#🎪 welcome to the show🎪|musings
Come one, come all! Welcome to the AMAZING digital musings!
Uh, hi there! You guys can call me Pierrot (I'd prefer my actual name to remain anonymous). This place is my weird little sideblog for my autistic ramblings about TADC and my interpretations of its themes and ideas.
I really felt like this blog needed to be made because something that really frustrates me as a fan of TADC is that no one seems to be analyzing it for what it means thematically. All the theories out there on here and CERTAINLY all over youtube seem to focus entirely on abstraction or lore and that's incredibly unsatisfying to me. There's nothing necessarily wrong with them, but the themes and concepts that fiction can present have always been my favorite part about art and I think a show about existentialism like this one really warrants some deeper discussion. Plus, I really want to combat TADC's unfortunate reputation on the internet as "lore bait children's horror".
Some of these musings will relate to my personal experiences with existential dread (and ableism, but we'll get there when we get there) as I find a lot about this show really relatable on a metaphorical level, so please be remember that. Also, I'm very aware that this series has two episodes out so far and that my idea of what this show is trying to say might not align with how it turns out in the future, but that's okay. I just need to get these feelings out somewhere and even if I end up being wrong, this can either serve a nifty time capsule or a good exercise in expressing myself.
Hope you all enjoy the show! 🎪✨
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