#🍬 β€” grace rqs
ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
hiii aaa could i request something for izumi >< something like izumi as your knight and he got fed up with all the princes from other kingdoms asking for your hand in marriage so he runs away with you in the middle of the night with the help of the other knights members
the brainrot has been very bad lately i hope this isnt too much !! and thank you in advance, looking forward to more of your writings :D
run away with me [izumi sena]
notes this request was rlly fun to write, thank you anon!! apologies for how the ending was really rushed, i didn't rlly know how i should have ended it... ;;
description the life of nobility seems suffocating for you. it's almost too much... izumi proposes a plan to you late at night.
additional info AU/not canon compliant, gn reader
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"psst. wake up." you felt someone tapping your shoulder.
"hm..." you opened your eyes slowly, only to be met with bright blue ones staring at you.
"jesus christ, izumi!" you exclaimed startledly. "you scared me!"
"that's not important now. get your things together." izumi gestured towards your nightstand, where most of your valuables were.
"huh? but why...? did something happen to mom and dad?" you whispered, feeling your heart sink at the thought of something terrible happening to your parents.
"no, nothing happened. just..." he sighed before continuing. "are you happy with your life here? do you like talking to those suitors that your parents want you to marry?"
the question seemingly came out of nowhere. confused, you give him a look. "where is this coming from, izumi?"
"just answer the question."
"well..." you thought back on the last few months and everything that's happened since then. you were... alright. not happy with living here per se, but everything was alright. as long as your parents were happy, then that would be the case forever.
"yeah. i'm fine with it... as long as mom and dad are happy, right?" you responded after a few seconds.
"haah? what about you, though? are you happy with living here forever?"
"..." that, you couldn't say for certain. were you truly happy with living here forever? if you were to be honest with yourself, you couldn't see yourself being confined to the walls of this castle forever. it just felt too... suffocating to you.
the expectations of being nobility that were forced upon you were too much at times. that was perfectly normal, right...? but why did it hurt so much nowadays?
"i don't know." was the answer you settled on. "i don't know if i'm happy here or not. it feels stressful, being expected to marry someone that i don't even love."
"well, do you want to leave this castle?"
you looked shocked at the notion of doing such a thing. "my parents would never allow me to do such a thing...!"
"of course they wouldn't." izumi responded. "...but can't you make the decision of whether or not you want to leave by yourself?"
you were getting more and more confused. "i don't understand. why rebel against my parents? they'd be angry, and even if i did run away, they'd track me down for sure."
"...well, if you were given the choice, would you?"
you hesitated before nodding. "based on how things are going for myself... i would say yes, but why would you ask this, izumi?"
"well, because that's exactly what we're going to do tonight."
"running away...?" you questioned. "i appreciate the thought, but why so suddenly, izumi?"
"naru overheard your parents talking last night. they said that they want to marry you off as soon as next month." you felt your heart sink to your stomach at his words.
"next... month...?" you feebly responded. "izumi, this isn't a funny joke."
"...do i look like the type to joke about something like that?" izumi queried. "besides, don't you want to be free from the castle? when was the last time that your parents let you outside of the castle grounds?"
now that you thought about it... it's been awhile since you've roamed around outside of the castle. it wasn't like you were a prisoner or anything, but at the same time... your parents' vehement refusal to let you outside of the grounds sure made you feel like one.
"see? i'm not going to force you, but i'd prefer if you gave me an answer right now." izumi requested.
"secchan~ are you ready yet?" came ritsu's tired voice from the doorway. "oh, i guess not... hahh, just let me know when you're both ready then..."
"ritsu? what are you doing here?" you asked, squinting in the darkness of the room in an attempt to see where he was.
"didn't secchan already tell you that he was running away with you?"
"...so you're helping with the plan?"
"yep. anzu, nacchan, tsukippi, and suu-chan are too~"
"anzu is...? well, if it's a group effort, then..." you paused, pondering over your options. you could stay here for the rest of your life, trapped in what would most likely be a loveless marriage with someone that you barely know... or you could run away to be with someone that you actually love. "i'll do it."
"well, get your things together. we're short on time." izumi stated.
"suu-chan and anzu can't stall the rest of the castle guards for that long, so i would hurry up if i were you~" ritsu agreed.
"okay, okay... should i pack light?" you inquired, digging through the drawers of your nightstand for your things.
"just the bare minimum."
"ah, that reminds me. nacchan should be here soon." ritsu spoke up from the doorway, looking down the hallway for any sign of her.
"RITTSU! we have a problem!" came leo's loud voice from down the hallway.
"tsukippi~, your voice is way too loud..." ritsu mumbled. "you'll wake everyone up at this rate..."
"yeah, but it's an emergency!!" leo exclaimed, trying to catch his breath (presumably from running). "naru's trying to keep them occupied, but the guards found out!"
"already...?" you questioned. "but weren't tsukasa and anzu keeping them busy? are they alright?"
"they're alright! they just got repositioned, but... what do we do now?!"
"calm down, leo-kun. you're yelling." izumi sighed. "are anzu and kasa-kun in a place where they can meet up with us at all?"
"they're near the entrance to the garden, so i guess so...?" leo responded.
"..." izumi paused for a moment to think as you continued to look through your drawers to find your things. "kuma-kun. tell naru to meet us near the garden instead."
"okay~" ritsu nodded, walking off to find arashi.
"izumi, i'm done packing, but what do we do now...?" you queried, holding a few of your bracelets and necklaces.
"we go to meet up with the others," he responded. "leo-kun, make sure that the servants don't catch naru and kuma-kun."
"okie-dokie!" leo gave izumi a thumbs up.
a few seconds passed before izumi looked at the window. "hey. you know how to climb out of a window?"
one (somewhat clumsy) window jump later, you found yourself nearing the gardens, walking alongside izumi. silence fell over the two of you, although it wasn't like either of you particularly minded. it was almost... pleasant.
"ah, sena! there you are!" leo exclaimed, breaking through the silence. "suo~ was just wondering where you w-"
"i was not!" tsukasa cut leo off. "you were the one saying 'ahh, what's taking sena so long?! that meanie!!'"
"well, they're here now... that's all that matters, right?" anzu asked, nervously laughing at the look that izumi was giving leo.
"right. where's naru and kuma-kun? don't tell me they ditched on us, leo-kun." izumi prodded.
"hm? oh, right! they got repositioned again!" leo responded. "they stalled for you two though, so don't worry about it, sena!"
"well... you two should probably leave now. your mother and father will probably be awake soon..." anzu trailed off.
"yeah. um... thank you, everyone. for helping with this, that is," you stated.
"wahahaha, no problem! ahh, this 'escape' thing is giving me so much inspiration...! β˜†" leo exclaimed euphorically.
"leo-san, please don't try to draw on the walls again..." tsukasa sighed. "well, in any case... be safe, you two." anzu nodded in agreement.
"yeah, yeah. we will. don't worry about us, kasa-kun." izumi replied.
"right! i should say that to you two, though..." you trailed off, sneaking a glance behind tsukasa and anzu into the castle.
"...we'll be fine. do not worry about us." tsukasa stated.
"okay, if you say so." you looked towards the castle gates.
"yeah, be safe, you two.." anzu stated. "however, i believe that your parents will be up soon, (name)... i would start leaving right now if i were you."
"mm... you're probably right, anzu."
pausing, you hesitantly took izumi's hand, locking eyes with him.
"so... shall we...?"
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
hello, i was the anon for sending the leo request and that was so cute sobs 😭😭😭😭 and i have another request, but this time it's for izumi!! this can take place in their graduation ceremony where his s/o (gn of course) broke down crying, touched because the knights and them have been through a lot.
hope this make sense 🫢🫢
a moment of eternity [izumi sena]
notes hi again anon!! i'm glad that you liked it :D i.. have not finished requiem fully yet .. so i hope that this isn't too canon-divergent or short ^_^
description repayment fes has concluded, and you feel yourself overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions.
additional info ! era, gn reader, takes place during repayment fes, title is taken from this song, i once again had no idea how to end this >w>
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graduation season... you've attended a few graduation ceremonies over the years, but none of them have felt quite as emotional for you as this year's repayment fes did.
knights in particular seemed to be struggling in the weeks leading up to the repayment fes. as someone who was close to all of the members, you did your best to help with what you could, but even then, you weren't exactly the most aware person out there of most of the issues related to passing down roles and graduation.
either way, requiem was.. successful. in the end, arashi was deemed the first-placer of the duel, but it was tsukasa that was ultimately the one chosen to succeed leo as the king of knights.
...now that you thought about it, so many things seemed to be changing from next year onwards, both inside and outside of knights. izumi and leo were going to work on their respective careers overseas, tsukasa was going to be the new king of knights, ritsu and arashi would be 3rd years already, not to mention how knights would most likely get new members... thinking back, you couldn't help but feel sentimental. you weren't a member of knights, no, but you've been beside them for so long that it felt like you've experienced a good amount of the highs and lows that the unit has gone through.
you felt the tears threatening to spill, but you swore to yourself that you wouldn't cry. no, not yet. graduation is a day to make memories, to cherish the company of your classmates that you most likely won't see for a while.
izumi seemed to notice the fact that you were holding your tears back. "hey, what's wrong? if you're gonna cry, do it now."
he was right, you knew that it would be pointless to hold your emotions back now. it would probably be one of the last times that you'd see everyone in knights together for a while, and you'd miss them, but alsoβ€”
then came the tears. you tried to wipe them from your eyes, but to no avail. they seemed to never stop.
"ahh... things sure have changed, huh?" you sniffled. "everyone in knights..."
you paused, trying to wipe your tears. "they've all changed so much... this year has beenβ€”"
it was no use. the tears felt like they would never end. the emotions overwhelmed you like a tidal wave as you cried even more.
a few moments passed by before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
looking up through your tear-blurred vision, you met eyes with izumi. "...you're right. things have changed a lot this year, haven't they?"
silence fell over the two of you. through the windows, you could see the sunlight shining through, tinting the room in orange and pink.
you didn't want to ruin such a moment, but you felt a question weighing on your mind, one that you needed to get out into the open.
"hey, izumi." your tears had slowed down by now, reduced to sniffles. "do you think that knights will truly be alright now?"
"haah? of course we will. what kind of question is that?"
you paused. of course they would. knights clawed their way to the top after that scandal during spring. even after all that they've been through, from last year to this very moment, you knew that they'd be alright. they had to be alright.
"...just wondering," you shrugged, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"well, in any case..." izumi trailed off, trying to choose his words wisely. "i'm glad that i met you."
that certainly caught you off-guard. graduation was indeed a sentimental time, but to hear izumi sena of all people giving you a genuine confession of gratitude?
"huh..? really?" you asked.
"yeah. why wouldn't i be?" he questioned. "you've been by my side for years now, so it's only natural for me to thank you."
"ahh, i'm so grateful to have met you too, izumi!" you exclaimed, feeling the hot tears spill down your face. "i just... i love you so much!"
"h-hey, don't start crying again!" izumi responded. "we still have to meet up with the others!"
"...i can't help it! you all mean so much to me!" you sobbed into his uniform blazer.
...izumi couldn't deny it β€” he shared the sentiment. from the larger veteran unit of chess/othello/backgammon to knights... knights, both as a unit and as individuals, have been through a lot over the course of its history. of course he'd feel something towards his current unit mates.
"...hey, (name). look at me."
...perhaps, just this once... just for this singular moment, izumi will be up-front with his feelings, just for you.
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
hello !! may i request the reader reacting to see their crush: leo from ensemble stars (knights) returning after disappearing for a while? <3 (fluff please and he's so cute i wanna squish his cheeks-) tqsm if you accept this request and have a great day <3
welcome back [leo tsukinaga]
notes this rq is so cute, anon!! thanks for requesting β™ͺ
description reader reacts to leo returning after his disappearance
additional info ! era, gn reader, reader is implied to be a 2nd or 3rd year
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"WAHAHAHA! my inspiration is overflowing...β˜†"
the familiar voice made you do a double-take. that voice... you could recognise it easily. how could you not recognise it?
peering into the classroom that the noise came from, classroom 3-B, you're met with the sight of leo tsukinaga scribbling on the classroom walls with colorful markers.
now that you thought about it, you haven't seen him around for a while. it's been a few months, hasn't it? either way, you should be ecstatic, right? after all, the person that you've been pining after ever since your first year is back!
...but how should you approach him?
a simple "um... leo? hi again.." would totally come off as awkward, right? however... you can't exactly just jump in, either, since he seems busy at the moment. maybe waiting for a little while longer might work out? it's not like he's going to disappear again, is h-
"oh! (n/n), you're here! ucchu~β˜†"
...and now you're face-to-face with him.
"ah! um.. hello again, leo." this felt way too awkward. why did you feel so nervous? nevertheless, you continued. "so... it's been a while since i've seen you, huh."
"yeah! hey, listen to this!" leo exclaimed. you could have sworn there were stars in his eyes. "i got abducted by an alien!"
"an alien?!" that was the last thing you expected to come out of his mouth. well, now that you thought about it... that might explain the 'ucchu~β˜†' catchphrase that he had picked up.
"yeah! she was really mean and angry at me, all like..."
you'd be lying to yourself completely if you were to say that you didn't miss him for the last few months. you missed talking to him, but more importantly, you just missed leo in general.
"waaah, just thinking about it makes me want to burst from all of the inspiration...! β˜†" he exclaimed, bringing you out of your thoughts.
"that's good to hear. i'm glad that you're back, leo..." you smiled at his enthusiasm.
"huh? you are?! that's great!! i'm glad to see you again too!!" he responded, striking the 'ucchu' pose.
"really? well, good luck!" you encouraged.
"wahahaha, thank you, thank you! i'll compose a masterpiece! this one's the one, i feel it!" he reached for another marker, which was (presumably) your cue to get him to stop damaging school property.
"leo, waitβ€”!"
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
hi!!!!!! can u do relationship headcanons of kaoru seta & hagumi kitazawa (separate) w a reader w a rly cheerful & sunshiney personality?? :D ^__^
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relationship HC's [kaoru & hagumi]
notes i combined two requests, i hope that you don't mind ^_^ apologies for how short this is.. thank you for rqing though :D
description relationship hc's for hagumi + kaoru (separate) with a cheerful s/o
additional info gn reader, pre-graduation (no clue how to word this, but written before the 6th anniversary time skip), the term 'koneko-chan' is mentioned in kaoru's part
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β€” hagumi is really happy to have a s/o that can match her energy!!
β€” if you're also athletic, she'll ask you if you'd want to go running with her or practice softball >_^
β€” hagumi loves it when you show up to her softball games and harohapi concerts!! seeing your smiling face gives her lots of encouragement that she wants to give to you (bad wording on my part, but basically she wants to make you smile more too!!)
β€” she's also your biggest supporter! you have a sports game? she's there to cheer you on! you want to try out a new hobby? she'll try it out with you if you're okay with that!
β€” overall a very sweet relationship :D you're both very sunshine-y people so you two click with each other very well ^_^
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β€” kaoru absolutely adores you! you're like the sun to her moon (bad wording again but ... anyways)
β€” some find your dynamic to be interesting (considering how most perceive kaoru as the 'cool' type). ray of sunshine x theater kid dynamic 🫢
β€” moving on! kaoru's definitely the type to profess her love for you ^_^ like ... she does not really shy away from affection or flirting with you in public (if you're comfortable w/ that of course!!)
β€” uses all types of nicknames for you (other than koneko-chan ofc) but i feel like she specifically uses more sentimental (?) ones like "my love" or "my sun".. (i do not know how terms of endearment work.. apologies)
β€” when it's just the two of you, kaoru feels like she can be herself more. not the princely persona, but kaoru seta. your sunshine-y personality also brightens up her life, like the sun (imsorry)
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
Hi <3 If you write for Hiiro Amagi then can i request one where in he distracts the gn reader from school work because he wants their attention? Thank you :DD
break time [hiiro amagi]
notes first hiiro request!! :D funny how i'm writing this the night before school starts but. gl with the schoolwork (if you have any), anon!! T__T u got this!!
description you try to study, but somehow, you're distracted by someone else...
additional info !! era, gn reader
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currently, you were cramming your brain for an upcoming language exam. you had an entire plan for what to do tonight. cram for said exam (which you were doing at the moment), finish your science homework, maybe even start on your upcoming history project if time permitted you to do so.
with such an outlined plan, this study session would surely be smooth sailing for you, no?
...well, about that.
your boyfriend was also sitting in on your study session. you figured that it would be alright, since you two shared classes and had the same exam to study for.
however, you found it difficult to focus when hiiro was so close to you. it was almost impossible to focus on studying for this stupid exam when he was leaning his head on your shoulder... or when he was making physical contact with you in general.
"hmm..." you hummed to yourself, trying to shove the terms that you needed to memorise into your head. "this is no good..."
"hm? what's no good?" hiiro asked.
"ahh, it'sβ€” nevermind." you couldn't exactly admit that he was the reason why you couldn't focus. that would sound rude, wouldn't it...? besides, it wasn't exactly hiiro's fault that you couldn't focus, so...
"well... is something wrong? you can tell me if there's something bothering you!"
ahh, he saw right through you. that's to be expected, though, isn't it? hiiro's good at reading you... either that, or you're just way too obvious sometimes.
"well..." you trailed off, noticing that he wasn't exactly getting much studying done either. "it's just that... i can't focus that much."
"hm... me neither." he paused, clearly thinking something over. "what about we take a break?"
"a break?" you questioned. it wasn't like the thought of taking a break hadn't crossed your mind β€” in fact, you were already taking short breaks in between. but... "is that really okay with you, hiiro?"
"umu. it's alright with me!"
"ah, well... that's a relief. i've hit my limit..." you sighed, grimacing at the thought of having to cram even more information in before the night ended.
all you wanted to do was collapse onto your bed and fall asleep... but with the countless assignments that you had to do weighing on your mind, that certainly wasn't a possibility.
"mm... well, now that we're taking a break, can i ask for something?" hiiro's voice broke through your train of thought.
"like what...?"
"your attention!"
you paused to look at hiiro. how could you reject such a request..? you were getting distracted by his affections just moments prior, so... why not?
"sure... but only for a little while. we still have to study." you responded, fighting back the urge to yawn.
"of course!"
...well, you were glad that hiiro was an agreeable person.
either way, that lead to where you are now, smothering your boyfriend in affection. perhaps... taking a long break every so often wasn't so bad, no?
...you didn't get too much studying done that night, but at least spending time with hiiro is more than enough compensation for that.
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
also! i'm removing genshin from the fandoms that i write for list b/c i honestly don't rlly play the game anymore + there are other things that i'd rather write for.. sorry for the inconvenience
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
i lost my airpods for the 10th time this week 😭😭😭
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ryusei-nopulse Β· 2 years
introductory post β˜…
hello hello! i go by the name grace and i write reader-insert fanfiction! i use any pronouns and i'm a minor (15-17).
tags that i use can be found below β˜†
"#🍬 β€” grace rbs" | reblogs (mostly other writers and their works)
"#🍬 β€” grace writes" | my writing
"#🍬 β€” grace rqs" | requests that i've done (always tagged alongside the tag above)
"#🍬 β€” grace is procrastinating" | non-writing posts
"#🍬 β€” grace responding" | responding to non-writing requests from the askbox
"#🍬 β€” grace announcements" | announcements relating to requests/blog events status or changes in blog rules
the fandoms that i take writing requests for can also be found below β™ͺ
- D4DJ
- bandori / bang dream girls band party
- ensemble stars!!
(apologies for how small this list currently is - i plan on adding a few more fandoms to this list eventually...)
requests will close after i reach five of them. currently, the requests to be posted and my current WIPs can be found here and my masterlist with all of the works that i've written can be found here.
moving on, i unfortunately do not write full fics as i do not have the time to crank those out (especially during the school year). however, i am more than happy to write headcanons and shorter works for any requesters out there β˜†
please read my blacklist for characters and topics that i will not write for. thank you for your understanding, everyone! i look forward to writing for you ^_^
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