#šŸ˜¢ knuckles enjoy ur fame while it lasts sweetie
star-scrambled Ā· 2 years
do u think there will be a shadow end credit scene like they did for tails ?
Yeah, sure! Itā€™s easily up there as one of the Top 3 most plausible things to happen for the movieā€™s post-credits scene! Iā€™d also put Metal Sonic as a possibility, however over the past while Iā€™ve become fonder of the concept of us not getting a movie-version of the modern Metal, but instead a Silver or Mecha Sonic comeback, which will either be in this film or the next one. People tend to say that Shadow happening would be ā€œtoo soonā€ in the movie universe, and I used to agree, but then I realized some things.
1. Whatā€™s between S3&K and SA2 thatā€™s unbelievably important AND would benefit the movie universe? Sonic Adventure. However, the gameā€™s story mainly focuses on Chaos and his relation to Knucklesā€™ late clan and the Emeralds. ā€œBut wouldnā€™t that be cool to have in the movies!ā€ Oh my gosh- TOTALLY. But....hereā€™s where my next point comes in.
2. We need to look at this from a more general standpoint. Who are the most recognizable Sonic characters to an audience that arenā€™t huge fans? Chaos is off the table, at least for a main antagonist role, so I doubt they would spend their next movie going full Adventure 1 mode (UNLESS of course they merge the two Adventure games but weā€™ll get to that). Metal Sonic is, again, pretty highly applicable here. However, again, letā€™s be realistic. Some people are insisting the next movie will be based on Sonic CD since they ā€œskipped itā€, but think about it. Sonic CD isnā€™t as highly regarded by fans as other games or Sonic media, let alone have most outsiders probably heard of it. Most importantly.....it sounds like a total downgrade to go from an INSANE second movie taking inspiration from multiple sources and introducing TAILS and KNUCKLES amongst other important Sonic things......to a third movie thatā€™s only based on this One Story with characters that seem arguably less cool (NO OFFENCE TO AMY AND METAL I LOVE THEM SO DEARLY). Not saying they wouldnā€™t work in this universe, because there can totally be a place for them! Basically, what Iā€™m trying to say is, a lot of things in between S3&K and SA2 probably wouldnā€™t be able to achieve a balance of recognizability to all audiences and an increased level of hype in comparison to the previous movie if they were to drive the entire next film with a source-accurate story (which wouldnā€™t even happen anyway, as seen in the upcoming sequel).
And 3. I realized that these same people are the oneā€™s that INSISTED that ā€œSonic movie 2 is for Tails and Sonic movie 3 is for Knucklesā€ before he was confirmed for the sequel. It didnā€™t take a genius to piece together that they could make putting both in the same film could work perfectly fine without any clashing, let alone a new fan thatā€™s barely been in the community for a month. If the sequel DID stick strictly to the Sonic 2 gameā€™s source material, it would have direct-to-DVD energy and, at best, do as well as the first movie, but nothing notably better. Also, it wouldā€™ve been SO BAD on their part if they were teasing Knuckles through the Echidna in the first film WITHOUT the intention of addressing it in the next two years šŸ˜­ I donā€™t think they can just plonk G.U.N here and not talk about it next time.
Everyoneā€™s gonna wanna see Super Shadow and Super Sonic in an epic final battle NEXT MOVIE (Shadow addition also may give them an excuse to utilize more human characters again, including a movie version of Maria !!), and I think itā€™d be the best decision to make in order to keep the movie franchise Alive and Successful.
ON A DIFFERENT, ANTI-CLIMACTIC, AND MORE-COHERENT NOTE: If thereā€™s one thing thatā€™s gonna be spoiled immediately when this movie releases as soon as March 30th in a million different countries, itā€™s who theyā€™ve introduced in the credits. And if itā€™s Shadow, then BOY is that the one thing I will most likely go to the theatre knowing about.
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