor that determines what paperwork it needs to be registered.
What Are The Steps Involved In Registering A Boat In The Province Of Ontario? Obtaining a vessel registration for your boat from Transport Canada on your own can be a difficult task to undertake due to the various steps involved. One possible first step is to visit Transport Canada’s website and complete the necessary paperwork there. You might think this is easy until you actually visit the site. You will be able to download many different kinds of forms, but it might be hard to figure out which one is right for you.
Once you have tracked down the appropriate forms, complete them manually using a pen and send them off to the appropriate government agency. When you’re trying to get the most out of the time you have available, it’s fortunate that a private service such as ours can be of assistance to you.
A Friendly Portal For Your Boating Needs At the National Vessel Registry Center, we offer streamlined online forms for all of your document needs, including forms for registering your vessel, so that you can complete these tasks quickly and easily. If you decide to work with us, you can be sure that your application for registration will be processed quickly and correctly.
Before you register your boat with Transport Canada, you need to make sure you have a few things available. It is necessary for you to have a government-issued identification card or document, a certificate of ownership, enough money to pay the fee, and three potential names for your vessel. Because Transport Canada requires unique names for all boats that are registered with them, it is always a good idea to have some backup names.
After we have reviewed your application and the documents you provided in support of it, we will issue you a provisional registration that is good for a period of ninety days. You shouldn’t have to wait more than a few weeks to get an official copy of your 10-year registration in the mail.
An Easier, Online Solution By this point, you most likely weren’t thinking that owning a boat would involve quite so much paperwork in its purchase and maintenance. The National Vessel Registry Center offers a hassle-free method to complete your Ontario boat registration with Transport Canada. Rather than laboriously filling out handwritten forms and making multiple trips to the post office, you can submit your applications to Transport Canada through our more convenient service.
At the National Vessel Registry Center, our website is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly, and it contains simple online forms. Whether you require initial registration, transfer of ownership forms, or historical research, we make the process of submitting these documents and others as easy as possible by making it possible to do so online.
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