#鹰 : 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐚 / the eagle.
geaesaekki Β· 5 months
β€œMy darling mother wanted to throw a party for when you we got back.” It’s said quite matter of factly- she’s sitting at the vanity in their shared room in the District One as she puts the final touches on her outfit. Aeri slides one diamond earring in. β€œBut I told her to let me take care of it.” Not that she thinks Deva would actually want another celebration to attend- and however much Aeri craves these engagements, the ones at the Capitol specifically, she knows they don’t actually fall under Deva’s realm. Deva's image as a leader is as practiced as Aeri’s confidence- formidable yes, but not innate. Forged over the years.
The other earring goes in. Aeri opens the drawer of the vanity and pulls out a simple box for her beloved. Inside, there’s a lapel pin of a golden eagle connected by chain to a single diamond stud. Carefully but surely, Aeri pins it to the lapel of Deva’s suit jacket. β€œI figured this would be more preferable to you instead. Now we match. Oh, and we’re going to Gino’s for dinner- the chef’s going to be making your favorites for the five course meal and I had the place emptied out for the evening. The rest of your birthday gift, you’ll get when we get back.”
And by β€˜rest of the gift’, well let’s just say Aeri a few ideas that involves some ribbons and a bedroom…but for now, the eagle pin now secure over Deva’s heart, Aeri leans back, checking her handiwork. β€œBeautiful- you can wear it with most of your outfits too." She wraps her arms around Deva's neck and kisses her. Her goddess. "Happy Birthday, my love.”
( let's pretend that this is jan. 10th BC THAT IS DEVA'S BIRTHDAY AND AERI WANTED TO CELEBRATE :DDDD )
"Dear God, are you saying another party?" Deva questions, looking through the mirror to catch the reflexion of Aeri with a a slight laughter. "Don't get me wrong, I love your mother treating me like I'm part of the family but if I have to give yet another speech on how thankful I am for turning thirty, I'm going to have to start lying, say I was born in July and that this was all a big misunderstanding." Deva jokes on a light hearted tone while she is taking care of her own outfit as well, adjusting her white suit jacket over her shoulders. It is a fact that while Aeri craves these celebrations, especially the ones at the Capitol, Deva always prefers them in a small committee : her, Aeri, their families, their friends, the victors. A smile graces her lips as soon as Aeri states she decided to take care of it : just the two of them then.
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Their steps naturally lead them together, joining, facing each other near to the mirrors. Deva's eyes follow Aeri's gestures closely, watching what seems to be jewerly in between her fingers. "Wait a minute. Did you get me something?"Aeri always does - there is never one birthday, one occasion where she doesn't have a little something for Deva, even though Deva insists she doesn't need anything but Aeri by her side. But Oh Well, Deva also always spoils Aeri, covering her little diamond in as many pretty and shiny things she can get. An eagle, a golden one Aeri pins to the lapel of Deva's suit jacket as the leader eyes look down on it. Instinctly, Deva's fingers join Aeri's over the fabric of her suit, a tender smile on her lips. There is tenderness yes, love, warmth in Deva's hold on Aeri. "You do know me, my love. That's all I ever wanted for this day, my favorite meal... " Deva adds, her tone playful, her teeth biting down her bottom lip while her thumb caresses Aeri's skin tenderly. "And a delicious five course Gino's. Just the two of us. Nobody else." She then adds in a tranquil laughter, implying that Aeri Is her favorite meal. After Aeri takes a step back, they both admire the final work, the eagle is perfect, Devora's symbol and spiritual animal, as for the diamond, it does match with Aeri's. "Come here." Deva whispers, immedialy closing the distance again by catching Aeri's hands into hers. Aeri's arms wrapped around Deva's neck, they lips meeting into a kiss. A long, gentle, tender kiss. "I absolutely adore it and I absolutely adore you." It's a whisper against Aeri's lips. "It's perfect. Thank you my Lioness, my Diamond." Her forehead is locked against Aeri's. "I'm turning my phones off until the morning. Panem could be burning I wouldn't try and stop a damn rebellion. Tonight, I'm all yours and you're all mine."
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geaesaekki Β· 4 months
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Happy birthday Myungdae.
It isn't a first for Deva to be spending time here at the Rook's Roost. At first it would be to share a cup of coffee with Myungdae on a saturday morning before both tend to their busy days. Soon it turned into wednesday nights with Nell and Alfred as well, all around a beer and discussions that could last for hours. And tonight, for a special occasion. The coffeehouse is closed to the public for a small celebration with just the four of them : it's Myungdae's birthday. They all knew he did not want anything big out of it but at the same time, it meant too much to all of them to celebrate Myungdae they way they believe he should he celebrated. Around the table, a warm meal and beers are shared and now, it's time for presents. Each one of them has a little something for him. "My turn already? Alright, Alright." Deva speaks, putting her glass down. A natural smile is resting on her lips as she stands up and gets the package she has for him, stored under the table, and then, she hands it to him above the table. "I'm reaally proud of myself on this one, you know." Says Deva quite proud indeed, and eager to watch him unwrap it as she sits down again. "At first I wanted to get you a tie. An ugly one just to see our friendship is strong enough for you to wear it no matter how ridiculous the damn tie is-" She teases, her usual teasing side grin showing, a slow laughter following her words. "But then, I found this. And This is how strong our bond actually is. It made me nostalgic." This is what's hidden inside, it's a frame, a picture of them no less than ten years ago, prior to him becoming the Black Knight, prior to him having everyone from his past life removed, prior to him forging himself an entire new identity. There is gratitude from Deva, to have been trusted by him, first as an acquaintance when she was still a struggling reporter, then as a friend and finally, as his shadow in the media, head of the Chosun Ilbo bringing a a good light on the Black Knight's actions and killing all the rumors related to his rreal identity in the womb. When the framed picture is finally out, her eyes cannot help but to linger on it. They both were freshly turned 25 or was it 24 on the said picture. "I watch us at that age and I realize... Well first of all, fuck, these haircuts? Why did nobody say anything? It would have been for our own good." She jokes, her tone, amusing, and then, slowly gaining her serious back, with a hint of nostalgia still. "We didn't know what was coming our way huh. And after all that, we still are in each other's lives and that's the friendship, our friendship, I knew I needed in this life. I'm thankful for that.
Happy birthday."
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geaesaekki Β· 5 months
"Mmm by the way we got interesting mail today. We're both invited to your cousin's Event, for her art gallery isn't it? I imagine the entire Kang gang is going to be there. Do you want us to go? I don't mind spending an evening showing my beautiful wife off and reminding your brother how small he is. It's been a while since we haven't made fun of a man, I miss it." ( @stillresolved )
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geaesaekki Β· 5 months
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bold what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends.
holding hands Β· buying flowers Β· cooking Β· cuddles Β· writing a poem / song Β· holding door open Β· tying shoe laces Β· sharing a milkshake with two straws Β· offering their jacket when it's cold Β· kissing in the rain Β· publicly confessing love Β· long walks at the beach Β· doing the titanic pose on a boat Β· taking cute pictures in a photo booth Β· sharing a taxi / uber Β· kissing the back of their hand Β· slow dancing Β· getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other Β· introducing them to their parents ( Mmmm. ) Β· lighting candles Β· flower petals on bed Β· love letters Β· star gazing Β· brushing / doing their hair Β· picnics Β· teaching them to play an instrument / sport (fighting to death in a dungeon yes) Β· compliments Β· late night drives Β· taking selfies together Β· drawing them Β· self-made gifts Β· massages Β· proposing with a family heirloom ring Β· lending them their favorite book to read Β· paying for dinner / coffee Β· mixtapes / playlists Β· surprise birthday parties (she does hate surprises and parties but will go through it for her honeyboo) Β· feeding them Β· handing them keys to their apartment Β· making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over Β· sharing a blanket Β· couple costumes (she pretends she's not into them) Β· tucking a hair strand behind their ear Β· running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving Β· moving cities to be together Β· blowing a kiss Β· breakfast in bed Β· defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) Β· joint bubble baths Β· dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") Β· dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them Β· wearing their clothes Β· yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie Β· granting them the last bite (from meal)
Tagged by @kamipyre Tagging : @ofgentleresolve (Aeri), @clemencetaught (THG verse) @velvetineblue @mythvoiced (Maria)
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geaesaekki Β· 29 days
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               @clemencetaught sent :
β€œHave you been reading the tabloids lately?” He asks her rather nonchalantly while flipping to the next page of his book. As usual, they’re sharing the same train car on the journey over to the Capitol. β€œThey think we’re dating. Oh, and apparently you have a thing for bald men.” A glimmer of amusement flashes through his eyes. β€œShall I tell them anything else? Worst comes to worst, we can always tell them that your preferences also include men who wear socks with sandals.” ( and last but not least, devrick in the thg verse <3 <3 <3 okie that's all i got for now lynnie, but i'll be back with more :D HAVE A GOOD ONE IN THE MEANWHILE <3 <3 <3 )
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"Wait wait wait what- Already?" In a sharp move she puts her own book down and catches one of the tabloids placed on a pile she hasn't touched. Devora never reads any of these even after being advised multiple times to care about the public opinion. Him and her : dating? It has been discussed with the public relations team quickly after her victory : how to metamorphose her image from a bloody heartless soldier to an example for the young women in Panem. Having the 54th victor as a boyfriend appeared as the beginning of a strong strategy, an entire lore to give a better image to the games outcomes as well. Their public appearances as a "couple" has been discussed however Devora was not expecting the team to already make the move without her agreement. As a victor she has privileges but isn't quite in charge of everything she would want to be ... Yet. Two weeks ago, she has finally confessed her feelings to Aeri... What an unfair timing. Devora did not have the time to break the news of this fake couple strategy to her newly girlfriend before Aeri reads it all in PanemHotGoss - or whatever the magazines names are. She has to call her, later, when she's alone. Flipping the pages, Devora's annoyance couldn't be hidden, her features twisting in unease. "The first public appearance of the most coveted victors couple is spectulated to take place at the Capitol's Annual Autumn Ball. Ew. Fucking hell." Devora comments in disgust before looking at Patrick above the pages she's holding. "Don't get me wrong. You are ... adequate." She speaks to reassure him : it isn't the idea of being together with him that digusts her that much but the article itself. Devora's delivery of compliments also needs a little more of polishing. "I just do not like the angle they are using to make me more... What word did the PR team used - Relatable? I Am a fighter, I'm a soldier, I'm not some pretty bubbly tabloids girlfriend. If I have to stand as an example for my District, that is Not the example I want to give... Do I even have a choice." An heavy sigh. It will take years for her to forge her image and responsabilities the way she desires to. Thankfully Patrick is here to help her cool off, he makes her laugh too, which she appreciates. One silly line about bold men. "Fuck they really said that?" And his add on about socks in sandals, this one makes her laugh out loud. "Shut up." Devora speaks in an amused tone of course as she is still laughing. Her laughter trails off a bit as she marks a pause, her eyes still down on the pages, pensive. The tabloids said it "men ; Patrick said it too, "men". She breathes in. "I hm. I don't like men." Devora blurts not truly looking at him in the eye. He might be the first person she admits that to - first, it isn''t her type to open up about her privacy and secondly, the Capitol would never accept it. It must all remain a secret. Patrick, he understands right? Devora believes he does. They are friends now too, aren't they.
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geaesaekki Β· 30 days
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               @clemencetaught sent :
β€œI’ll be taking that.” Stepping out of the shadows, the Black Knight motions to the file in the CEO’s hand. Sure, he could leave this case to her; it’s not like she’d let the facts get twisted anymore than they already have been, but when has doing things the β€˜right’ way gotten the people anywhere?Β At this point, there’s no reason to place faith in the system. He pops his rapier out of its sheath. β€œBetter off not poking your nose into this one, Devora Song.” ( annnd now i'm coming from patrick's blog for devrick in her modern verse....time for an✨ alliance ✨ )
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The folder is snapped out of her fingers. How rude. The man facing her in the shadows is unexpected : the Black Knight, at such a place, at such a time of the night, he must be keeping an eye on her. The alley is dark and empty, only the distant noise of the cars and sirens echoing in the heart of the city. It causes Devora to shove her hands down her trench coat, eyebrow raised in skepticism, lip bitten in annoyance. "Haven't your mother taught you it's impolite to take what is not yours?" Devora understands however, the importance of what she has freshly gotten her hands on, a marvelous story incoming for the Chosun Ilbo, a highlight in her career if only he would just give it back. "Quite Naive of you to believe this might be my only copy or that I did not memorize every single line - just in the case - to make sure I will be the one to break the story. " Of course she is bluffing but her outstanding confidence, cunt and refusal to jump and snatch the folder back might do the trick. Negociations. "You do realize it's only a matter of time before the ratchet news grab the crumbs that are already out there and twist it all into a dumpster mess of misunformation and twisted facts. It will come out, better be in the Ilbo don't you think. My team and I have proved our integrity before - I would have thought after our many encounters you know would we do it Right. Leave it to me and I give you my word."
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geaesaekki Β· 30 days
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Β  devora,Β portraits.
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geaesaekki Β· 4 months
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Β  devora's wardrobe:Β  Β Miss Song.
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geaesaekki Β· 5 months
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you're a mentor β€” an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth β€” you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.
tagged by : @dollypardonne (Thank you love)
tagging : @stillresolved (Aeri<3)
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geaesaekki Β· 5 months
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"You tend to be oddly quiet when it is just the two of us. Perhaps even more in this time of the year." Devora is no naivety. If some would call her a cartasian who only relies on rules and never her intuitions or feelings, it has evolved over the years, as she perfectly can read between the lines of a silence. To state that her and Taiyang ( @velvetineblue ) haven't had many common points : maybe it's not just about that. Every year when Snow's council and Panem's ministries regroup in order to vote new laws for the Nation, Devora is invited to put in her vote as well, as a representant of the victors. "Don't you trust me? To honor our voice this year again? Is that it?"
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geaesaekki Β· 6 months
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Β  devora:Β  Β to rule.
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geaesaekki Β· 6 months
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