#🌼 let's chat :: daisy
ofsvnlightt · 7 months
open starter @hiddenstarters
daisy had decided to take the subway home from work, which was apparently the wrong choice. someone behind her was complaining. about what she wasn’t sure but the droning of it was starting to affect her. her hands tensed, balling into fists. she flexed and relaxed them, trying to relax herself, but it wasn’t working. the ground below her began to vibrate. no no no, not now she thought to herself with gritted teeth. she squeezed her eyes shut, focusing on her breathing and after a few moments, the vibrating stopped. she turned to the person next to her, “what’s their hurry? can’t they see we’re all waiting?” she motioned around to the hundreds of other people around the platform, trying to ignore what she’d just done, hoping the other hadn’t noticed.
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daisylovestickles · 3 months
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Hi lovelies! My name is Daisy! I am a lee-leaning switch who loves all things cute and sweet tickles! Here are some quick pieces of information you should know about me!
🌼 My DM's are open for anyone to chat with me! I love making new friends! Just as long as you keep it SFW!
🌼 This is not a kink or fetish for me! I'm just a shy girl who thinks tickling makes me feel safe and happy, so please be respectful of that! I am also taken!
🌼 I am mostly a lee but when provoked will playfully turn on you and become a ler (but only if you're okay with it)! I can sometimes be a brat but may or may not be put in my place very easily with teases.
🌼 I am comfortable with taking pictures and videos of my tickle spots, but I want to keep my face off of Tumblr!
🌼 I do like role-playing, but again, let's keep in SFW please! I'm also looking to make friends close enough that I want to visit and have friendly sessions, but of course we would need to get to know each other for a while, first!
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ofsvnlightt · 8 months
@mischiefxmuses loki extreme cold, icy ground
daisy would be nonplused by this situation, if the maze hadn't shown up out of nowhere. now she was just annoyed. (and maybe a little concerned/scared, but she wouldn't tell anyone that) she followed the trail and assumed it was just a normal maze, until she came to an opening and the temperature suddenly dropped. the sun was going down, but the temperature shouldn't change this drastically. she took a step forward and heard a crunch under her foot. looking around now, she saw the ground was covered in ice and the surrounding stalks of corn were frosted over. the jagged ice made it not only difficult to walk, but also slick. this could take a while to get to the other side...
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ofsvnlightt · 8 months
@wvsteria america living corn
how long had she been in here? an hour? two? five? daisy wasn't sure at this point. this maze was basically one giant liminal space. time didn't exist here. she'd gone through so much already and now she was just feeling a little crazy. so when she saw corn stalks walking toward her, she didn't think anything of it at first. she thought it was just the maze and her mind playing tricks on her. then suddenly, she felt a pinch and looked over at one of them....biting her? what the heck? she backed up and now saw there were a whole bunch of stalks moving around. bumping into someone else's back, she spoke without turning around, "sorry! what do you make of this? kinda freaky, isn't it?"
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ofsvnlightt · 8 months
@drvcxrys jean ghosts
daisy was walking down a straight portion of the maze, which shouldn't be bad, but she felt on edge for some reason. it was very long for some reason. usually by this point, she'd run into some crazy situation or a turn. but it just kept going..straight. she felt some cool air behind her and turned around, seeing nothing; then in the direction she was going. she turned around, and again saw nothing. "okay what's going on.." she said aloud. then something jumped out at her and she screamed in surprise. she fell back on her ass, seeing a ghost in front of her. like, an actual ghost. she stood up and tried to hit it, but her hand just went through it. more started to come out of the sides of the path from the corn, blocking off both ends. she couldn't go forward or turn around and go back. she saw someone else was trapped with her and yelled to them, "what do we do?!"
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
“Huh? Yeah.” He says, looking at the woman that just appeared beside him. He hadn’t expected to suddenly strike up a conversation but he wasn’t complaining, for now anyways “Just need a place to clear my mind, that’s all.” He admits
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“alright..“ she says, not totally convinced, but she’s not going to push it. if he says he’s fine, then he probably is. “that’s totally fair.“ she nods, “how about the park? sorry to assume, but you seem like you’re new to the city. i can show you the way if you’d like.“
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
@hiddenpxpercuts​ newt
“did you just arrive?“ daisy asks, pointing to the other’s suitcase in his hand, “i can point you in the direction of the apartments if you want. i was just headed that way actually, back to mine.“
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
@mvsicinthedvrk​ martin
work had been rough the last couple of weeks and daisy was starting to feel it. very noticeably too at this point, considering she was at a 24 hour diner, asleep in a booth. there was a knocking on the table, probably to wake her up, and oh did it. she jolted upright, her hands splayed across the table, and the empty plate and glass started to shake. “stop, stop.” she whispered to herself, and after a few seconds it did. she sighed, “how about we don’t do that next time?” she stared down the person who decided to so rudely wake her up. “just let me sleep.”
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ofsvnlightt · 7 months
@ghoststoriies dani from here
"i would agree with that statement," daisy replied with a nod of her head after she composed herself. these powers or whatever she had were getting out of hand and at this point she was about ready to shut herself in her apartment and never leave. she hesitated at the following question, silently hoping no one had noticed, but unfortunately for her, someone had. at least it was the person she was talking to and not just someone passing by who would probably make a rude comment or something. she sighed and nodded again, "yeah, maybe some air would be good. i need to get out of this crowd."
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ofsvnlightt · 1 year
@svnlvght​​​ emmeline
today had not been doing daisy’s way at all. it was clear now, but it had been raining this morning and she forgot her umbrella. then, due to the rain, the line at the coffee shop was astronomically long and she stood in line for 15 minutes before deciding to leave. coffeeless. 
now she was off for the day. she decided to take the subway home, which was apparently the wrong choice. someone behind her was complaining. about what she wasn’t sure but the droning of it was starting to affect her. her hands tensed, balling into fists. she flexed and relaxed them, trying to relax herself, but it wasn’t working. the ground below her began to vibrate. no no no, not now she thought to herself with gritted teeth. she squeezed her eyes shut, focusing on her breathing and after a few moments, the vibrating stopped. she turned around to the person next to her, “what’s their hurry? can’t they see we’re all waiting?” she motioned around to the hundreds of other people around the platform, trying to ignore what she’d just done, hoping the other hadn’t noticed.
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ofsvnlightt · 1 year
@takemeawcy​ obie
daisy had been working overtime last year, and missed the winter market. this year, she was lucky to have it off so she knew she was going to check it out. at least a few days..maybe not the whole two weeks. when she arrived to the blocked off area that contained the festivities, she was instantly astounded at her surroundings. “whoa,” she said aloud, walking slowly around all the little tents and temporary shacks that were selling different things. she decided to start the night off right and got a few cookies to snack on. “this is amazing,” she said with her mouth full to the person nearest her. she was talking about the whole market, but she supposed it would pertain to the cookie as well.
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ofsvnlightt · 1 year
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feel free to make a new post for any of these! :) @grcycosmcs​ 
11 tea with the pansophical - critical role abby was walking down the street and turning the corner she was met with a little chalkboard a-frame outside a coffee shop, 'happy holidays! come in and have tea with the pansophical' it read. "what does that even mean?" abby wondered aloud.
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21 his hands matched his tongue - the dear hunter
daisy had jolted awake from a terrible nightmare and decided to take a walk in the crisp early morning air to try to wake herself up and forget about what just happened. it was strange. the people in the dream looked familiar, but she didn’t know any of them she was pretty sure. conveniently, she never said their names in it either. she sat on a bench and looked up to the sky, “An unearthly void collapsed, exposing what was trapped to release this serendipitous design,” she mumbled to herself. someone in her dream had said it. what did it even mean? she looked down at her hands. maybe it had something to do with these strange powers she was discovering. she needed answers but didn’t know how to get them.
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25 wasteland baby! - hozier
jester was humming to herself as she drew in the library. today’s portrait was of fjord. she missed him so much. their relationship was new and i was her first, but everything about it felt right. she loved him, she knew that much. finishing the sketch and pulling out some colored pencils, she began coloring the green of his skin. “And the stench of the sea and the absence of green, Not an end, but the start of all things, I'm in love, I'm in love with you.” she whispered under her breath.
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14 particles - casiio, sleepermane
sawyer didn’t have much of a temper....usually. this guy was just getting on her nerves tonight. he was saying just all the right things to push her buttons and make her tick, meaning he’s most likely done it before and probably to multiple women. if she weren’t in such a public setting or if it were just her and him and his buddies, she definitely would have skewered him with the pool que she was holding. instead she told the bartender and they all got kicked out. she thought it was the end of it but apparently he waited for her to leave and decided to start a fight. it only took a couple hits to knock him out. easier than most. she turned to his friends, “make sure he doesn’t say shit like that to anyone again or i’ll turn him and all of you into particles.” she sneered before exiting the alley way.
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16 by this river - bluewerks, shrimpnose
vex’ahlia sat in the snow, poking the thin ice that had begun to form on the water the past few days with a stick.  she sat there in her own thoughts for some time, thinking about her kids and how much she’s already missed with them, about percy, cassandra, whitestone as a whole.. she just wanted to be back. she loved having vax here, of course. she’d never want to go to a world without him, but she missed her family. the rest of it. “i wish you were with me by this river.” she sighed to herself. she hadn’t heard them approach, but heard someone sit beside her in the snow. “percy?”
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
@grcycosmcs​ dani
“excuse me,” daisy tapped the other on the shoulder, “is this yours?” she held out the bracelet she’d found on the ground. “i saw and heard it fall and i think it came from you but i’m not sure.”
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