#q.β€’Β° β˜… * ( asks. π†πŽπ“π“π€ πƒπ„π‹πˆπ•π„π‘ !
herecomesmk Β· 2 years
lmk!nezha: cradles child "It's okay, You're safe. You're fine."
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Strange how once, the mere presence of Nezha sent terror coursing through him... and now it was nothing but comforting, almost as if MK knew who he once was, and had reconnected with a friend from a different life, even if that could never be / never was the case. Perhaps it was a byproduct of his mentor's connection... or purely his innate ability to befriend others. Who could say.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Well, maybe it still felt a bit ( very much so ) imposing at times, this was Nezha after all... he was, can be, and is still very much scary. The language had changed drastically since they first met, now there isn't a worry, there is no danger, there is no fear. Only peace. Peace he definitely needed and didn't know he craved at crucial times.
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
" Sorry about what's been happening with Wukong, kid, wanna go get egg tarts and bubble tea with me? I'll spring for it! " β€” sunwuhuan, trying to sway mk's favor tactfully
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hesitation. That sounded really good though. But Macaque being nice right this moment ? What's the catch here ? Decisions, decisions.
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " I dunno- well maybe. On one hand last time this happened you almost killed me... on the other hand you help us save the world... " This was not easy. Can't just trust him after what happened between them right ? But the whole 'defeating LBD stuff' though... that should earn him some level of trust... right ?
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " Okay look. I'm gonna agree but ONLY if you promise to be good. And Mei's coming along. Aaand maybe Mr. Tang as well, just in case. " High demands here. But at least everyone would get to eat good food. Potentially.
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
✘ do you believe in yourself?
       q . β€’ Β° β˜… * the truth comes out. (3/10)
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hesitation wasn't allowed on this one either. What's with these questions that pushed him to be so vulnerable in front of others ? Especially with these personal subjects, these aren't meant for strangers to know ! This was not the best Q&A with MK.
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " Kind of, but also not that much. " Bad start. He could already feel everyone who cared about him bursting through every wall, and yet he had to continue.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " It- it's not that I completely don't believe in myself, but it's hard y'know... when there's so much pressure to be a hero and work my job so I'm not Jobless Kid again, and- and worrying about other stuff like trying to have a normal lifeβ€” if i can even call my life normal anymore. It's not fun to think about it all too much. " He fidgets through this answer, his body language displaying how uncomfortable he is sharing this. One can hear how forcefully he's trying to put some humorous spin on this answer, except he finds deflecting reality far more difficult this time around. And then... a light in the dark. Reminding him he's not alone.
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " I'm really glad I have my friends. If it weren't for them believing in me, helping me believe in myself, I don't know if I would be where I am now. " Smiling with mist in his eyes, the tone made it obvious he would've said that regardless of any strange force... it just happened to be the case. MK knew he had to improve, and he didn't mind. After all, the first step to solve a problem is to acknowledge it.
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
✘ uh , uh .... how do you feel about your other self ( aka my mk uwu ) , I know you haven't like really talked to him but from what you've probably seen , what do ya think of 'em ?
       q . β€’ Β° β˜… * the truth comes out. (2/10)
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " Other self... OH you mean that clone ! Yeah he's chill! I don't know how he still hasn't poofed yet but as long as he's not causing trouble then I don't have a problem with him sticking around ! "
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Oh MK... maybe he'll figure it out at some point. Might take him a while though.
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
sorry, kid. well, you know what they say about meeting your heroes..
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " Oh okay sorrey... " Unknows you and goes back to being only a noodle boy. No one ask for any hero stuff he's no longer a hero.
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
lmk!nezha: "Never a moment of peace with those guys, huh."
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " I never asked to be a mystical monkey babysitter... "
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Why oh why was it, that when those two were involved, it felt like he was the responsible one... how is this possible...
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
" Hey listen up, you do slay. "
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " SOOO TRUE bestie, slay what you need to slay ! ! ! "
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
❝ Good day! Wonderful weather we're having, hm? ❞
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Not the best day for good surprises as, so far, all have been increasingly frightening in scale. As expected the following was a wonderful, almost as if choreographed, set of shrieking, pausing, and pointing ! Dang creepy people creeping up behind him, it's so darn rude !
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Mostly what ran through his mind while processing this was confusion and concern... which were not misplaced, considering the entity before him.
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  " Wait, how did- where did- WHEN DID- this is not so good. Uhhh... heyyy there... you're not still mad we tied you up right, we just had to make sure y'know ! No hard feelings am I right... hah... "
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Not that he couldn't take care of the Mayor should he... try anything. The slightly more pressing matter is MK feels a bit bad for what they've done. Not fully since the whole trying to take over the world, though forgive and forget ( to a degree ) ! Then again with how he's still here, he wouldn't still happen to have crazy LBD powers or some sort of dangerous / magical / deadly weapon right ? ...RIGHT ?
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
Looms out of his shadow. " Oogidy boogidy. "
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Turns out the kid was still very much prone to being badly startled, apparent in his response, which was simply his very pronounced scream.
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Now, in all fairness to him, Macaque was simply far too good at sneaking up on people and scaring the blocks outta them. How cruel...
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herecomesmk Β· 2 years
Opens a shadow portal up underneath him. Yep, you're getting kidnapped (again), MK.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Not again. Why was he always listening. Why was he always there uninvited, has he not had enough of his outbursts and confessions ? Why didn't he just leave him alone, can't Macaque see he doesn't want anyone around ? This wasn't supposed to happen, no one was supposed to hear him- !
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β As soon as he felt himself sink, instinct kicked in. " OH COME ON, NOT THIS TRICK AGAIN, I'M SICK OF YOU ALWAYS BUTTING IN WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT, IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME THEN FACE ME LIKE A NORMAL PERSON- er... MONKEY- WHATEVER- " All said with a swift movement of his staff, extended perpendicular, thus holding himself suspended above the portal. Such effort would prove futile, with the portal shifting before he could do much about it, falling right through. " Oh blocks... "
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Through the floor he went, unable to get back through before it could close. At least he managed to stick the landing this time around.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β " You got me here now. 'Ya happy ? Want another round of the hero tormenting himself, or whatever it was again, huh ? That it ? Well you got it right here ! Laugh it up like I know you want to ! " So much screaming, to seemingly nothing and no one, as it was the case to anyone unaware of who was the rage's target. Already not doing so well, and being sent through a portal sure didn't help him calm down, his anger had the better of him hostage.
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β No thoughts were clear at this point.
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