#๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ sick and twisted shit
flourescencia ยท 6 months
I want all of you to know that the governments in Costa Rica are and have been perfectly fine with poisoning, sickening and killing their people. They have been letting our water get contaminated with agrochemicals, many of them produced in Europe but forbidden to use across all of the European Union because they are so harmful for humans to consume them, but they are okay with selling it to poorer third world countries like ourselves.
We're also the number one country with the biggest use of pesticides, placing us above the United States and China even though we are made up of only 5 million people, and this other countries are respectively made up of 324 million and 1412 million. Stomach cancer is the number one cause of death by cancer in this country and we're placed at #11 worldwide for incidence of stomach cancer. Recent news reports are saying cases of stomach cancer might increase 77% by 2040.
The companies here (many of them foreign or transnational) dedicated to cultivating fruits dump these agrochemicals into our rivers, so not only does water become toxic to drink, you should also not shower with it. The truth is some people are not being provided with drinking water so they are still nonetheless making use of it.
A recent study reported that in the canton of Alvarado in Cartago, out of 90 people interviewed 70% of them had either a relative sick with stomach cancer, or they themselves had it.
Most studies agree that the reason why stomach cancer is so prevalent is because of the use of these chemicals and how they end up in our water thanks to these companies; the government is willing to do nothing about it because they love their profit far more than they care about the citizens even though they KNOW what is happening. So far there have been at least two cases in different provinces of several school children and teachers suffering mass intoxication and it's heavily implied it was due to these chemicals.
I also want you all to know a reason why the use of these chemicals is so intensive is because we export these fruits to Europe so they can all enjoy them for the cheap but the ones who most suffer the consequences of this are those of us living here.
The most twisted of all is how our government could easily ban the use of these chemicals and instill protocols for the proper disposal of them but they evidently won't do it because it implies codemning the actions of the companies and they are disgusting people who would much rather see their profit over the health of the people they allegedly work for.
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