koreanstudyjunkie · 1 year
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Easiest Korean Particles
N처럼, N같이
N처럼, N같이 = Like [Noun]
Usage: Kind of like a “simile” in English and it corresponds to “like” or “as”. When you want to express that an action appears the same or similar to the noun you attach 처럼 or 같이 to.
Note: 처럼/같이 are often used metaphorically to compare characteristics by comparing them to other things.
그 남자는 말처럼 빨리 달려요. He runs as fast as a horse.
지민 씨는 천사같이 노래해요. Jimin sings like an angel
그녀의 머리는 아이돌처럼 예뻐 보여요.
Her hair looks as pretty as an idol.
N마다 = Every [Noun]
Usage: This is attached to nouns that express a time - time nouns. To indicate the repetition of the same/similar situation or behavior over a set period of time. It can be translated as “every”, “each”, “once every“. It’s added directly next to the time noun being described.
주말마다 여행을 가요. I go on a trip every weekend.
금요일마다 친구를 만나고 외식을 해요. Every Friday I meet my friends and (we) go out to eat.
우리 집에는 방마다 티비가 있어요. There’s a tv in every room in (our)my house.
Note: It can also be added to non time nouns - regular nouns.
Ex: 학생마다 달라요. Each student is different.
No need to add it to words that have 매 in them as it indicates “every ___”
매일 (everyday) → 매일마다 (X)
날 (day) → 날마다 (everyday)
N쯤 = About [Noun]
Usage: It’s added to nouns that represent numbers, times, and quantities. It indicates an approximation - “about” or “around”.
넌 열다섯 살 쯤 되어 보여요. You look about 15 years old.
한시쯤 어때요? 수업이 열두시 오십분에 끝나요.
How’s around 1 o’clock? My class ends at 12:50.
우리는 일년쯤에 중국에서 중국어를 공부할 거예요. We will study Chinese In China for around a year.
Extra Notes:
When referring to approximate prices, ‘Noun쯤 하다’ is used more often than just ‘Noun쯤이다’.
사과는 세개에 이천원쯤 해요.
Apples cost about 2000 won for 3.
N이나 = Noun Or Noun
Usage: This actually has 3 usages, but we will focus on the main one which means “or”. It can only be attached to nouns. One of the two or more listed nouns will be chosen. (거나 means the exact same, but is attached to verbs instead)
Consonant - 이나
Vowel - 나
목이 말라요. 물이나 차를 마시고 싶어요. I’m thirsty. I want to drink water or tea.
구두나 가방을 살 거예요. I’ll buy some shoes or a bag.
토요일에나 일요일에 운동해요. I exercise on Saturday or Sunday. (You can attach 나 to 에 or leave 에 out and just use 이나)
Something to keep in mind is that when you are using these particles you do not need to also attach the subject or object particles to them!
1.) We go to Itaewon every Saturday night.
2.) I went to the hospital around 10:30 am.
3.) We talked for about 4 hours.
4.) My sister can dance like Jhope.
5.) Every 2 hours I drink water or tea.
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