#📗 «SATAN» ▸▸ Avatar of Wrath 𒁍
clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     ›› A certain brother was currently passed out on the couch, the headphones he had been wearing now lying on his lap. Clutched lightly in his right hand was his D.D.D, the screen still on, tilted up so that one could get a glimpse at what he had been watching just prior to his seemingly impromptu nap.
     ›› It was... a cat purring video? By the sound of it, the video was on loop, and was touted as being good for relaxing from negative emotions.
     ›› Certainly seemed to work as advertised if it made a demon known for his unforgiving rage conk out hard.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
𒁍 His Language of Love »
How does he speak to you? He speaks...
   » … With His Words — Leviathan ✦ Satan ✦ Solomon ✦ Barbatos ✦ Mammon ›› It's in the way he talks, the words he shares with you, the notes he leaves for you. Language is his canvas, and he paints in fluid, grand strokes; whether he is singing your praises or murmuring sweet nothings, you know he means every word. Beware if he grows silent and reserved, for that signals discontent — and a sign you are no longer his muse.
   » … With His Gaze — Lucifer ✦ Focalor ✦ Simeon ✦ Beelzebub ›› It's in the way he looks at you; whether watching as you float across the room going about your tasks, observing how your face crinkles when you laugh, or trying to discern what has hurt you, his eyes always return to you at the end of the day. He grows restless if he hasn't seen you, and just your presence near him can melt away his tensions. Beware if he adverts his gaze elsewhere often however, for he may find looking upon you to be a taxing and unpleasant thing to his heart.
   » … With His Touch — Xavier ✦ Diavolo ✦ Simeon ✦ Aamon ✦ Asmodeus ›› It's in the way he craves intimate contact with you; his hands always find their way towards you, his lips yearn to leave little kisses, always wanting to soothe your body and bask in your warmth. Whether it is little cuddling sessions, embracing you close to drive away your fears, or frittering the hours away with passionate making out, he can never have his fill of everything that encompasses you in the physical form. Beware if his hands stay to himself though, for he may have grown cold and wish to devote them to someone else.
   » … With His Gifts — Diavolo ✦ Mammon ✦ Leviathan ✦ Solomon ›› It's in the way he showers you with material goods; you could have uttered a desire for that new set of clothes months ago, or your eyes could have stared at a new magical reagent just a bit too long, but he didn't let that slip his mind. The way your face lights up when he presents his heart in a gift could keep his spirits high for weeks, your reactions always making the hard work to earn that coin worth it. It may seem empty and vain to others, but to him no price is too great to make you happy. Beware if he grows stingy or his gifting becomes rare; he may not place as much value upon you as he once did.
   » … With His Time — Belphegor ✦ Beelzebub ✦ Satan ✦ Focalor ✦ Lucifer ›› It's in the way he values time with you, always wants to indulge in your company, finding comfort in the things he does with you. It could be as simple as a movie date at home with some popcorn to something as profound as long and meaningful conversations as you stroll under the moon's light; it is that shared bond that he values more than anything. Few others will occupy his hours the way you do, and few others will command his attention like you do. Beware if he always seems too busy for you however, for he may have come to regret all that shared time with you.
   » … With His Service — Barbatos ✦ Asmodeus ✦ Xavier ✦ Belphegor ✦ Aamon ›› It's in the way he always helps you; whether it be a task to help ease your burdens to going out of his way to do something for you, he lets his actions speak his love for you in place of his words. You don't even have to ask him much any more, he can just tell from a glance at your body language or the tone you used when he should step in and offer you a pillar to lean on with his help. Seeing the relief wash over you, hearing your relaxed sigh, watching as the dark clouds over you vanish when he had been able to help you is what makes it all worth it. Beware if he seems deaf to your pleas for aid though, for he may have come to believe you are no longer worth the effort.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @wittysorcerer dares to ask; ❝ The clock was counting down, the new year was soon to arrive any moment now. He'd gaze softly at the demon, who he decided to visit at HOL for today.
Solomon would think back to all the time spent together over the year, he thought back to it fondly.
He didn't even realize Satan had became so important to him. He smiles to himself, and as the number looms closer to zero, Solomon grabs the demon's attention by placing a hand on his shoulder, and soon pressing a kiss to his cheek.
A soft little laugh leaves him, "Happy New Years, Satan." An actual kiss may have to wait for a little bit, but soon the sorcerer will be showering Satan in them. One after the other. ❞
     Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Ooooh that Demonus was starting to really hit hard now. Satan's head felt like it was simultaneously on fire and at the deepest levels of the ocean swimming in pressure; while a good feeling in the moment, it inevitably meant he was really loosened up to the point he was nearly pathetic. Thank whatever higher powers existed in the Devildom his brothers were equally wasted and wouldn't remember a lick of how he was acting tonight, because the only thing more egregious than a playful and clingy Satan was a giggling and smiley Lucifer.
     ›› But there was someone sober there still, someone counting down the minutes with them all, someone who capitalized on the moment his brothers started to cheer on the new year to place warm lips against his cheek — and that meant only this sorcerer could hear the yelp that left Satan as his head whipped around and his face was... well begging for more was the best way to really describe how his brows knit up and his eyes looked horribly betrayed.
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    ❝ Wuh-wait! No! I wan'... I wan' a... full kiss! ❞ ›› the inebriated Satan pleaded, grabbing for Solomon's arm and just about shaking him. That's what you get when you kiss any part of a touch-and-love-starved demon. ❝ H-Hey, do that again! I want a do-over, how was that fair to me? ❞
     ›› Sure he wasn't completely trashed yet but that was likely to come later, so it was a good thing Solomon refused him any further affections until eventually the alcohol caught up to Satan and knocked him out on the couch. Now one could only hope none of the demons remembered this, but hey — it would prove to be a very fun memory and some ammo to use against Satan... along with confirmation that Satan was quite receptive to the idea of sharing a kiss with Solomon.
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @kismetkiss​ dares to ask; ❝ Solomon awakens, realizing he had fell asleep and even more surprising he was curled into Satan's sleeping form as well on the couch. He couldn't help the warmth engulfing his face. Last thing the sorcerer remembers was reading about forbidden rituals and discussing it with the demon, looks like they fell asleep as they did so.
However, as the human watches Satan sleep, a smile comes across his face. Cute. He was really cute looking so peaceful like that. Solomon was unable to resist reaching out and stroking his hair gently.
Solomon leans in a little, tempted to brush his lips against the demon's cheek, however he almost immediately pulls back when seeing Satan's eyes open. His heart raced a mile a minute, but he plays it off with a soft laugh.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." The sorcerer teased, "Looks like we fell asleep during our discussion. You can go home if you're tired, I don't mind. We can always continue this tomorrow." He was always eager to make time to spend with Satan. ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› Sleep was something Satan was willing to sacrifice days of to achieve what he wanted; it was a common sight to watch him go a few days fueled entirely on coffee and spite just to devise a new trick to catch Lucifer up in, or face-deep in new books and tomes. A well rested Satan rarely stopped for much... except, this time he had. Warmth had enveloped his chest — a strange warmth he wasn't familiar with but wasn't quite opposed to either — and before he realized it his eyes had grown heavy, as though safely capable of closing. Then, silence.
     ›› The warmth never faded; it shifted and grew, but never once did he feel that usual cold emptiness. The shuffling of cloth graced his ears every so often, but it wasn't for a while yet until he finally begun to stir. A low, airy hum left his chest as his head turned to seek the source of the voice; it caused him to look down, eyelids fluttering open a bit and —
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     ›› Well the gasp followed by his cheeks dying a deep crimson probably spoke louder than any words he could have said. The sight of Solomon looking up at him flush to his own body, teasing him verbally about the fact he had somehow managed to pass out in the middle of their studying... Wait. No, perhaps that's exactly why, he realized. The smooth, sweet voice Solomon had, the way he murmured so soothingly, the way his smile lit Satan's heart up so easily... He must have lulled off from being surrounded by a peaceful comfort, a presence he had come to enamor to the point his body had sought to find respite against the human's own. When? How? Questions that would remain unanswered for now as he focused on regaining a semblance of composure.
     ›› He'd clear his throat quietly and look away, his attempt to "focus" really just ending up like a flustered pout over how he was made so easily and ended up not bothered in the slightest by how they ended up.
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    ❝ … N-... No. I... We can continue. ❞ ( Continue just like this, ) ›› his mind begged his lips to say. ❝ … I can go make us some coffee to help wake us up. And some breakfast too. What would you want? ❞ ( Why can't you just say it, Satan? Why won't you just say you didn't want him to get up just yet? )
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clavicula-ovis · 1 year
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     » » @deprcvities , Satan is trying to find his bookmarks, and asks Leviathan for help;
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    ❝ Leviathan? Had you seen any bookmarks lying around? ❞
     ›› What a simple question, and really it should have had a simple answer. The bookmarks existed in some space at the present time, so why in the Devildom was it so hard to find them? ( He even remembered to check his recent books this time! ) Clutched tight in his left hand was a book he was engrossed in, thumb gently wedged between the pages to act as a temporary stop-gap until he managed to find something a little more permanent.
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    ❝ They're impossible to mistake; one is a strip of cursed leather with a small bell on the tassel, another is cloth woven and pressed to look like cat tail reeds from the human world, and one is a collage of actual cats frolicking in a field. … I can forgive if the first two end up gone, but if that last one is too... ❞
     ›› The rapidly lowering tone of voice gave a bit of a hint as to what would happen if his beloved cat bookmark went missing. Despite having nearly 100 of them now, all seemed equally as valuable to the demon as the next.
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @sevenxvirtuesx​​ ❝ “you’re allowed to need help sometimes.” For satan~ ❞
     From: Random Dialogue Prompts || Always Accepting!
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     ›› It was hard for him to admit that he needed help. Even when he tried to be better than Lucifer in that regard, there still were times where he stubbornly refused to set his pride aside and ask for aid. Today, of all days, his confidence crumbled and with just enough puppy eyes and well-timed words he’d finally crack. His brows would furrow, his lips parted, and he eventually spoke up after heaving a defeated sigh.
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    ❝ Yuki... I need your help. I've been trying to catch this cat before Lucifer notices they got inside the house, but they're too crafty for me... ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @deprcvities​ ❝ Lottie is here to steal Xav for the 1000th time. ❞
     Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting!
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     ›› To claim the little human was a simple affair; he had shifted in to his small sheep form to decompress from a particularly wild day, curled up on his bed to just bask in comfortable quiet for a time. So lulled off he was that it took a bit to register he had a pair of hands wrapped carefully but firmly around his extraordinarily fluffy body, and that those hands were raising him aloft like a well-earned trophy.
     ›› The large floor-to-ceiling window of Xavier's makeshift room had been left ajar for fresh air, and such was the perfect little escape route for a certain determined demon — all he had to do was leap out into the garden and bolt for the stretch of land beyond its gated grounds. Yet such a simple escape had a deceptive alarum hiding beneath the surface, one that had been his bane time and time again;
     ›› The ting of a tiny, tiny bell.
     ›› A sweet little jingle, a cute little chime; there was no stifling the noise, nor circumventing what it brought with it. A rush of heat would swell around Lottie, emanating from very close behind him.
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    ❝ And just where do you think you're going, Lottie? ❞
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
     » » Memory Box; ( The Demon Brothers )( New )( 7 ) 👁️ [ “Full-Time Talent” ]
         [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ Ugh. ››          [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ Me and Beel barely got in to Hell's Kitchen today... ››          [ Belphegor ]    ‹‹ I thought Beel was going to go berserk from how                                            hungry he got during the wait... ››          [ Asmodeus ]
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         [ Asmodeus ]    ‹‹ What happened? ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ I believe Xavier is working there part-time right now. ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ From what I heard from some associates, he's being                                    exceptionally charming while servicing everyone,                                    and it's causing a massive flood of students. ››          [ Satan ]    ‹‹ They're rather overwhelmed at the moment. ››          [ Mammon ]
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         [ Mammon ]    ‹‹ For real!? ››          [ Lucifer ]    ‹‹ I see... ››          [ Lucifer ]    ‹‹ It appears Diavolo and I have a change of plans for                                      dinner, then. It has been a while since he’s eaten                                      at Hell’s Kitchen after all. ››          [ Mammon ]    ‹‹ OH NO YOU DON'T!! I'M COMIN' WITH YA!! ››
                      ———————[ END ] ———————
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clavicula-ovis · 3 years
[ Tag dump! More to come another time! ]
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