#🐚 xiomara x thackery; I will not sleep until you hold me for I cannot dream anymore of you and your absence
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[ serenade ]  for  your  muse  to  sing  to  my  muse . || from metal!Thack / @niratias
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It has been a long night filled with small joys.
The bar is a little damp, mostly empty and entirely closed. The floor sticks to Xiomara's heels with each short swaying step of their half-abandoned dance, more instinct than decision. The couple wrapped up in each other.
Through her head's spot on his chest, she can feel his voice behind her eyelids. Cheeks full with her content smile. Gentle hands slipping beneath the back of his shirt. Giving in, as always, to the need to feel the softness of the man she adores.
Tipping golden eyes to shine up at John as his song ends. "You destroy me, love." Reaching one hand up from its haven beneath his clothes to cup his cheek. "All of you does, but when you sing there's nothing else for me. It takes me to the first time I saw you."
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bornofbloodandwater · 2 years
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@niratias​ A Surprise for Thackery
        “I’ll be back in a bit, stay here.” Leaving him with a bright kiss, and a spark in her eye. She won’t lie to him. He is seeing a new band she thinks he’ll like, and she will be back...just not on his side of the stage.
Not three minutes after her dark coat swishes over in the direction of the bar, leaving him near enough the centre front, do the lights of the venue drop and the resonant chill of a reverb-cradled melody comes in through the misted dark.
“I’ve spent, in different beds
        Many moons
                And that’s the way I...”
The lights striking bright enough to stun all looking to the stage. In its wash, stand five women in creams and neutrals, ripped out of some Ivy League library. In the centre of them, dressed in a white silk negligee and six, ethereal, pale feather wings, stands Xiomara before the mic.
                            “Prefer it.”
Eyes steady on Thackery, a trickster smirk as her band launch into the weight of the song. Infernal-low bass, the lead dancing by Xio’s vocals and guided by the rhythm guitar, grounded by the wicked skill of their drummer.
Her presence on the stage is fluid, flirtatious, every movement guided by her instinct as a dancer. Weightless. As the song melds into another, the tone of the set sinking deeper and deeper into seduction, she reaches down towards him, pure lust and joy in her eyes, and catches the hand of the woman to his left. Casting a wink to the singer. Sit back and enjoy.
Hoisting the black-clad woman up onto the stage with ease to whisper in her ear. Her frantic approval caught in the mic. “Yeah. Sure. Yes.”
A gentle hand leading the woman deeper into the stage and placing the microphone in her hands right in front of her chest. “Hold that right there for me won’t you, Darling?” Swiftly kissing the neck of the brunette with all the passion of a lover. The fan swaying on her heels at the sensation, both hands on the stranger’s hips to guide her down into the seat at her back. Profile to the audience so they won’t miss a moment.
Both of the guitarists striking a three-part harmony of the first chorus with Xio. Her voice snaking to the microphone in the stranger’s grip. Straddling her thighs, a thumb caressing her jaw, fingers trailing down her neck. Beginning a performance only this woman will truly get to experience at its fullest, and most likely Thackery later tonight.
“Who taught you how to love like that?
        It's a one-way ticket to a heart attack.”
Taking the mic back and leading one of the woman’s hands down her chest. Standing just as her hands reach for Xio’s hips.
               “I wonder if she's coming back in my life?
                     Who taught you how to kiss this way?”
In a kick, her heel is caught on the back of the chair, bare thigh by the blushing face below, capturing her chin to force her to look up into Xio’s gaze.
                            “If you were born like this, baby, I will kneel and pray,”
Conducting the woman’s hands up her naked leg, as the song calls for the siren’s moans. Head tipped back in spectacular ecstasy, the woman’s eyes enraptured with the angel above, hair glowing in the stage lights.
                                    “And thank the lord below for what he made every night.”
The woman stumbling off to the stage wings just as the third song begins. Now all her focus is back to Thackery, her soul, the very one who inspired her.
“Fraudulent, your existence
        Synthesis of a broken yes man
                I've been waiting for so long
                        To sacrifice the blood you've drawn.”
Head tipped back, arms spread wide in reverence. Thick, dark blood raining down upon her from the rafters and two full buckets tossed from below. Wings and silk dripping with red. A demon set to perform only for him, only for her soul, Thackery.
Hands roaming across slickened skin, leaving trails of golden hues in the wake of her fingertips. Her band members splattered with blood themselves, cashmere clinging with the sanguine. The bassist with a cigarette stuck to her lip like the womaniser she is. Xiomara singing with all her heart for only her darling, something she’d never have done without him. 
“Delicate nature
        Don't talk to strangers
                Leave my life in his hands
                        Correct my behaviour
                                Lucid in danger
                                        Don't talk to strangers
                                                Is who I am melted erasure?”
A single trailing echo of the guitars filling the venue as she takes the mic, addressing the crowd one last time.
              “Enjoy the rest of your night, heathens. We’ve been Lagneía.”
Crooking a finger at Thackery in the front row, catching his brilliant green eyes with a stutter of her heart and the brightest grin, tempting him up onto the stage to follow her into the wings. A light in her eyes so fiery she’d burn him if she didn’t adore him so.
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bornofbloodandwater · 2 years
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Surprise for Thackery @niratias​​
        She’d texted Thackery goodnight hours ago. Excused with the explanation of early morning rehearsals.
Lying on a freezing, stone bench at 3AM in a service bay she’d organised with the bus driver as she was boarding her flight. Not an all out surprise, the band are aware, just to keep things clear and running to what little plan there is. 
Light-footed as always, a flicker of fingers at Bertie where he’s leant up, half asleep on the couch. Tiptoeing inside the room to the back.
        There he is. Splayed out across the -far too small- mattress, a sight that urges the purest smile to the dancer’s lips. Shirking her coat and bag. Slipping silently along the bed to perch on its edge, nails running through the dark waves across his forehead, rumpled from a long day’s travel.
“I got the impression you might want some company.” Pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. Hesitation in the words that wait on her tongue. “I missed you, Kardiá mou.”
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bornofbloodandwater · 2 years
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