#🕷️ > spinning the web; dash games
linyphiidae · 4 months
which house lives inside of you?
🕷️ > inner city apartment.
you're longing for excitement and are rarely satisfied with the most obvious answer. you have a great instinct for mysteries and a mind that sometimes works faster than you can keep up with. you're the life of the party and an amazing conversationalist. it won't always feel so dull; adventure is coming.
tagged by > @sanguine-salvation
tagging > @fornora, @volucerrubidus, @dementedspeedster, @empressivc, and anyone else who’d like to take it!
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notxyourxdevilxdoll · 4 months
Tumblr media
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linyphiidae · 3 months
what does your muse's name mean?
Popularity: 3,540
Origin: American
Meaning: Ready for battle; Noble; Lion
Lonnie is a gender-neutral name of American, German, and Latin origin. Coming from the name Alonso, it translates to “ready for battle” and “noble,” which is sure to help baby beat any obstacle they approach. Lonnie can also act as an adorable nickname for Leona, which translates to “lion.” No matter where your bundle of joy finds their destiny, the name Lonnie will always remind them to keep their claws and roar strong as they take their journey.
Popularity: 16,443
Origin: Welsh, Irish
Meaning: N/A
The Welsh Machin surname is thought to derived from name of the village of Machen, located near Caerphilly, in the county of Monmouthshire. Alternatively, the name could have been derived from the name of an ancestor as in 'the son of Matthew.'
taken from > @sanguine-salvation
tagging > take it from me!
(diverging from the link in the original meme, since Machin isn't listed on the associated site. i did my own research!)
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linyphiidae · 5 months
🕷️ > bold all the things your muse has done, will/would do is in italics, bolded italics means they've done it and will probably do it again.
murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / money-laundering / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson(?) / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threat / pick-pocketing / shoplifting
tagged by > taken!
tagging > if you see it, steal it!
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linyphiidae · 5 months
what sky are you?
🕷️ > starry sky.
you're sometimes overwhelmed by how much you feel, and you don't always know what to do with all those feelings. you value honesty. you want to feel at peace, and you try not to take the little things for granted. you believe you are part of something bigger than yourself. your actions and opinions reflect your care for other people. you're not necessarily an optimist but you hold onto hope. you take life as it comes, but you don't let it walk all over you.
tagged by > taken from @the-rorschach-mask
tagging > @volucerrubidus @deathxcko @dementedspeedster and anyone else who’d like to take it!
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linyphiidae · 4 months
where do you carry your pain?
🕷️ > your heart.
you have loved, and been hurt. your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
tagged by > taken from @sanguine-salvation!
tagging > take it from me!
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linyphiidae · 4 months
🕷️ > Repost, don't reblog.
What they look like: The first thing most notice about Lonnie — when she wants to be noticed, mind — is her presence. She makes herself large and demands to be listened to, with big sweeping gestures and high expression. Her mouth, her eyes and eyebrows, her freckly face, and her hands are on full display (nix the face if she's wearing a mask, but that in itself is pretty noticeable). The second thing they'll notice is her long, red hair. It's bright, curly, and reaches past her shoulders, as do her low ponytails. What they smell like: Nothing poetic. Laundry detergent, sweat, or deodorant, mostly. Sometimes lubricant oil, chemicals, or smoke. Sometimes the city smog, potting soil, or old paper leaves a residual scent on her clothes. What they taste like: Human skin? His taste changes like his scent, with what he eats, drinks, or gets himself into. What they sound like: Not too deep, but not too high-pitched, either. There's a particular enunciation to his words, in that words he exaggerates are obvious when he speaks. There's a sort of stressed lilt to some of them. When he's impassioned or angry, he's sharp and intense. His volume can shift dramatically, but retains certain qualities when it softens. What they feel like: Lonnie's palms, fingers, and soles are slightly calloused from constant use, from wielding a needle to a tire iron to a taser. Her skin texture changes based on location, but small scars leave little ridges to the touch when running a hand over an arm or a leg, along with the fine, light hairs that line them. She's a bit bony. She's always been lanky, but her coma took extra weight off that she's still gaining back. Her hair is soft after a wash, but gets oily very easily, so what it feels like is a toss up.
tagged by > taken from @the-rorschach-mask
tagging > if you see it, steal it!
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