#''sweetness youve looked through that book just to touch the same candy wrapper 18 times now whats wrong''
toxooz · 4 months
does kari have a hoard? also, if she did, what would it be?
thats her whole deal is she hoards anything PINK thats why she's the way she is the DNA ingrained Dragon Obsession that's considered a hoard lolol i like to think she even had a 'hating pink' phase before she realized that her Hoard was pink things and had a small ohno phase where she knew but still tried to deny it and even tried different things to hoard before she just accepted that her dragon brain simply Wants Pink it doesn't matter how redundant it is wrappers plastic anything that would usually be thrown away if its pink she simply must keep it
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she tries to stick them in scrapbooks at least to keep them together but alas the books build up lmfao but at least they're organized by color hue, saturation, texture ect. however she can organize and have an excuse to ogle and touch pink things sksksk she'll dig through the scrapbooks and look at them over and over again for up to hours some days especially if shes struggling with things she will tinker with her collection a lot more 🌸 speaking of dragon hoards Mangule's hoard is skateboards (which reflects the fact that she may be Ollie's foil bc he has an absolute assload of boards as well) BUT the main way she finds herself collecting skateboards is by taking the skateboards of those she kills, so her 'hoard room' is just a big mass of ghost boards that she digs about in to look at and i feel like rarely if she really likes the way a skateboard looks she may solely kill someone JUST for their board bc at this point her mindset is the notion of having a board from someone she killed makes it all the more valuable so her hoard is pretty eerie if your in that room 🤫
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