#๐Ÿ’ฎ; lune matchmaking!
matchmakerecorner ยท 2 years
Omg thank you so much for the Twst matchup!! It was so cute! ๐Ÿ’• I'm also astonished at how fast you guys work while still providing quality matchups! It's quite awesome! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค you guys are officially my favorite matchup blog, don't tell anyone I said that, hehe ๐Ÿคญ
I hope it isn't too much to ask for, but may I please request a ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ matchup for Genshin Impact this time? I don't want to overwhelm either of you so if you're already too busy, feel free to put a hold on my request :>
I'm a straight, scorpio girl that goes by she/her!
Personality: I'm highly introverted, but am friendly, polite, considerate, understanding and approachable! I'm rather on the private side, so I tend not to say much or really open up easily, but I'm always willing to lend a hand to anyone. I regretfully consider myself to be a people-pleaser at times :'D I have trust issues so it takes me A LONG WHILE to open up. Though, when I do, I'm silly and affectionate! I enjoy cracking jokes with people I'm close to! And although I'm not really into PDA, I will be terribly affectionate with my s/o in private, often kissing them or doing silly things such as dance my fingers on their skin lol. I also tend to be sensitive and take things seriously and wholeheartedly. On the flip side, I can be stubborn, short-tempered, and very self-critical. I'm often hard on myself, but I just think it's necessary for the sake of improvement! I make it a point to do things thoroughly and well-thought out!
Likes: Singing! Especially singing soft jazz or slow lovesongs! (I wouldn't mind singing them to my s/o, despite how cheesy it may sound hehe). I love watching the sunset and ocean as well!
Dislikes: rude, insincere, condescending people. People who don't take things seriously tend to irritate me.
Again, thank you so much! You guys are the best ๐Ÿฅฐ
๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ | We've decided to match you with...
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โ™ก Albedo is quite the introverted type as well! He also prefers more affection in private, secluded areas rather than more open and public places. But if you ever want a kiss/hug from him, he will gladly deliver.
โ™ก He enjoys all the affection, even if it isn't evident on his face sometimes. His favorite thing is being in Dragonspine and just sitting with you in front of a fire. If you'd like him to, he could tell you stories about some experiments of his that didn't go all too well.
โ™ก Albedo is a very good listener, and when he has it, he'll give amazing advice. He's ways there for you, so feel free to rant/spill your heart out to him. Even if you aren't comfortable talking with him, he'll do little acts of service to make you feel better.
โ™ก One of his personal favorite things to do whenever you're having a bad day, is to draw little doodles on a sticky note and put inspirational quotes on them. He places them around your house!
โ™ก He always understands your jokes, but the most you'll get out of him is a chuckle and a peck on the cheek.
โ™ก Whenever you get upset, he always knows exactly what you need. Most of the time he'll attempt to calm you down first, communication is key, after all. If that doesn't work, he'll leave you alone for a bit. You can even rant to him as he let's you play with his hair. He doesn't mind at all!
โ™ก Albedo encourages you to work hard, but he can also tell when enough is enough. He'll make sure you take care of yourself. On his days off, he likes to get up before you and make you your favorite food for breakfast!
โ™ก Definitely enjoys it whenever you sing to him. Maybe with a bit of convincing, he'll even join you. Sometimes when he's painting, he'll be humming with you singing right next to him. It even helps him focus!
โ™ก Since you're always there to help him out, he actually enjoys returning the favor. He'll run errands with you, and you can drag him around anywhere you want. He'll follow you around with a small smile and a look that's filled with nothing but sweet adoration for you.
The Other Choice(s):
Kazuha: He's a free spirited person who can get serious if absolutely necessary. He'll compose little love poems for you and place them around the house--in return for you to keep singing to him. He enjoys your voice!
Tighnari: He likes to take you around the more safer parts of the forest. You'll be watching the sunset from a hill together. He'll even let you pet his ears of you really want to. Anything for you.
A/n: Ehe don't worry we won't tell anyone! Thank you for requesting again, it's nice to know that people are enjoying our matchups. ^^ Feel free to send an ask if this one isn't to your liking. We hope you have a nice day :>
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matchmakerecorner ยท 2 years
Hey! May I get a matchup for Genshin Impact please? ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ (Fair warning, this is a little overly detailed, as I tend to be a rambler)
My pronouns are they/them, and I'm bi and demi, so gender doesn't matter! I'm currently a college student studying robotics and electrical controls, and I'd probably be an Electro claymore user as a Genshin pc!
My hair is a rich purple color with the sides shaved, and my style tends to be very thrifted/punk/masc leaning. I've had more than one person tell me that I always look either like an anime character, or a homeless teddy bear.
I'm a pretty eclectic person, and very ADHD, so I tend to be a jack of all trades with hobbies. I tend to come off as pretty quiet (and a little intimidating in appearance), but I become a snarky gamer gremlin of a friend if I get around to trusting someone! I take a lot of pride in being the weirdest looking electrical engineer you'll ever meet, and in being very protective of the few people that I trust. For those I care about, I tend to act like a very chaotic but protective older sibling, just as I would for my little brothers!
In my spare time, I like to write, play video games, program weird electronics projects (I'm building a custom lightsaber atm!), and I like to thrift and upcycle clothes by hand stitching them! I'm also a pretty big foodie, despite my sensory issues with food, and I love to experiment with home cooking! One thing I wish to do again is to get back into martial arts, as I used to be a competitive Tae Kwon Do artist back in my youth!
One final fact about me is that my ADHD meds tend to give me insomnia, so I can often be found lurking around my college dorms like a raccoon late at night.
Thank you so much, and I hope y'all's day is pleasant!!
๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ | We've decided to match you with...
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โ™ก Yoimiya thinks you're really cool! She absolutely enjoys talking with you, watching you work, just being around you in general is enough to make her feel happier than usual.
โ™ก She actually really likes your style, so sometimes she even asks you to let her wear your clothing! Maybe she'll even ask you to help her pick out some of her own the next time you both go shopping together.
โ™ก Yoimiya loves to cook with you! With the two of you working together, you could probably think of some really awesome and unique food combos and recipes!
โ™ก Whenever you can't sleep, she's always there to grab some sparklers and go outside with you! Where the two of you can just play with sparklers and have fun. If you get bored of sparklers, then she always brings some snacks that you both can eat while you look at the night sky.
โ™ก Yoimiya enjoys having you as a travel companion. You both could do so many fun activities together! You go on walks in unknown areas, the two of you might even end up taking a creative class together!
โ™ก She's not very informed on making things other than fireworks, but she'd really love to learn some things from you. She's also willing to help out in anyway she can! Sometimes she even likes to help you come up with ideas for different projects. Maybe you even have a shared project you both like to work on together!
โ™ก In return, she enjoys to take you out whenever there's an even with fireworks in it. She'll even teach you how to make fireworks if you ever find yourself interested.
โ™ก You both probably like to ramble to each other after really long days. You could be writing with her sitting right next to you, just staring off into space, lost in thought. It's quiet, which is an amazing atmosphere for writing. But if you write better with noise, then she'll ramble about her day and ask you about yours.
โ™ก One things for sure; you will never have a dull moment in your life!
The Other Choice(s):
Childe: He would love to train with you in martial arts! Loves how chaotic you can be, and he'd do everything in his power to get you asleep.
Albedo: He finds your projects very fascinating and really would like to learn from them, maybe even help! He's not too high on energy but he enjoys drawing with you writing right next to him.
A/n: It's so cool that you're making a custom lightsaber! Both of us really enjoyed reading your description of yourself, too! It was very entertaining! We really hope this was to your liking, if not you can ask for a rematch up! ^^
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matchmakerecorner ยท 2 years
hiii, i really love the twst matchup AND riddle is one of my favorite!! so i was really surprised when i saw that i paired with him!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’– so if you dont mind me copy pasting and resending my ask but this time with genshin impact!! thank you so much!! ๐Ÿ’–
can i request a ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ matchup pls (genshin impact) my personality is: i'm quite shy and nervous when interacting with new people and kinda awkward too. ppl find me intimidating and hard to approach due to my stoic expression but i'm really outspoken only when i'm with my close friends. i tend to overthink things a lot and i'm also quite moody. i'm also quite insecure when it comes to my appearance. i also like to observe things a lot. also i always listen to my friends whenever they have a problem and give them some advice. i'm still questioning my sexuality >< they/them pronouns and leaning towards boys
my likes are reading books, donuts, cheesecake, horror videos, matcha green tea, staring at the ocean, dark academia. my dislikes are loud + crowded places, worms, annoying people, cheaters.
my mbti is intp. my hobbies are staying up all night when writing my ideas about a new story, learning about astronomy, watching videos about haunted abandoned places, observing people.
๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ’ฎ | We've decided to match you with...
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โ™ก He's the type of person place small poems around the house when he notices you have a bad day the day before. He likes to make you poems about how much he loves you.
โ™ก Kazuha won't mind watching horror videos with you or visiting abandoned places! He just makes sure you both won't get into trouble and it helps him with inspiration for the darker poems he writes. It's a win-win!
โ™ก He's not really fond of huge crowds either, the places you go together mostly insist of different forests and caves, maybe the smaller cafes and parks.
โ™ก You'll be able to travel with him on Beidou's ship! You both will be up at night time watching from the side of the ship as the ocean and night sky sparkle together.
โ™ก If you ever get seasick, you can bet that Kazuha will take extra good care of you! He'll have a cold rag and some cold water for you quicker than you can snap your fingers.
โ™ก Maybe when the two of you are alone, you like to make inferences and guesses about some of the strangers you pass. Like what powers they'd have if they were actually a super hero, what type of music they'd enjoy. Of course you both make it to where they can't tell you're talking about them.
โ™ก After a very long day, the two of you will be at home drinking tea together as you chat about today's events, how it went, just typical chit chat. He even makes you dinner if you're out later than usual.
โ™ก If you ever feel like you can't go to sleep, he'll take you into his arms and read you a bedtime story, that or he'll hum your favorite song softly.
The Other Choice(s):
Albedo: He's very calm and he works in very quiet areas. You could read right next to him in dragonspine with a jacket and some blankets wrapped around you while Albedo works. He let's you talk about pretty much whatever you'd like. Go ahead and ramble, he doesn't mind, you're nice company.
Xingqiu: The two of you could be sitting right next to each other either reading the same book or two different books. Either way you're cuddled up close, and sometimes you discuss your seperate books. After you both finish the current ones, you'll switch them.
๐Ÿ‡| A/n: I'm quite happy you enjoyed the Riddle one ^^ he's also one of my favorite tw characters! But my personal favorite will always be Jade.
A/n: We hope you enjoy this one as well! If something isn't to your liking, just send an ask and we'll rematchmake you!
| Teleportation: The Map Room | Matchmaking |
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